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Chapter 9

The date was not going as Jesse planned. He seems not to have anything in common with his date.

Eva seems as if she was just… bored. He was trying his best to find something in common, to make small-talk, he´d take anything! But she just seems as if she didn´t want to be there.

On the other hand, Corrie and Brian were having a not-so-bad-time, in fact, you´d think they are hanging out pretty well.


Brian has always been waiting for this chance, to show Corrie just how good he was. A chance for her to know him, a chance to chat out of the office. To talk about other things rather than reports and paper work. A chance to show him his true self.

And, taking a little advantage that things were going so well, he decided to talk to her in private.


“Jesse, I´ll be back in a moment, ok?” Corrie whispered as Brian was already standing.

Jesse nodded, there was no problem in that, although… there was.

This is a double-date. Which means that he doesn´t have to take care of entertaining everyone, however, with Brian gone… how will things come up?

He´s been the one sharing stories, making this a more pleasant night. But now, he´ll be gone. And Corrie will be gone too. How is he going to talk with this lady? Eva doesn´t seem interested, at all! He was already looking forward to the long, uncomfortable silence.


Now, in a more private place, on a lost corner of the restaurant. Away from people´s eye, Brian was making Corrie a proposal.

“You know, I´m really liking how things are going.” He said.

“Me too. Well, Jesse doesn´t seem to be having the best of times…” Corrie admitted.

“Oh, don’t worry. Eva´s a nice lady, a bit quiet, but she´s kind. He´ll be fine. But, there´s something I´d like to talk to you about…” She was listening…


What was Brian´s proposal? Well, it involved him, Corrie, and a nice room at some hotel.

The way he managed to seduce her. It was kind of brilliant. Clever even. For someone who´s almost a whole foot shorter than her, he managed to catch her attention.

Corrie wasn´t sure, but this seemed fine. Besides, she´s been so tense lately, maybe she needs it.

“Ok, we´ll go. But we must come back.” Corrie said.

“You want to?! I mean, sure! We´ll, uhm… we can make it work.” He was hoping things could be more romantic. To spend a long night next to her. But anything´s better than nothing.


“Jesse, Brian and I have to… take a quick trip to the office. Something came up and we need to go. But we´ll be back soon.” Corrie explained.

Jesse didn´t like the sound of those words. Brian and her were gone for about fifteen minutes, and that felt like an eternity!

Eva didn´t seem interested, at all, in him or whatever he had to say. This was his most uncomfortable date so far. He feels the constant pressure of making things work, but after each try, they just don´t!

“You´ll be gone?” He asked, a bit worried.

“I´m afraid so, but we´ll be back soon. I promise.” Corrie said.

“OR, not too soon, they, uhm… it seemed REALLY important, you know.” Brian interrupted.

“We´ll be back. Don´t worry.” Oh, he´s worried.


Corrie and Brian were gone, in the search of a peaceful and private hotel room. He can barely hold himself.

In the meantime, Jesse was left alone with his date, Eva. The quiet lady. He could swear that, every time she glances at him, her eyes judge him.


“So… what a weather we´re having, huh?” He said. The weather was his last chance of having a decent chat.

“Meh, it´s been the same for a while…” Eva replied.

“Yeah, it… it has.” He added.

“Mhmm…” and she sighed.


This is it, reality. The dating world may not be meant to him. Or, could it?

Who knows what Brian told Eva, maybe she had some other idea of him. This was a double-date, but it might as well be a blind date. None of them knew each other. Brian and his sister do, but not him and Eva. They were just total strangers who had nothing in common.


Once again, Jesse felt worried. He felt lonely. This wasn´t as bad as his last date, but it was certainly not a pleasant experience. Things were not going his way, but when have they? In fact, will they even do?

His last date stood up on him. The previous one had some… different ideas of a relationship. And the first date, well, it seems like he´s fallen on that again. A lady who´s not interested, but who´s at least polite enough not to leave him.

So, this is it? Is he not good enough? Hasn´t he tried hard enough? Maybe he hasn´t. But he´s giving his best. Jesse let out a sigh from his chest. He was not going to cry, not again, this wasn´t that bad. But his face couldn´t hide the sorrow he had.


“Are you ok?” Eva asked. Finally, she speaks to him.

Jesse turned up at her. The 6´3” woman before him. Maybe that´s the problem, maybe ladies are too big. Perhaps, they are not looking for a guy like him.

“I am, it´s just…” Well, he already seemed to have an answer, he might as well ask. “I´m afraid I´m not the guy you were… expecting.” He confessed.

Well, Brian said Corrie was a 6´8” amazon, and since Eva would date the amazon´s brother, she was hoping that, at least, she´d meet a 6´6” guy. But Jesse´s 5´5”. She´s not saying he´s not enough, but she was hoping to see more of him.

“No, well, it´s not like that.” She said, she might be bored, but she wouldn´t want to hurt his feelings.

“It´s fine, these dates my sisters plan, they never come up so good. I mean, I get it, you´re tall, and I´m just… short.” He declared.

“Height… listen, there´s women who date shorter men. You know, tall queens and their short kings. It´s just that… I thought you´d be a little… taller.” Eva said.

“A little? Or a lot? I know my sister Corrie, actually both my sisters, they are very tall ladies. Maybe you´re disappointed I´m just… the odd one of the family.”

Ok, she hurt his feelings. That´s not something she´d want to carry in her mind.


Eva couldn´t lie. She was expecting a tall, handsome man. Jesse´s good looking, he´s only missing the -tall- part. She can´t deny she´s had it easy, being this tall doesn´t make it simple to find a man to date.

But, is it so bad to wish to find a man who´s taller than her? If not, at least about her height. Someone over six-feet-tall would be enough.

The problem is, Jesse´s, well, way below that limit. It´s not like she´s mad, or disappointed, she had some high hopes, and as soon as she met him, they vanished. She thought about meeting a nice guy, a tall one, but that didn´t happen.

Still, shouldn´t she give him a chance? At least he deserves that. She can´t be like all those men who rejected her just because she was too tall. Else, she´d be just like them. Judging people for their height.


“Listen, you´re not… there´s nothing wrong with that, ok? You´re just… different. We´re all different. And there´s nothing wrong with that.” Eva said, trying to make things right.

“Are you sure? Because, I can´t help but to think that you´re a little… disappointed.” He can tell, it´s easy.

“I mean… ok, I´m not gonna lie. I was hoping to meet a nice guy who was taller than me. If I met one who was so much taller that I could wear heels, then that´s fantastic. But, at this point, I should know better. Listen, I´m sorry if I hurt your feelings. Trust me, I´ve been where you are, left aside because of my height. And I should know better. Now, if you allow me, I´d like it if we could start over.” She can´t do to others what others have done to her, it´s not so nice to feel judged.

“Start over?” He asked.

“Yes, let´s talk, for real this time.” It would be so nice…


Now, as things seem to go in a much better way for Jesse, things are also going quite nicely for Corrie.

We could say, much more nicely…


They found a place, picked a room and now, they were about to get wild! But not after some threats from Brian.

“MMMM, OHHH! Yes! Right there…” Corrie moaned. She was feeling pleasure, some deep pleasure… on the neck.

“You like it, don´t you?” Brian said, on his knees, behind her.

Corrie was sitting by the edge of the mattress, and Brian was giving her a nice massage. His hands can work miracles.

“Oh, I love it. Who would´ve thought you´d be so… ohh, so good with your hands.” Corrie felt so good.

“Well, that´s another thing you didn´t know about me, I give very good massages. But, trust me, I can make other parts of you feel this nice. Even… better.” He purred.

All Brian needed, all he wanted, was a chance. He´s been working hard on finding ways to please women. Cooking, massages, making his chats fun. He´s been preparing for this moment.

And all he´s been waiting for, was a chance. A chance to be with a tall lady. An amazon! He just loved everything about a woman so much taller.


Corrie was a statuesque woman. Standing at 6´8” she was almost a whole foot taller than him. But height was not the only thing about her.

Her body, she had the body of a muse. A goddess! So tall, so voluptuous, so gorgeous! He quivers every time she gets into the room. Even now, Brian can´t believe this is happening. He can hardly control his urges. She´s so pretty, and to be allowed to touch her body! Her sensuous body! This is a dream!

Corrie´s perfect, to him, she´s perfection. Smart, pretty, tall! She´s everything he´s been looking for. Now, this doesn´t mean things will go somewhere, but if there´s a point where to begin, this might as well be it.


Corrie never truly gave him a chance, she´s been holding for the right guy. Just like Eva, she was hoping to meet her blue prince. But he´s taking so long… she might as well let herself go, just this once…

“You know, I never thought I´d say this, but I´m really glad we went out.” Corrie said, her voice so relaxed, so soothed by the hands on her shoulders.

“Me too! I mean… I´m glad as well.” He got a little too excited at first. He better calm down before he gets too excited up.

The night´s young, there´s still plenty of time…


Brian didn´t waste his chance with Corrie. She was a muse, his muse!

As he massaged her shoulders, he slowly pulled the dress. Little by little, with gentle, subtle movements, he began to unzip it. He began to remove it.

He discovered her shoulders, as she moaned in pleasure due to the massage, he took the chance to kiss her bare shoulders. And as soon as he realized he was allowed to get this far, he kept going.

Slowly, taking her clothes off. Corrie noticed, and as she did, she accommodated her body. She moved so that the dress fell off of her body. She kicked off her shoes, and then, she turned.

She was looking at him, so provocative as she was now only wearing under wear. Her eyes, this was the first time he could see desire on her eyes.

“Your turn.” She declared. She was not going to be the only one getting naked.


She came over him, and they kiss. Brian´s lips met her thick, sensuous lips. He froze to the touch of her body. Her bosom, her big bosom, resting on his chest as she slowly pinned him down.

Corrie was all over him, kissing him while unbuttoning his shirt. The sound of their lips, that´s all he could hear as she pulled his pants down.

The touch of her body, the tender touch of her warm body. She was so big, this was just what he´s been waiting for.

Brian could feel the contrast on their bodies. The size difference between them. Corrie´s legs were longer, much thicker. He could feel her plump thighs around his torso.

And her breasts, so big, so round. Her breasts bounced as she moved over him. Right now, he was beneath the body of a hungry amazon. One that had her eyes on him. It seems that, finally, she´ll give him the night of passion he´s been waiting for.


Her curves, the smooth, large curves on her body. So feminine, so tender, and so large. Corrie´s body was imposing, her thickness was so sensual. So erotic.

Her body, her butt was so juicy to the eye. Her legs were shapely, long. Her naked body was marvelous, she was a goddess, there´s no denial on that. The way she moves, the elegance of her body´s movements. The way she caresses his body.

Brian quivers, deep inside, he trembles after her touch. Her soft body, on top of his. Her naked body, such a tease on it´s own, and yet, she holds nothing back.


Love, they made love, in such a gentle way. It was slow, it was hot, it was a dance! An orchestra made only by the sound of their breathing, their moaning. Pleasure fueled their bodies as they danced over the mattress.

His fingers sank on her flesh, his hands caressed her body. She was too much, and at the same time, she was not enough! He wanted more, more!

He squeezed her breasts, gently, her moaning, she liked it. And this kept going until both met their climax. Until they were both spent.


“Ok…” she took a deep breath, “let´s… take five, and get back.” She was pleased, but the night wasn´t over.

Well, he thought, it was worth it.


But things were not just good for these two. Back at the restaurant, Jesse was finally having a good time.

Things changed, it was easier to talk to Eva now. He relaxed, let all of his worries slip away and just talked to her as he would normally do. No need to be shy, no need to force things, he could just talk to her as he normally would.

“So, both your sisters have been… setting you up on dates?” Eva asked.

“Yeah, and… I know, it´s a little lame…” he admitted, with a small smirk on him.

“Lame? Why would it? I think it´s cute. Not everyone does that, you know. They care for you.” Eva said, now taking a sip of her drink.

“I mean, I do appreciate what they´ve been doing. But… don´t you think it makes me a bit of, I don´t know, a loser?” He asked.

“Well, if you feel that way, then maybe. But that´s just how you perceive yourself. Listen, there´s no problem with that, we all need help sometimes. Some of us are… shy, but, if you think less of yourself, no matter how many dates you have, you won´t ever have a good one. Unless you believe, unless you´re self-confident. If you think things will go bad, then you´ve lost, since the very beginning.” Eva was a wise woman.

Her words were encouraging, comforting even.


This all gave Jesse an idea. Confidence, huh? Well, how about he shows some of that.

“So,” he said, maybe being a bit too confident, but it was worth the shot. “you think this could, you know, you and I…?” was there a future here?

“Oh, well don´t get me wrong but… I think we´re not quite… compatible.” Well, that killed his hopes. “Don´t get me wrong, you´re nice, it´s just… I have to focus a bit more on myself. My life, my career, I don´t think I´m actually ready for a relationship.” She does have a lot to think about. And this was way more polite than just saying no.

“Oh, I see…” Well, this is another unsuccessful date, however…

“Sorry, but… at least I can give you a little something to remember. Why don´t you come and sit next to me?” she said.

Jesse felt a bit sad, but he did what she said. It seems as if she had something in mind.


He stood up, walked to the other side of the table and then, sat on the chair next to her.

“Ok, so…?” Does she want to say something closer to him? Whisper? Was there something private she wanted to say?

She turned at him, licked her lips a little and then, she bent over for a kiss.

She was quick, Jesse didn´t even reacted. Eva just landed her lips over his. At first, he was shocked, impressed! And then, he knew this was one of those times when you just stop thinking and enjoy.


Her sweet lips, the touch of her thick lips. Jesse just closed his eyes and enjoyed the sweet moment.

Whether there´s not future between them, at least he can be here, and now. At least she´ll give him a kiss to remember. Does this mean something? Is this a way for her to say there´s a chance? A maybe? That something could happen in the future?

Not quite. But at least they could share this moment. A sweet kiss. He could feel passion, he could feel a lot of things. His heart, racing inside his chest; his hands sweating a little, unable to tell if he should put them on her or not. If he should touch her back, grab her shoulder, he had no idea.

Tonight, he´ll allow the 6´3” lady to take charge. Even if it´s just a kiss, it makes it all worth it. Tonight, things were not so bad. Not all dates go somewhere, but at least this one had a nice ending.


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