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Chapter 7

Kyle was so screwed. Well, he´s always been ever since that date he had with Aurora. But who would´ve guessed she was a witch that would ruin his life?

Right now, he´s loosing height, little by little. But that´s not the worse part. His main fear was that someone would point that out. It was inevitable, if this kept going, there would be a point where people definitely notice, and questions would be asked. But the person who noticed was his boss. Mrs. Sinclair.

And she didn´t take things in the concerned way a caring boss would. She didn´t offer help, advice, not even asked him if he was already looking for help. Instead, she was taking advantage of this.


Another effect he´s got, other than shrinking, is that women around him can grow. And Mrs. Sinclair has certainly grown. Taller, thicker, sexier. And younger, some sort of beautification, but on a wicked way. Now, he´s her fountain of growth, or youth, or beauty, any name an evil lady like her would tag him under. Clearly, she doesn´t care for him, all she cares for is her own greed.

Needless to say, if he doesn´t do as she says, there will be consequences. Inches lost…


Now, Kyle´s on his way to get clothes for his bigger boss, since she´s obviously outgrown her old ones. She´s got a more voluptuous body, and from his new perspective, which is lower, he can´t deny she´s quite imposing. Plus, this strange effect of beautification, it makes her look pretty. Which she doesn´t deserve, but he can´t decide that…

“Fuck, will Aurora ever come to stop this? I mean, is this even fair?” When does his punishment stop? When will the witch show up?


“Let´s see, blouse, pants, ugh, heels…” she´s already tall, why does she want to be even taller?

Kyle was reading the list his boss texted him. He´s got the main items, but, he´s missing the most important part…

“Underwear? Oh my…” So far, picking the other clothes has been easy. Well, as easy as it can be for a man in a woman´s clothing store. He´s been self-conscious about being at the place, but his boss gave her specific instructions about the place.

She even wrote: “I don´t want mall clothes. You´ve got my credit card, you´ll buy them where I say. And remember, no surprise purchases, I don´t want you using my card to buy yourself something, understood? Or else…” he knows what that last part meant.

But he wasn´t going to use the card to buy something for himself. She must have a high limit, but he´s not that way. Besides, the idea of shrinking more creeps him out.

Less that picking underwear for his boss. As he walks towards the underwear section, all that lingerie, the thongs, bras, it´s unsettling him a bit. But he´s not a perv, he´s on a mission. A mission to save his own height.


“Do you need any help?” A female´s voice called from behind.

He´s been at the store for a while, he was wondering when some clerk would come out and as him that. Let´s be real, he´s the only man there, plus, there´s not much people around at this hour. Is there any other customer? He didn´t stop to look, he had too little time to get what he needed.

“Oh, I…” Well, he does. He´s got no idea on how to pick bras.

As soon as he turned to look at this lady, he found himself looking up. Which was annoying, given the fact that he should´ve been looking at her straight in the eyes.

The lady from the store was about 5´11” or even 6´, with heels, of course. Probably, she was as tall, or maybe an inch taller than Kyle. But at this moment, she´s towering above him.


She was young, probably about his age. Her lips were red and her eyes were blue. Her hairs were almost golden and her face showed sincere kindness.

“I´m Lucy, may I help you, sir?” she asked.

He thought that she might think he´s a creep staring at women´s underwear. But he´s not.

“Oh, yeah, I was looking for, uhm… clothes for my… my… girlfriend.” He lied. But it´s easier to say this other than explaining he´s buying clothes for his boss.

“Sure, what are you looking for? Any style? Maybe… lingerie?” she said, a little naughty.

“Oh! No, I… just regular underwear, you know, the… this should be fine.” He pointed at the nearest one he spotted. His boss is a mature woman, he´s sure she wears comfortable underwear.

“Of course. Which size do you need? Do you know your girlfriend´s bra size?” Lucy asked.

“Well… I… uhm…” does he know? Is that written down? He looked for that on the text his boss sent, but there´s nothing there. That must be because she´s not even aware.

“Would you say…” the lady started, taking some freedom on her words. “Are hers as big as mine?” He froze, did she just say that?

Kyle gulped and tried so hard not to stare. He was wondering if she was flirting or if she just didn´t take him seriously. She´s like five-inches taller than him, maybe she´s just teasing him.


“Uhm… I… I don´t know…” he said as he tried to look somewhere else.

This lady giggled and said: “Relax, I´m just messing with you. Let me see her clothes, maybe we can figure that out based on the tags. Uhm… is your girlfriend a busty lady?” she added.

Mrs. Sinclair has become a hourglass bombshell. So yes, she´s busty.

“She is… yes.” He said, feeling awkward by sharing this with the lady. Was this something common? He´s never been in this section of a store before.

“Ok, and how tall is she? By any chance, do you know how…?” Oh, he knows that very well.

“Six-feet-tall. She´s that tall… on her bare feet.” He doesn´t like all these questions, but if he wants to go back to his boss with the proper clothes, he must do his best.

“Oh, so she´s tall. Well, it seems you´ve found a tall queen, haven´t you?” Lucy said.

“It… it seems…” more like a tall boss, but let´s fake it for a while.

“Ok, I´ll look for something, and you tell me if they resemble her other bras, ok?” she asked.

“Sure.” There´s no way to compare, so he´ll get whatever she brings.

“Oh, and, do you need bottoms too? Hmm? Any panties?” she asked.

“Oh, yeah, those too.” Now, what can he get her? He can´t get tiny panties, she´ll get mad. Or think he´s implying something, like a crush on the boss. And, he cannot go for granny-panties. Maybe that would upset her. Perhaps, something in the middle?


“You know, I think it´s really sweet of you to get your girlfriend some clothes. Is this a gift? Like your anniversary? I can wrap them as a gift if you like.” The lady offered, but he didn´t have time.

He´s been looking at the time ever since he entered the store. And, making the math, if he doesn´t make it out of the store within the next five minutes, he´ll be late. And who knows what his boss will do if he´s late.

“No, I just, you know, I wanted to surprise her. That’s it…” He smiled, hoping she won´t take any more time from him.


Somehow, he managed to make it back to the office in time. And found himself in Mrs. Sinclair´s office ten minutes before the scheduled time.

“Well, it took you a while. Did you get everything?” Mrs. Sinclair asked, walking towards him with her incredibly tight clothes.

“Yes, ma´am. Here it is.” He said as he handed her the bag.

“Good. I hope you didn´t went too kinky on the underwear.” She said.

“Of course not, ma´am.” He replied.

“Why? Don´t you think a lady like me can be sexy? Hmm? I would´ve loved to see in which type of clothes you pictured me.” She teased. “I only hope you didn´t get me granny-panties. Because those will cost you…” Thankfully, he didn´t got those.


“So, may I leave, ma´am?” he asked as she pulled out the clothes from the bag.

“Leave? Don´t you want to see me wearing these clothes? Don´t you wanna know if you did a good job? I do need a second opinion.” She said.

“I guess… I could.” He´s afraid that if he denies, she´ll shrink him.

“Very well, now turn.” His boss commanded.

“Excuse me?” he said.

“You heard me, eyes on the wall. I´ll change into these, and I don´t want you staring at me while I´m naked. The last thing I want is for you to walk out of the room with an erection. And I really don´t want to see how stupid you look as you leer all over my body.” That was rude.

But she was the boss… if she says eyes on the wall, then eyes on the wall would be.


Kyle can´t deny he felt uncomfortable. He could listen to the sound of his boss stripping.

For as much as he tried, he couldn´t get over the idea of his boss getting naked. Mrs. Sinclair became such a sensuous woman, he can´t escape these thoughts…

As he looked at the wall of the office, as he fought these thoughts, Kyle just couldn´t stop the mental pictures from flashing in his mind.

He could listen a zipper going down. And he wondered, was it the zipper of her pants? An image of Mrs. Sinclair rapidly appeared in his mind. The amazon, pulling down her pants, showing off her long, shapely legs. How thick were her thighs? How smooth do they look?

Then, she turned, just because, to show off her peach-shaped ass. Her robust, firm cheeks. Thick, heavy, and so sexy. So round, he couldn´t get over the roundness he imagined, which drove him to imagine her boobs.

When she takes off her blouse, how big do her boobs are? Based on the fact that she´s outgrown her bra, is it ripped off? Or is it holding on? Struggling to contain her enormous breasts? He can´t deny that the doubt´s arousing him. Will her boobs pop out of the bra? He imagined her gigantic breasts popping out and then bouncing so firmly.

Kyle was tense. He better stop thinking before he gets an erection, just as she said. At this point, he´ll hate to make her right.

“No way, the bra doesn´t fit!” she complaint.

“It doesn´t?” he asked, concerned as if this will cost him.

“No, no. Don’t turn! Eyes on the wall. Now, I should be mad at you. Probably an inch or two would teach you a lesson. But the thing is, this bra is so big, and it doesn´t fit! Haha! I´ve gotten SO big. It´s like a compliment, if I´m honest. So I´ll let it slip this time…” He felt relieved.


“Ok, you can turn.” Mrs. Sinclair said.

Kyle can´t deny one thing, it felt uncomfortable to wait. And another thing is, for some reason, he´s looking forward to seeing her.

Kyle slowly turned, part of him wanting to see if he made it right. Of course, the bra didn´t fit, but she didn´t say anything else about the rest of the clothes. So that´s good, right?

He turned, and immediately met a 6´4” amazon! She requested 4-inch heels. Why? Well, who knows. Probably because they complement the attire, maybe because a taller woman needs taller heels based on the length of her legs. Or, as he´s certain she does, she only wanted to humiliate him further by being even taller.


Mrs. Sinclair looked stunning on her clothes. The pants fit so nicely above her curves. Her wider hips accentuating her thin waist, and her plump thighs filled out the legs of the pants so sensuously. He´s certain that the pants make her butt look amazing, but he won´t ask to see that.

“Now, the blouse fits a little baggy. But that´s on me, I thought that a smaller size would be too small. Specially taking in mind the dimension of these…” She said as she drove her hands to her big breasts. Lifting them up a little and letting them fall.

She wasn´t wearing a bra, the only thing covering her naked breasts was her blouse. And she decided to show off a deep line of cleavage. Letting some buttons undone.

Kyle swallowed as he noticed just how stacked Mrs. Sinclair was. And making her boobs bounce, that unsettled him, and aroused him. Which made him kind of nervous.

“It´s fine. I can fill this one out later, can´t I?” she asked.

“S-sure.” Kyle replied. Knowing very well that she´s talking about him making her bigger.

“So, what do you think? Do I look good? Hmm? Or maybe… sexy?” she smirked.

“You do, uhm… you look good, yes.” He said, not trying to elaborate too much on her body. She was hot, but she doesn´t need him to say it, right? She must not want to listen to that, not from him.

“That´s it? Just Good? Oh well, I guess you´re too shy to admit your boss just became a goddess. But that´s fine, I still have some more way to go. Now, back to work.” So, that´s it?

He was ordered to get clothes? And now, she just wanted him to see her all dressed up? And that´s it? Not even a thank you?


Kyle was tired. This has been an awful day. And to make things worse, now he became some sort of servant for his boss. He must do as she says, or else…

He doesn´t even want to think on the consequences. He´s never wanted to do this, but what the boss says, should be done. Properly, fast, and with a smile on his face. Or at least that´s how he feels.

And Mrs. Sinclair doesn´t even care. She seemed so cheerful at first. He was certain she was about to thank him; he could feel it. But as soon as she learned she held a certain power on him, her smile became wicked.

Now, he´ll have to do everything she says, else, she´ll shrink him. This used to be so much better when no one was aware of this. The question is, will Mrs. Sinclair keep this as a secret? Someone will notice she´s no longer 5´7”, but a six-foot-amazon.

Thinking about it, going for four-inch heels does little to disguise her growth. In fact, it only makes it more obvious. And her looks have changed.

Before, she walked down the office as, in heels, a 5’10” woman. The boss, denoting authority, who should be treated with respect. But now, she´ll walk as a 6´4” amazon! With a body so luscious no one will resist to look at the changes. In fact, she´ll certainly exploit this new shape of hers.

Bragging about her sensuous body. Showing off. So greedy, so much vanity…


Kyle sighed, hoping his future wasn´t as sad as he thought. He put the key on the knob of his apartment´s door and unlocked it. Then, he entered. His only plan was to lie in bed and close his eyes. Hopefully, he can pretend nothing happened until the next day. Take a break form reality until the next morning. But he was wrong…

“Well, look who´s back” Said a voice as he opened the door.

At first, he took a step back and searched for this person. His eyes widely open as he looked around for the intruder. Who could it be? A woman? Who is this woman? And, does she sound familiar?

It didn´t took long before his eyes met the woman he was looking for. Sitting at the arm of the couch, no one other than Aurora…


“What are you doing here!” Kyle complaint.

“I thought you´d be happy to see me. I know you´ve been looking for me” She said, making fun of him.

“What makes you think that? The only reason why I wanted to see you was so that you can fix all this shit you´ve done to me!” He demanded.

“And… why would I do such a thing? Have you learned your lesson already?” she asked.

“Lesson? You… you did this just because I rejected you! I´ve got nothing to prove to you. Now fix this!” His cheeks were starting to gain some rubor as he got upset.

Aurora´s smile faded, then she looked at him dead in the eyes as she stood up.


Before, Aurora was a really tall woman. From his perspective, of course. Being 6´3” and standing four inches taller than him, but now, that gap has augmented. Doubled!

She walked towards him, very slow. Looking at him with a stern face, looming taller and taller as she approached. Compared to him, to his current form, she was eight-inches taller.

“And, what if I don´t?” She asked, in a defiant, yet dominating way, “what will you do about it?” She knows she´s the one who holds the upper hand here.

“I…” he swallowed. Maybe he poked the bear…


She doesn´t like it. Why would he think he´s on a position of demanding things? The only one with such power is her. And no one else.

“Now, understand this, we´re not friends. I don´t care for you. The only reason I came here is to explain what you have noticed. That´s it.” She declared.

“And… what would that be?” he asked.

“Simple, you have already noticed what the spell does. You´ll shrink whenever someone says so, but, women will also grow if that´s what you want. In the end, whenever you bring height into a conversation, things will change. And you´ll be shorter compared to this person. Now, as you have noticed, it only works on women. Why? Because I know a man like you cannot stand a woman being taller than him. Oh, you´re so bitter on the inside. But now, everyone can see how small of a man you are. How you slowly become… insignificant.” That stung, deep in his chest.

“But… that´s not fair! My… my boss has noticed! And now, she, she… who knows what she´ll do!” He said, as if this was not supposed to be known by anyone else.

“So? I´ll let her have as much fun with you as she wants. You deserve it, Kyle.” She said.

All of his hopes were gone. But, at least, he had to try one last thing. “But, you… don´t you want that to stop? I mean, would you really allow her to… to have some power on me? A-another woman?” he said it, hoping she´d be selfish and wanting to be the only one who´s torturing him.

Aurora smiled, she bent and whispered to his ear, “I don´t care. All I know is that you hate it. And that´s the only thing I want…” once again, he was screwed…



Daniele Mereu

Very nice, I wish to see Kyle's mother growing bigger slowly too ;)