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Very first chapter! Basically, a guy moves into a suspiciously cheap house, it´s too fancy for the price. What´s the catch? Well, he´ll be soon to see. And yes, it involves very tall neighbors...

Hope ypu like it :D

Chapter 1

Sunday morning, such an easy, peaceful time. A day to spend around doing pretty much nothing. No working, no traffic. No need, no rush to get to anywhere. Just a day of the week to rest.

Unless you own, work or live close to a restaurant, then this is not such an easy day.

But that´s not the case of our main guy here.


His name is Robert. He´s a young man, he just turned 23 years old a few months ago. Now, this is not his usual Sunday morning. Instead of staying in bed until he feels hungry enough to grab some breakfast, he actually had to wake up early.

Why? This wasn’t job-related. He didn´t have to do anything related to work. This was his free day. His one day free on the week. Then, what was it? What reason could there be to get up early today?

An emergency? Not quite. Health? Maybe a doctor´s appointment? Well, it was an appointment of some sort, but it wasn´t health-related.

What could it be then? Well, it´s simple, he had to meet someone. A girlfriend? No, Robert was single. Then, a friend? Well, this person was friendly, but he barely knew her. He´s only chatted over the phone with this lady he´s about to meet.


So, where is he heading to? Well, he´s on his way to a nice house he found. A place that´s very promising.

You see, Robert´s been living on the same apartment ever since he finished college. It was close to work, and it had everything a single man like him needs. A bedroom, kitchen, bathroom and a living room. A small one, and the couch was almost inside the kitchen, but he didn´t mind.

Now, when he started renting at that place, he told himself that, one day, when he was successful, when he had enough money. When he was in a higher point in life, he´ll move into a house.

Not necessarily a mansion, or a huge place, he only needed a nice place to live that actually had room for things. His apartment was nice, but it wasn´t the biggest there is. It was enough, then, but now, he wants something more…


Robert started searching for a new place a couple months ago. He got a promotion, not a huge one that doubled his salary, but he had a bit more money now.

It was then when he thought about this. What if he gets a house? Instead of paying for rent, why not paying for the mortgage? It won´t be money that just goes away paying to live for another month in a place, instead, he´ll be paying for something he´ll own!

Sure, there was also an interest he had to pay. In the end, he´ll be paying more than the actual price of the place. This got him thinking. Was it convenient? Well, unless he found a way to make bigger payments and pay for it earlier, there was no chance this was going to get any cheaper.

Still, he went online and started searching, what could be a nice place to move into? And he also kept in mind that it had to be cheap.

If he wants to move out into a house, a real one, then he must search for something within his budget. And he found it!


He was just searching, he thought he´d make a fool of himself for looking. Getting false hopes onto something that wasn´t yet at his reach. Robert opened a page where he found many, many houses.

Some were much bigger than he needed. And also, very expensive. A few of those places even went up to eight-digits. He freaked out just by thinking about paying the interests. And, could he get the credit to afford a place like that?

He saw there were nearly a hundredth places close to his city within the page. He didn´t really need, or had the time, to look at all of them. He then realized there was a price limit.

He had a chance, look for somewhere very cheap, or for a place with a decent price. A price he can pay over a couple years. Even if it gets past a decade or two. He wasn´t sure, will he live in this place until he becomes 40? That was a lot of time. What if he moves out? What if he received a job offer outside of the city? Or the state? Or even the country?!

He really had to think this through. However, it wouldn´t hurt to see the places he could afford.


Just as he thought, some places were tiny. Others appeared to be just walls and a roof! Unfinished works. How could they advertise such places there? Who knows, maybe for people who like to make things a project of their own. Or, for those who are looking for the land beneath the place.

His options were reduced to about a dozen. He could see all twelve places and then, when he realized he still had a few more miles on the path before getting to his destiny, he´ll close the windows on his computer.

He looked, and looked and then… he found a place.


“No way…” he thought back then. This place was cheap! But that was not it, the place was nice!

He´s not aware of how the market works, unaware of how real estate does this type of jobs, but a place like the one he´s looking at, and for the price he´s reading.

This place costs just a little more than he pays in rent for a whole year, how is that possible?


Robert swallowed, was this a scam? This was just too good to be true. So, he clicked on the place.

The description said the house had a main bedroom (with a bathroom), a guest´s room, a kitchen, living room, dinning room. Backyard, garage, a porch, the place was huge! For the price, this was like stealing the whole place.

He couldn´t believe it. The only explanation was that this place was miles away from the city. The location could make this be uninhabitable, too far from society, then it could explain the price. However, it wasn´t like that. Sure, it was out of the city, but not for much.

In fact, it seems to be located in a small neighborhood, with no more than four houses in total. Sure, there was nothing around, not even a convenience store; he searched online for the location. But, for that price, he can tolerate taking the bus. And walking a bit to the bus stop.

Right now, he doesn´t own a car; he´s been saving to get a house first. Plus, he always takes the bus, it was more convenient than paying for gas. However, if he gets this place at this price, then he´ll be looking forward to getting a car.

It not so far from the city, he won´t make more than fifteen to twenty minutes on the ride.


The place was a dream come true. But there must be a catch. There must be a fine print within all of this. And there was. Down at the bottom, it said: “Before accepting your offer, your information must be reviewed by the committee.” Maybe this place wasn´t meant for anyone?

He had no idea what it meant, but he thought they didn´t want just anyone to move in. However, it could explain why this place hasn’t been sold yet. It´s been out there in the market for over a year now. At this price, the place should´ve been taken within the first hour it was posted.

He knew he wasn´t losing anything by calling. There was a number written, about the real estate agent who´ll show you the place. And who´ll get in charge of reviewing all the information.


He called last week, and he was told to come over to check the place today. Marcy was the real estate agent who´ll meet him.

She told him she´ll meet him at the place by 9:00 am, on Sunday. His schedule was free on Sundays, however, 9:00 am? The place was far enough to take him about thirty minutes by bus. Or, he could get a cab, or use one of the many driving services to get there within twenty minutes. Depending on traffic, of course.

Still, this means he has to get up by about 7:30 am. That´s if he wants to take a shower, get ready and grab some breakfast before he meets Marcy.

Robert´s a single man, and he´s young. Of course he´ll get ready before the appointment. First of all, he must give a good impression, and second, well, he´ll meet a lady who sounds just so beautiful through the phone. Even if he´s not going on a date with her, he must still try his best. Look decent at least.


Now, within fifteen minutes from the place, he´s excited!

A new place, but not just that, a promise. A promise for a new beginning. Even if he´d still work at the same place, and even if he must now take a longer way to get there, he knows this is a new chapter in his life.


As soon as he was dropped in front of the place, he was marveled. It was even bigger than he thought! Now, once again, the price comes odd. Who´ll charge so little for such a wonderful place?

He stood before the house for a moment. Two stories, a garage, a porch. Even a mailbox? It´s been years since he last saw one. Now, the exterior matches the picture he saw online, however, is the interior the same?

Robert made his way to the door. And as he did so, someone was looking at him from the distance. From across the street, from one of the other three houses at the neighborhood.

“Well, he´s punctual…” said a feminine voice as he watched every one of Robert´s moves.


He rang the bell of this cream-white colored house. A house that could be his!

“It´s open!” Came a woman´s voice from inside. Who must be Marcy.

He saw no car parked there, not even at the drive way, so he assumed there was a chance that the real estate lady wasn´t there yet. But turns out, she was!


Robert opened the door and walked in. He was amazed by the interiors.

Wooden floors, furniture, and a nice staircase to the second floor. And the smell, this aroma inside. Was it cinnamon?

“Hi, I… I´m Robert.” He said, wondering where Marcy was.

“Hold on a sec, I´ll meet you at the door.” Robert was excited. He was happy. He was looking at this lovely place.


He took a couple steps forward, wondering on which part of the house they will start. Surely, she´ll show him the living room first, he can already see it from where he stands.

A big couch, maybe for four people or more. A sofa on the side. There was even a chimney! Oh, and a TV, a giant TV! Back at his apartment, there was nothing but his computer. But here, there´s a 72-inch screen TV! He wonders if that´s part of the deal…

Without realizing, he walked in, more than he should, maybe. And was now facing the huge TV. This TV seems wider than he´s taller.


Let´s talk a little more about him. He´s 23-years-old. Single, and handsome. With quite a decent built. In fact, he´s got abs, and toned arms and legs. He´s fit, he works out at least four days a week. But there´s a reason why he´s single, or that´s how he feels at least.

Robert´s not a tall guy. Not even close to six-feet-tall. Not even an average 5´9” man. Or even a decently short 5´7” guy. Not 5´5”, not 5´4”. Robert stands at 5´3”. Which he hates, but it´s not such a big deal.

He knows he´s handsome, he knows he´s got the looks. And an attractive body. He´s a short king who just happens to be kissing his queen.


“Robert?” He heard a voice coming from behind him. That must be Marcy!

“Yeah! Hi…” he turned, and as soon as he did, he was struck!

He froze for a second.


Marcy was pretty. Her face was as angelical as he thought it´ll be. Her eyes, of a deep, gorgeous blue. Her hair, blonde, straight, done to perfection. And her smile, the smile of a confident real estate.

However, there was something more to her, something he wasn´t expecting. She was… tall!


At his height, most ladies of average height are taller than him, and those who are a bit above average stand even taller. But this lady, she TOWERED above him!

The top of Robert´s head was slightly below than the base of her neck. He would look straight at her collarbone if he didn´t rise his gaze. However, looking straight was not quite what he did.

He looked at her, from head to toes, just to make sure this amazon was real. And not a woman that was standing on top of a box or something.


Marcy was real. Really tall! Although, if we´re fair, she´s wearing three-inch heels. Still, that doesn´t make much of a difference. Marcy stands at 6´3” without those heels. Which is still a whole foot taller than him!

And, on top of it all, she´s hot! A thin waist, long, shapely legs. And a generous bosom. She´s pretty, she´s sexy and she´s an amazon. What a better way to make him nervous? Intimidated. And even excited?


“Welcome! You must be Robert. I´m Marcy, nice to meet you.” The towering woman extended her hand and greeted him.

He shook her hand, totally overwhelmed by everything about her. “Nice to meet you.” He replied.

Marcy smiled, and also took a look at him. She´s selling the house, and the people who own it would like to know certain details about him. For starters, she must begin with the fact that he´s handsome.

“Why don´t we start with the living room. I can tell you were looking at the TV. Pretty nice, right?” She started, with her charming tone.

“Uh hu…” He replied, totally dumbfounded by the woman´s size and beauty. She seemed to be on her twenties, maybe a bit older than him. But not yet thirty.


She showed him the rest of the house. The place was amazing. But he was a little more focused on Marcy. He´s not a guy who´ll feel intimidated by a woman´s size. He knows he´s short. Still, he can´t help but to feel overwhelmed.

Too overwhelmed to realize there was something going on. She wasn´t just showing him the place, but also gathering some information.

“So, you´re moving in on your own, right?” She casually asked as she showed him the master bedroom.

“Yeah, I am…” he replied.

“I thought a handsome guy like you would have a lovely fiancée.” She started.

“Oh no, not at all. I… I´m actually still single…” Bingo, just what she wanted to hear.


Marcy knew he´d be just what the owner´s looking for. Young, handsome, with enough strength…

As she showed him the kitchen, she made sure to take a picture while he wasn´t looking. Then, she sent the picture to a certain person…


Who owned this place? And why did they have these requests?

They wanted to know who he was. If he was single. A busy man. And many other things like that. Basically, they needed a profile of him before they agree he can buy the house.

The price was set so low because the owner´s not looking for the money, but for the person who´ll buy it…


“So, you like the place?” Marcy asked.

“I do. It´s… I mean, I can´t believe they are selling ALL of this place for so little. The price on the page, is it right?” he asked. Now a bit more used to the cheering size of Marcy.

“One-hundredth-percent! That´s the price, and the only thing you must do before actually making your offer is to be accepted by the owner.” Quite an odd arrangement, but there´s always a catch.

“Ok, sounds fair.” When Marcy received a reply of three big hearts after the picture she sent, she was certain Robert was the one.


A ton of people have come to see the place, but they all get rejected. But, so far, Robert seems to have a chance…


“Now, just write your contact down here and we´ll call you whenever the owner has revisited the information.” Marcy said.

She was so sexy, he even considered asking her out. He feels lucky. Still, he knows she´s way out of her league. Which kind of lady would date a man over a foot shorter than her? Was there anyone out there?

“Sounds nice. I… between you and I, do you think I have a chance to buy this place?” he asked.

“I´ll be honest, no one has been accepted. BUT, I do have a hunch you might be the one…” Marcy knows he´s kind of cute, and that´s what they are looking for…


Everything was done, and Robert was on his way home. With hopes. Almost praying for the chance to buy this place.

Marcy was looking, making sure he left. And when he was gone, she crossed the street. Making her way to the pastel-yellow house across.

She rang the bell and waited for them to open. She was excited, sure that this time, the one has come to the place. That this would be the last person she has to meet before they sell the place.

Her share won´t be so generous by selling such a cheap place, but she´s not doing it for the money. Let´s just say… she knows the owner.


“Hi! Did you see the picture? What do you think? Oh, but first, trust me, he´s more handsome in person. And so cute! Plus, I can tell he likes tall girls, I could feel his eyes over me quite a lot.” Marcy said, looking, not down, but straight at the person she was talking to. In fact, she was looking slightly up…

“I have a feeling he´s the one,” this person replied, “just let me confirm it with the others before we give him the good news, ok? I already sent them the picture. I´m just waiting for their replies.”

“Sounds great! I´m glad you finally seem to find the right person for the place. I´m so happy for you, auntie!” Marcy said to the lady.


Now, what exactly is going on in here? Who is she? Why is she related to the real estate agent? And who are these other people?


Daniele Mereu

Awesome, I wish to see all Milfs and Mothers in neighbourhood become thick mini giantesses, a world ruled by hot Milfs will be so amazing!