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Chapter 8

“This isn´t fair!” Kyle declared, looking up at Aurora, with anger in his eyes.

Aurora looked down at him, boredom in her eyes, so cynical. “So? Why should I be fair with you? You´re nothing more than a superficial man who´s insecure when a taller woman comes around you. Ranting her just for being taller than you. Hating her for your own insecurities.”

“That´s not true! I don´t hate tall women, I just…” he started.

“Envy them? Hmm? You just with you were as tall. Your frail masculinity doesn´t allow you to look beyond their size?” Aurora declared, bending over a bit so that she came closer to him in a very imposing way.

“N-no, that´s… that´s not true!” he wanted to save himself, or at least prove her wrong.

“Not true? Please, don´t lie to me, Kyle. You´re mad because you´re not as tall as you wished. You´re mad because you´re not amongst the tall men in the room. You´re annoyed. And what do you do? You act as if height was not a big deal. But, at the same time, at every chance, you change the conversation towards that. Who cares about the average height? Who cares about tall genetics? No one really cares if they could be taller, if they should be shorter. No one, but you!” She poked his chest with the long, manicured nail on her finger.

“I… I don´t. I just…” he tried to save himself, but the assertive giantess in front of him knew better. She knows that, all she says, it´s true. And he´s got no way to get out of this.

Kyle´s cornered, there´s no chance he can get out of this. Now, he´ll have to listen to the 6´3” giantess as she describes him in a way he never could. Describing him as a villain, and not just someone sharing his opinion.


“Face it, someone had to put you in your place. And everyone´s too nice to say something. People just choose to ignore your words. You know why? Because, deep down, they don´t care. Life goes on, being over six-feet, slightly shorter, not even close. No one really cares, they know that´s the way it is. But you, oh, you had this coming. And now, you´ll shrink, slowly, until you understand.” Aurora´s words stung him, he swallowed.

“Did… is it… is it because I was rude in our date?” He asked, “Listen, I´m sorry, if I offended you, I am…” he was trying to save himself by appealing to her soft side. By apologizing, admitting he was wrong. Because that´s what she wants, right?

“Oh, hahaha, don´t think I care? I was just looking for a fun time, I didn´t really cared who I dated. But, what you gave me, THIS, oh, this is much funnier than just a date.” She doesn´t want an apology? She only wants to have fun? At his expenses!

Aurora doesn´t really need him to learn his lesson. This will go on for as long as she wants it to.


This was all for her entertainment? Aurora was doing this only because she wanted to? This will go on for as long as she wants it to?!

How long is that? When will she get bored? Kyle´s world crumbled. Wasn´t this also selfish? She´s doing this for her own amusement? There´s no actual lesson here?

Kyle was speechless. After that, the room went silent. And shortly after, Aurora just left. Not before telling him that she´ll be back soon. Just to check on him personally.

Kyle´s worried. There´s no way to tell when this will end. His boss is aware of this, not why, but she knows the benefits she can get from this. This is torture, a slow torture. An after each passing day, things only seem to get worse.

Will there be a point when everyone notices? So far, no one has said a thing about his height, but soon, someone will.


Kyle stands at 5´7”, that´s four-inches less than his original height. Four inches is a lot, based on height, it´s a noticeable difference.

The only one, or at least the first one, who would point this out could be him. In a regular scenario and if this wasn´t his problem. Now, will someone else say anything? And if they do, could that make him even shorter?

He knows his exact height, but what if someone was to say he was 5´6”? or shorter? That would cost him. And all it takes for anyone is to say it, mere words can ruin his day. A mere sentence, a mere assumption, said out loud, will shrink him.

Everyone will be unaware of it, everyone but someone… his boss. If there´s someone who´ll use this for their own, if someone will take a benefit out of this, that will be his boss.

And she´s done it, boosting herself up to six-feet-tall. That´s a five-inch growth! And she´s not just taller, she´s thicker, sexier. Her mature curves are even bigger, thicker, firmer. Her figure is more alluring, her body is so sensuous.

Is he a fountain of youth as well? She looks better, as if she had de-aged enough to make her prettier. She still looks mature, but with a fresher look. A smoother skin, less imperfections.

There´s no chance she´ll let him go. His main worry is that she´ll share this with someone. But could she? He knows she´s a selfish woman, and kind of ungrateful. She only thinks on herself, and about what she can do to gain something.


And he´s not wrong. Back at her place, Mrs. Sinclair looks at herself in the mirror.

She´s looking at her naked body, checking out her new shape. So firm, so thick, so sensuous. She´s modeling, turning, posing, checking out every angle of her expanded figure.

“Nice…” she said, with a wicked smile on her face.

She knows there´s clear benefits about this, for her, of course. She´s sexier, she´ll drag more men´s attention to her. She´ll have it easier to seduce anyone. Back then, she wasn´t so bad, but now, this was like a game. And she had an ace under her sleeve.

And if she needs anything else, she knows exactly where to go. More like, whom…

“Ok, let´s see, what can I do with him?” she wondered. Does she want to get taller? To make her butt bigger? Her boobs bigger? This is all linked to growth, right? She won´t get any more curvaceous unless she grows taller. But, does she mind?


Mrs. Sinclair is the boss, how about being taller? Being a literal figure of authority? Looming so tall above most, imposing, dominant. That´s something she´d like. So far, things are good, but they could be better…


Kyle had a hard time last night. He reflected on all of the things he could´ve changed. About things he could´ve done different.

In the end, the only thing he should´ve avoided was to make the tall witch mad. Not to mess with her. But who would´ve thought she´d cast a spell on him? Who would´ve anticipated this?

To him, the worse-case scenario, was to get her drink thrown at him, poured slowly over his head, maybe over his lap. Who knows, but he never really thought something like this would happen.


Now, he´s on his way to his desk. Kyle´s got an idea, to avoid people making questions, he´ll just sneak to his desk and avoid any other interaction.

It was a nice strategy, if no one saw him while standing, then no one will notice he´s shorter. He could text his friends, so that they don´t think he´s disappeared. So that they don´t get concerned and start looking for him. He could send a text to Jim, complaining about a huge load of work.

Probably he can escape everyone until Aurora gets tired of him. What will it take? Another bad date? Maybe the next guy who pisses her off is right around the corner, maybe she´ll move on and forget about him. Remove this spell.

But that´s the thing, a down-side on this. What if she forgets about revoking the spell? What if he´s doomed to a whole life of shrinking?

The mere thought of this stressed him. And it only caused him to rush to his desk. It only made him run, move, to escape everyone. The least they knew, the better. And if no one notices, then that´s perfect.


But there was a small issue, something he´s already thought about, but wasn´t actually hoping it´ll happen…

ring ring

That was his cell-phone. _Which should be in silent mode, or at least buzzing, not ringing.

The sound made a few people turn as he walked down the hall, but no one he really knew, so no one cared. They just turned at the sudden sound.

Kyle pulled the phone out and answered.

“Yes?” he asked, when in reality he wanted to complaint as to why she was calling him.

“Good morning, Kyle. I assume you´re already at the office, given the fact that you´re ten minutes away from the beginning of your shift.” That was no other than his boss.

Why was his boss calling him? Why so early? Kyle was puzzled, and also concerned. Was this something important? Something urgent? Was this related to his growth/shrinking powers? Hopefully, he won´t shrink.


He doesn´t really care about how tall his boss gets. He´s more concerned about the shrinking punishment. As long as he does what she asks, he should be fine. As long as he complies, there shouldn´t be any problem to him.

If she wants to become a real-life giantess, that´s on her. He´s doomed to do as she says, to do what she asks him to.

In the end, he´ll only have to make her taller, right? What else could she want?


“I need you to come to my office, right now.” She instructed.

“Sure, I´m on my way.” He replied.

He even wondered, could this work through the phone? Can his boss shrink him through the phone if he refuses?

And, what if he quits? What if he never meets her again? He can run, escape. He can move into another city, another state, even another country! Maybe he could even start over.

A place where no one knows who he is, and where no one knows how tall he is. That could save him some trouble, but the plan itself sounds like a lot of trouble… maybe as a last resource.


Now, Kyle was on his way to his boss´s office, again.

Wasn’t he there yesterday? What could Mrs. Sinclair want? More growth? Already?


Kyle had no idea, the only thing he knew was that he had to be fast. Mrs. Sinclair is really strict, she´d probably give him a hard time if he makes her wait. For as much as he hated this, he had to please her…

Within no time, he knocked at her door.

“Come in!” She said from inside.

As Kyle entered, he spotted Mrs. Sinclair, standing in front of her desk, and next to her, there was this other woman. A woman he doesn´t really know, but he´s sure he´s seen her before.

She looks more mature than Mrs. Sinclair, more than her former self, before the “changes”. And she´s fairly thicker, a robust woman, probably due to her age, or maybe not, he´s unsure, and it doesn´t really matter.


“Oh, you really asked him to come, I thought it was all just a joke and that you didn´t want to share your real secret, Cristina.” The other woman said.

“A joke? You know me, when have I ever joked around with you? No, this is real, this guy right here, he´s special…” Mrs. Sinclair said as she walked towards Kyle. “Close the door, Kyle.” She instructed as he approached.

He did as he was told, confused, but certain that she´s shared some delicate information about him with this lady, whoever she is.


“I´m sure you know her already, at least who she is.” Mrs. Sinclair started, “She´s Mrs. Foster. My boss, and also your boss.” She explained.

Yes, he´s seen her before. She´s Patricia Foster, Mrs. Sinclair direct boss. She´s basically in charge of managing every company on the state.

“Nice to meet you. I… I´m Kyle.” He introduced himself to the lady.

“Oh, honey, she doesn´t care about your name, you´re here because we need something from you. Well, I need something, and I was hoping you could show my boss as well…” Mrs. Sinclair started.

What does she want? Well, isn´t that obvious? The other woman, Mrs. Foster, she seems so eager to see.


“Pay attention,” Mrs. Sinclair said to Mrs. Foster. “Kyle, I´m sure you´ve noticed the way my new clothes fit.” He hasn´t stopped to look at that.

Mrs. Sinclair went on and made a purchase on her own. Kyle´s taste in clothes was… not enough. She went on and bought herself some new items, plenty, enough for this week at least.

He stopped to look at her clothes. He could see a pencil skirt, nylons; no heels, who knows why. And a blouse.

“What do you think?” Mrs. Sinclair asked as she kind of modeled them for him, “aren´t they a little… baggy?” she asked.

“Baggy?” Well, they surely seem to fit, but she´s right, they look like a size bigger. Not something meaningful, but still, she seems to have a point.

“That´s right, I bought them last night, but I think I went a little too far. Now, this is a perfect chance to show my boss about your… special abilities. I´d like you to fix this for me.”

“Fix it?” he asked. Usually, that´ll mean changing the clothes for a size smaller, but he knows what she wants.

“That´s right. What do you think? Maybe… a two-inch growth should make them fit?” she asked.

“I… I think so…” all the while, Mrs. Foster was looking at both with attention.


Ever since she arrived, Mrs. Foster noticed something different on Mrs. Sinclair. She seemed younger, and not just that, her whole body seemed so different. More… seductive.

And on top of it all, she also seemed taller. When she asked for an explanation, Mrs. Sinclair gave her an easy answer. She found someone who could do it.

And to earn some points with the boss. A raise, maybe a promotion, she was willing to share.


“So, knowing I´m six-feet-tall, do you think I´d look better at… 6´2”? Hmm? I mean, what do you think? How tall do you think I am?” Mrs. Sinclair said, giving him the chance to response.

“Yes. I… you do look like you´re 6´2”, ma´am.” He declared, and those words were all she needed…


Mrs. Foster looked at Mrs. Sinclair with close attention. And then, Mrs. Sinclair turned at her, to show her. As she walked, to give her a better view, she could realize that she wasn´t lying.

Before her eyes, she expanded. The first thing she noticed was how her bosom filled out her top, how her swelling breasts became firmer, how they stretched the fabrics of her shirt.

And her skirt, her thickening thighs filled it out. Her rounding butt stretched the fabrics of the skirt for a perfectly tight fit.

“Mmmm-my, they do fit better…” she said, feeling how her bra became tight, and how her thong sank in between her larger glutes.

When Kyle entered, both ladies were about the same height. Although, Mrs. Foster was wearing four-inch heels. But now, Mrs. Sinclair, on her bare feet, was taller than her.

“No way…” Mrs. Foster said, looking up at Mrs. Sinclair, “look at you! And… and your face!” her lips thickened a little, her cheek-bones were slightly more prominent, she looked sensuous. “I… my turn!” she declared.

“Of course.” Mrs. Sinclair said as she turned at Kyle. “Kyle, how tall do you think she is?” she asked.

Mrs. Foster liked this, but she took a chance to make a request. If he´s the one who tells, then he´ll say what she wants. “Don´t you think I´m taller than her? Say… how about… how about 6´4”?” she asked.

Mrs. Sinclair turned immediately at her boss. A bit confused, but shocked.

Mrs. Foster smiled and said: “What? The taller, the better, right? I´m pretty sure that´s how this works, am I wrong?” she was kind of right. “Now, say it!” She declared, speaking only to Kyle.

Kyle was unsure, should he do such a thing? Wasn´t that too much? Well, if she wants that, he shouldn´t really mind.

“I think… I think you are 6´4”, ma´am.” Kyle declared. A part of him hated making women so tall. They were amazons! Yet, he knows better to do what they want. In the end, it´s their choice.


Before his eyes, Mrs. Foster became taller, and taller. Her clothes were already tight due to her thicker figure, and as she expanded, her curves became thicker.

However, there was a different effect on her as well. Since she was kind of chubby, her waist slimed down. As if she was losing weight, or was it that the weight was going into the right places?

She didn´t became thin, but her body molded into the one of a curvaceous woman. A woman with an incredibly big butt, and some immense breasts.

Kyle watched as this woman grew taller and taller. She kicked off her shoes, they became too tight, and still, she kept going up, and up…

She surpassed Mrs. Sinclair, and just when she reached 6´4”, she stopped.


Her skin, her features, her hair, everything looked better. And her body, she was still a thick woman, but with a more sensuous body. Thick in all of the right places, still thicker than Mrs. Sinclair! And it all made her look even bigger!

Maybe her clothes no longer fit, but she feels better. Stronger, younger, sexier!

She smiled and ran her hands over her new body, then, she turned at Kyle, and said: “Mmmm, I wonder what else you can do…” He swallowed.



I wonder what else he can do, too. If you’re taking suggestions from the peanut gallery: stronger! Smarter! Richer! Great chapter!


I hope the next paragraph in the next chapter will be get shorter.


Amazing suggestion! Glad you liked the chapter, I have some ideas, but I do need an idea for a new character. Or, that things stay between him and his boss. Either works to be honest ;D


Don´t mean to drop any spoilers here, but it´ll be something spicy ;D