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Hellooo Everyoneee! I hope you´re doing great :D

Here´s chapter 12, I hope you like it. I´ll be honest, I feel this chapter´s kind of idk, random? But it gives place for better things on the upcoming chapters.

I really hope you enjoy it. And remember, any ideas or thoughts, you can leave a comment :)

Back at Jonathan´s place, his body was suffering the effects of the milk. As he remained sleeping, his body begins to shrink, his baggy clothes became even baggier. The mattress seemed to expand beneath him. But, as the shrinking continues, there´s something else going on, his face shows some signs of discomfort as he unconsciously guides his hands to his stomach.

Then, he turns to the side, with his eyes still closed, suddenly, a feeling of nausea kicks in. He opens his eyes, just to turn to the floor and vomit. He let´s it all out right next to his bed, even part of it fell over the sheets.

Turns out that, like Lillian said, he can easily digest the milk, but the burger, that´s another thing. The milk inside his body will be absorbed as he shrinks, which means that his stomach will always hold an amount lower than the one he originally ingested, but what happens to regular food?

Regular food takes it´s normal time to be digested, which means that, if his stomach shrinks, then the food will take up more space, it leads to the fact that he´ll be fuller. And the more he shrinks, the fuller he feels, so the burger he ate, the one that already made him feel kind of bloated, will take over more and more space.

He wasn´t done digesting the milk, but the burger was not being digested proportionally. Think of it as a balloon, the more air you pour in, the more it stretches; what would happen if it overstretches? It pops, but our body will not allow our stomach to pop, that´s why, it takes out the excess of food inside. Normally, vomiting.

Jonathan let out all of it, once he started vomiting, he couldn´t stop until his stomach was empty, or at least that´s what it felt like. He was still too tired, so he laid back on bed, he wasn´t fully conscious about what he was doing, but it was done. He let out all of the burger he ate and a generous amount of milk.

Apparently, he won´t be shrinking as much as Lillian thought, but still, he had already shrunk one bit, only time will tell how much he did. Right now, he was too tired to realize the bitter-acid taste on his mouth, so he closed his eyes and returned to sleep.

Meanwhile, Melissa kept calling. She was already off of work, so she had some free time. “I wonder how he is, he hasn´t answered, or returned my calls… not even a message…” she wondered as she scrolled on her phone. There seemed to be nothing back from Jonathan. She was curious, if he called then it meant he wanted to talk with her, so why wasn´t he answering?

She didn´t want to think that something bad happened to him, she decided to pay him a small visit, just to check that things are all right. “Maybe he´s on the bathroom, or… I don´t know, maybe he´s with that gigantic neighbor of his… let´s go see.” She said as she called a cab.

Before she noticed it, she was already walking on the front yard of Jonathan´s place. The sun was setting, giving the sky an orange-red color before it left and allowed the stars to shine in the night. Once she was at the door, she knocked.

*Knock* *Knock*

She waited, but then she noticed there was a doorbell. “Pfff, how silly, I didn´t see you there…” she thought as she pressed the button.

*Ding* *DONG*

She waited, but nothing happened, no movement was heard inside or even a reply saying “coming!”, things were getting kind of suspicious. Melissa decided to call, to see if he was home, maybe if his phone rang inside, she could hear it.

“Ok Jonathan, I´ll call you, but you better not be playing videogames with your headsets on, or else… oh my, I hope he´s ok…” she said as she dialed. Even if she wanted to play mad, she was too concerned to do it. She only wanted to make sure he was safe and sound.

The last time she saw him, he was about four feet tall, what if he shrank even further? Maybe he needed help and that´s why he called her. Or maybe, what if he passed out somewhere? What if he´s not home?

All these thoughts ran thru melissa´s mind as she peeked thru the window from outside. It was dark, so she couldn´t see much. The only thing she noticed was that his phone wasn´t ringing.

“Crap! Jonathan… where are you?” she said as she was now getting really worried. At first, she thought he only wanted to check on her, see if there had been any changes, but now, she feared something happened to him.

“That´s it!” she said, “I´m coming in… hopefully” she added. She was wondering how, maybe, there was a door at the back, or some open window, she wasn´t sure, but she will find a way. And then, the front door just opened as she turned the knob.

“Oh! That was easy…” she thought.

“Jonathan! *Knock* *Knock* I hope you don´t mind, the door was already open.” She said as she stepped in and closed the door behind her. Inside, it was dark, the only light she could see was the one coming from the kitchen.

Melissa checked there first, but he wasn´t there. Then, she made sure he wasn´t on the living room, where she spotted his phone. “Well, his phone´s here, so he should be here too… but where?” she wondered as she walked upstairs, most likely, he was on his room.

“You better be busy with something…” she said kind of mad, but then she thought, “I hope he´s ok…” she couldn´t lie, she was a really affectionate person, and Jonathan seemed to be such a nice guy. “Ok… I guess his room´s… this one!” she said as she opened a random door, lucky for her, it was the right one.

“Jona… What the!” she said as she found him, sleeping downside on his bed, with his face next to a vomit path that led to a puddle of vomit on the floor. “Gross!!!” she declared as she walked towards him, trying her best not to step on the vomit.

“How disgusting! You better not be drunk…” Melissa was mad, what if he was drunk and called her being guided by the effect of the alcohol. But there was something wrong, his head wasn´t as big as she remembered. He was covered with sheets, so she couldn´t tell how tall he was.

“Hold on…” she said as she lifted the sheets. “OH MY GOD! JONATHAN!” she saw him, he was very very short now, four foot tall seemed a really big number now, for what she could see, reaching three feet tall would be hard.

“Jonathan, wake up! Jonathan…” she said as she pushed his shoulder, trying to wake him.

Melissa was worried, but she succeeded. After a couple seconds, Jonathan´s eyes began to open. Little by little he woke up. He wasn´t ready yet, so he let out an audible yawn. He ignored what was going on or who woke him up.

He turned his eyes up at Melissa, who was looming over him. He has had really weird dreams in the past few days, so he wasn´t sure if this was one of them or if somehow, she came to his house. Who let her in anyway?

“Jonathan! Why is there so much vomit?” she asked now that he seemed to be waking.

“Vomit?” he said in a low sleepy tone.

“Yes, you vomit all over the place, but…” and she kept looking at him, trying to figure out how small he was or if he already knew of it.

Maybe he fell in despair and his only solution to deal with all this was to get drunk. That way he could escape of all the thoughts that could worry his mind, and once he was drunk he could just ignore the whole thing, or at least feel a different way about it. But he didn´t seem drunk, so why was there vomit?

He began to move, trying to sit on bed, or maybe step out of it, but she knew better that he´ll end up stepping in his own vomit.

“NOOO! Just, stay there…” she said as she turned, “but don´t fall asleep, just… wait.” She added, now realizing where the bathroom is. She stepped in, but found nothing to use to clean the floor.

“Where do you store the mop?” she asked stepping out of the bathroom.

“Oh uhm… it´s… downstairs, on the door next to the stairs.” He replied, still half awake.

“Ok, I´ll be back in a sec, but you… try not to step on the vomit, or the sheets.” She added.

A few moments later she came back with a mop and a bucket. She cleaned the whole thing and then told Jonathan to get up. By now, he was more than sure that this wasn´t a dream, and in time he was fully conscious, but he still felt as if he could sleep a little longer.

“Ok, get up.” She declared placing the mop in the bucket.

He did as he was told, but he realized one thing, the floor where he was about to stand, seemed to be lower than he remembered, as if they had added some extra inches to the bed, and that´s when it hit him. “Oh no!” he had to jump to get off bed. When he did, he didn´t like what he saw.

Melissa was standing right in front of him, but now, his eyes were looking straight into her pussy, just like they did with Lillian a few hours ago. Melissa was shocked by it. He had lost over a foot in height, in just about a day?

“Jonathan, what happened?” she asked with her eyes wide open.

He couldn´t reply, he was as shocked as her, or even more. He was sure this wasn´t some kind of dream, it was the real life, and now, he was looking straight into a woman´s feminine parts. And not a tall woman like Lillian, but an average woman.

Then he wondered, how tall will Lillian be? Did she shrink with the milk and was now about the same height as Melissa is? Or does she have some sort of antidote? Hold on, wasn´t Lillian here just a second ago? And what is he doing in his bed?

He didn´t realize it until now, but he was laying on the couch just a couple minutes ago. Then, he turned at the digital watch next to his bed, and he realized something. Those “few minutes” were in fact hours. He had been sleeping for a few hours now.

“Melissa, what´s going on?” he asked really freaked out.

“I don´t know, you tell me, I just arrived here and found you laying in bed, all vomited.” She replied.

Jonathan just turned to the side, he was full of questions, to which, Melissa won´t have the answer. She just passed him by, started picking up the sheets from his bed and said: “Ok, we´ll figure this out, but first, I´m gonna need you to show me where the washing machine is… and once these sheets are in it, we´ll measure you.” She declared. Jonathan didn´t like what he heard.

After placing the sheets on the washing machine, Melissa told Jonathan to go get changed and wash his face. She seemed slightly demanding now, but maybe that was just her knowing what to do in this case. But still, she could´ve said it in a different way.

When Jonathan arrived to the bathroom, he realized one thing. He couldn´t reach. It was obvious, his head didn´t even reach the sink of the bathroom, so he did the only thing he could think of, ask for help. “MELISSAAAA!” he yelled is a worried tone.

Seconds later, he could hear footsteps rushing all the way to where he was. He turned to the door and saw Melissa approaching, he couldn´t deny that he took a slight glance at her boobs, bouncing as she stopped right under the door frame. She had a concerned look on her face, she asked: “What? Are you ok?”

“Melissa, I… I can´t reach.” He declared.

She stood on a more relaxed posture, as she realized what he was saying, of course he couldn´t reach. How come she didn´t thought of it before. She took a deep breath and said: “Ok, I´ll help you.” Thinking how silly she was for sending him all the way there to do something he of course couldn´t.

She took a towel, open the tab and washed it. Then, with the slightly wet towel, she leaned and cleaned his face. Jonathan felt ridiculous, why would a 26-year-old need someone else to clean his face. He could´ve take a shower instead, but he realized it just now.

But this wasn´t half bad. Melissa was right in front of him, wiping his face with a tender smile. He just stared at her big bright eyes as she did. It felt nice. For a moment, a warm feeling filled his chest.

“Ok, it´s done.” She declared as she stood up. For Jonathan, seeing her rise was something really amusing. He freaked out, but still, he was now dumbfounded. He couldn´t believe he was about waist level with her, maybe even below that.

“T-thanks.” He declared.

She smiled and said: “You´re welcome… now that everything´s clean, let´s measure you.” Jonathan didn´t like those words. He already knew he was short, but he didn´t want to find out how short.

“Uhmm, couldn´t we like… skip that part?” he asked fearing what was coming.

“No, we can´t. Come on, you´ll be standing on the wall while I do the work, it´s not that hard.” He figured out that even if he refused, she´ll insist until she got what she wanted.

“Fine…” he said with a sad tone.

“Done.” Spoke Melissa as she made the mark on the wall. Jonathan was worried, but as she turned to pick up the measuring tape, he couldn´t help but to stare at her butt. Her cheeks stood taller than his head, nonetheless, he could stare straight at her swaying ass as she walked. At least he had a small advantage after all.

“Ok, step aside…” she then turned and stretched the tape to check how tall he was now.

She opened her eyes widely as she simply said: “Wow…” Jonathan was unsettled by those words, so he approached, and he tried his best to hide his anxiety, but he couldn´t completely hide it in the tone of his voice.

“What?! Ehm, whatdoesitsay?” he spoke too fast, making it hard for her not to notice he was freaking out.

“Ok Jonathan, calm down, it´s ok. There´s no need to worry, just listen to my words…” she turned at him and bent. With her that way, he wasn´t even level with her shoulders, but he listened as she spoke.

“Just, take a deep breath, ok?” he nodded and did as she said.

“Well, you are… 2´7”.” He swallowed hard.

“T-two f-feet?” he asked.

She placed one hand over his head and as she caressed his hair, she said: “Yes, two feet seven inches…” she didn´t like his reaction, part of her felt really sad for him.

But this was it, Jonathan wasn´t even 3 feet tall anymore. He didn´t want to figure that out, but it will be inevitable, sooner or later, the truth had to come out. He figured out that he could lie to himself, if Lillian was the only person who visited him, he could pretend that he was just short because she was so tall, but with Melissa there, it was just not that way. Even Melissa, who stood at 5´6”, was a complete giant next to him.

“No no no no no…” he repeated to himself as he placed both hands on his head, as a sign of despair.

Melissa couldn´t take it, she just listened to her senses as she found herself hugging him. She held him tight as she spoke. “Calm down, it´s fine, don´t worry, just… just breathe, ok, take a deep breath and then let it all out.”

“But, how? I mean, just look at this, look at ME!” he said pointing at him, “You´re huge! And I´m just… just… you know what I mean, we both know you´re not on the tall side, and yet, I´m not even as tall as you kneeled, this is absurd…” he spoke, letting all his fears out.

Melissa knew he needed to let things out, so she stood there, listening to him for a while, until, he spoke his last words.

“And worst of all, we don´t know what´s the cause of this.” They didn´t, but they had their suspects.

Those words plugged something in her head. She had an idea. “Ok, we´re not sure, right, but… why don´t we make a test, you know, to see the real cause.”

“Ok, so we´re testing?” he asked.

“Well… have you drank from the milk?” she asked.

Jonathan swallowed as he turned at her. “You did, haven´t you?” she asked.

He just nodded, feeling ashamed.

“Ok, let´s do this… why don´t you… I got it, why don´t you stop having the milk for a while, you know, we´ll see if you stop shrinking with the absence of it.”

“Ok but, how can we be sure? I mean, you drank from it and you seem normal.” He said.

“Well, that´s true… I mean, yes… but, remember I just took a sip of it, what if we, well I, what if I drink a bigger amount, let´s say… a full glass?” he rose his eyebrows at her idea, as she smiled to his reaction. This felt much more like a plan than the one they had before.

Minutes later, they were both on the kitchen, and he opened the fridge to pull out the gallon. He struggled to even pull the door, but he got it now; although, he had to carry the half full gallon with both hands.

“Let me help you.” Melissa declared as she took hold of it, of course, with one hand.

Then, she poured the liquid on a glass. Jonathan was looking at her attentively as she proceeded with it. It seemed as some sort of experiment. He just watched as she swallowed and swallowed. The creamy liquid was flowing thru her body all the way to her stomach, she couldn´t lie, it was in fact very tasty.

Before she knew it, she had drunk the whole glass. “Oops, I guess I couldn´t help it, it´s actually pretty good, it´s from a store nearby, right?” Jonathan just nodded.

They drew a mark on the wall before she drank from the milk, to have a reference for when the effects showed up; that´s if there was something to show up.

She stood in front of the mark, but her head was still at the same level. So, they waited, maybe half an hour, and tried again; still, no changes.

“Ok, what if… I have more?” she asked.

Jonathan just nodded, he remembered that whenever he had the milk, he couldn´t resist it and he ended up drinking quite a lot.

She poured another glass, and started drinking, the taste was surreal, so sweet, so thick, she couldn´t help but enjoy every drop of it. Just like that, another glass flew by.

“Tasty… what about, another, just to make sure.” She said, making it hard not to look as if she had actually enjoyed it.

She poured a third glass and drank it. Jonathan could see a smile on her as she swallowed. Her eyes were closed as a sign of pleasure. He wasn´t sure if this was still part of the experiment or if she was just enjoying it.

Then, she placed the glass on the table. “Ok, let´s wait, maybe, another couple minutes, and if nothing shows up… perhaps, another glass won´t hurt.” She said enjoying the sweet flavor her mouth still had.

“Hold on, don´t you think it´s a bit too risky to drink so much of it? I mean, what if… I don´t know, what if it takes longer to show, you wouldn´t wanna end up like… me.” He spoke those last words with some sorrow. And Melissa noticed.

“Ok…” she smiled, “I´ll hold on. But don´t be sad, there´s nothing wrong with you, just… just try not to worry so much, ok?” she said as she bent placed one hand on his shoulder.

They waited for an hour, but when she stood in front of the mark, she noticed no change. “Hmm, how weird, maybe there´s nothing wrong with the milk.” She thought as she then felt kind of tired. *Yaaawn* “Oh, I guess I´m kind of tired, but it´s too early” she declared. She decided to ignore it for now.

“Jonathan, would you like some dinner?” she asked, she knew he wouldn´t be able to fix himself anything, not even if he tried it, so she´ll do it for him.

“Sure.” He said.

“Ok… but when someone offers you dinner, you have to thank them.” She spoke, she was a guest, yes, but she was cooking for him, at least, he could be grateful.

“Thank you!” he yelled from the living room.

Melissa smiled at her small victory and headed to the kitchen. But before, she let out another yawn.

“Well, I guess, *yawn*, I guess I´ll fix something and then leave, I have work tomorrow. I can´t stay here, even if Jonathan needs to much help. Poor guy, but I guess he´ll be ok until tomorrow… maybe I can come back too.” She spoke as she grabbed a pan.



Hopefully there's amazing growth ahead!


When's the next chapter out?