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Hello everyone! Hope you like this week´s new posts!

I´ve been working on the new chapters, but I´ve also been working on new ideas! I have the feeling that we need a couple new stories over here.

About two by the next month.

Oh, and remember, next week I´ll post the first chapter of our newest long-term story, "A New Neighborhood"! But I also have plans for more!

I´m still thinking about all of the ideas, but there are a few I like. So far, one involving a competition of mother-daughter for the same guy. And one that involves witchcraft inside an office. But I´m still thinking on the third option.

Also, next week I´ll drop a poll for the new short term.

I´ll come back next week with more news and more new chapters! Hope you like the updates of this week, enjoy!


Daniele Mereu

Great, I like to read stories about growing mature moms


I actually have an idea for one like that, I´ll share it on the next poll for the next long term story!