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Chapter 7

Lucy´s life was giving a turn. Or so she thought, but it was merely based on superficial things.

Like the fact that more people were noticing her. Holding doors for her, smiling, being respectful as to say “ma´am”, and not just passing her by.

And why is this superficial if they are just being kind? Well, the reason why they are all doing this is because Lucy´s expansion, even if she thinks it´s all weight gain combined with exercise, is doting her with some sensuous curves.


And it´s not just the curves. Lucy has also gotten taller. Normally, a woman her age, which is 26-years-old, wouldn´t be capable of such a thing. But we all know she´s on a special “diet”. Thanks to Mona, Lucy´s now a 5´10” lady.

That´s right, she could be a model now. And it´s strange that she hasn’t noticed. Is it because it´s a smooth growth? Because she´s expanding little by little?

She already grew four-inches taller. That´s a lot! But the change was so slight, so smoot, so week-by-week, that it was imperceptible for her.

And she spends the most time at the office sitting so…

Besides, compared to Mona´s statuesque 7´2”, Lucy still feels quite short…


Although she might feel a bit tight on her clothes, she still fits. Barely… she won´t admit it but she´s been in the need to go one size up in a few items. Bras, specially.

Her boobs have gone up three cup sizes. That´s a lot. And one of the things people notice the most.

And it´s certainly one of the things his boss likes about her. Lucy´s body is sensuous, and he´s never paid much attention to her, so he doesn´t realize she´s grown taller over the last few weeks. To him, she´s always been 5´10”, tall enough for a guy like him. Not too short for his 6´3”, and not too tall either.


Her boss, Mr. Hazy, he thought of himself as a Casanova. A man all women wanted, that all ladies desired. And that was… partially true. He was a good-looking guy. But that doesn´t mean women fall for him like flies.

Still, Lucy does like him. A lot. She´s got a crush on him. Good looking, successful, with a position of authority, he´s her type.


Which was, for the most, one of the reasons why she didn´t think twice when her asked her out.

It was late that day, she stayed until late hours at the office. And when he spotted her, alone at her desk, he made his move.

“What´s a pretty lady like you still doing here? It´s Friday night, shouldn´t you be at the club?” he asked.

Pretty? He called her pretty? It was obvious that he was flirting with her. And when she said she didn´t have much of a plan, that she had to get the work done and rest, he had an idea.

“Why don´t we go out? You know, if you´re free.” She´s always free when it comes to him.

Lucy almost melted. A date? Was he asking her out on a date? Well, of course! It was just so odd, so unexpected.

But she shouldn´t feel that way. She´s noticed the changes on her body, Lucy´s the type of lady Mr. Hazy likes.


He´s not just asking her out because he remembers her from the other day at the bending machine. Well, that´s one of the reasons, but that was just the beginning.

He noticed her that day, how could a lady as pretty as her escape his radar? She was his type, and he hasn´t dated her, he should fix that.

As we said before, he´s a Casanova, but… not quite a gentleman. Lucy caught his eye, but that doesn´t mean there will be something more than a couple dates and, let´s be honest, sex.

She´s got feelings, but he doesn´t quite care that much. He´s a polite man, he seems kind, attentive, but it´s only because he wants something from her. And he´ll work his way with her as he´s done with many others. And as he will with the next and the next and the next…

She thinks he´s perfect, but he´s just a player. And to him, she´s a level he´ll go on. The grade of difficulty, that will only determine how good he is. And as he goes through the “challenges”, as he works with his charms, driving her slowly towards the inevitable end over the mattress, he´ll enjoy the game.

Maybe she should wonder why he´s so attentive out of a sudden…


In the end, Lucy agreed, and the next week, they went on to the date.

The place? What do you think? He´s got a nice job, a generous salary, of course he´ll take her to a fancy place.

Romantic, serene, with live music at the bottom of the room. But not just any music, instrumental music, one that gives the atmosphere elegance, harmony, one that you can perceive, but you cannot notice. One that you hear, but it doesn´t force you to listen.

Of course, before they got there, Lucy had some… mild struggles…


“No way! I wanted to wear this dress!” she complaint earlier.

She bought a nice dress before. In case a time like this came up. In case she had a date. And the place they were going, it certainly was one to wear a dress like this one.

Long, of a dark red, not too bright, simply perfect. And it was tight as well. When she bought it, she made sure it was well-wrapped over her body. Not constrictive, simply giving her a tight, sensuous fit. But that was before…

Now, she can´t close the zipper on the back. Not because she can´t reach, but because of…

“When did my boobs get so HUGE?!” Normally, this wouldn´t upset someone, except on certain occasions, like a date when you need to wear something tight. The fact that her own body interfered with it… well, that was upsetting.

“Come on!” she said as she pulled, but that was of no use.


A good question would be, why hasn´t she noticed? Today, she stands at 5´11”, that´s awfully close to six-feet-tall. She´s grown almost half-a-foot taller, can´t she see?

She blamed most on weight gain. Blamed most of this on Mona´s “fattening” meals. But the truth is, they have nothing to do with that; at least not the way she´s thinking about it.

She chose to ignore most, based on “logic”. And logic said that her pants were tight and short because of the incredible growth of her thighs, and the rounding of her butt.

She also blamed her tops cropping due to the expansion of her bosom. That her bigger breasts were pushing the fabric up. And apart, there´s a couple of blouses that will never button up again…

But, what about her shoes? One would think that if you go a size, or two, up, then that should mean something´s going on. But what was her response? That her feet were getting fat, that somehow, she had a slim waist and that her feet were swelling due to the weight gain.

It made no sense. Never, for once, the idea, the thought, the curiosity, drove her to measure herself.

Can she be so perceptive-less? Can this really escape her perception? How?


You see, Lucy is the kind of lady that, once she´s focused on something, it´s hard to set her mind somewhere else.

The height expansion could explain her weight gain. But all she sees are her growing curves. Her plumping thighs, her growing breasts, her peaching ass. And she doesn´t realize that all of the weight she´s gained is because of other things…

If Mona told her, then she would understand she´s not getting fat, simply expanding. Even if she refuses to understand at first. But no one will tell her.

Mona knows she shouldn´t share that with her. Not yet…


Until then, Lucy will go through a lot. And who knows how much more she´s got ahead of her. How many inches, how much sizes she´ll have to go up. What will be the ultimate swelling of her breasts.

It might be a slow way, but she´ll keep up the same pace.


“Damn it!” she though as the zipper refused to go up.

Looking at her, it was easy to realize she´s taller. Bigger.

Can´t she tell the dress is short on her? Can´t she see that her shoulders are a bit wider? That her hips are much fleshier? Well, that could still be explained due to a weight gain, but that´s not her case. At least not just it.

Her body is not “gaining weight”, her body is expanding. Taller, more sensuous, shaping up into the alluring figure of a muse.

“Why won´t you go up!” she complaint as she pulled, with all if her might. But the only thing she did was to break the zipper. And when the thing popped off, she lost her balance.

She stumbled, and fell. She didn´t have much room in that dress, her legs were too close. Her thicker thighs made it impossible to have free movement, and much less to have a nice balance.

She tripped, and when she fell, her larger butt, her wider hips and her thicker thighs ripped the dress.

“Oh no… well, I guess there´s no chance on returning it then…” her last hope was to run to the place where she bought it and change it for a bigger size; if they still had the dress. But now, it was not an option…


Lucy sighed. This was no good. But the good thing is she has another dress. One that was a little big, of a lose fit. One that didn´t quite made her look as sexy as she intended. One she kept for a more casual occasion. It was her plan B.

“Find, I guess that´s better than jeans and a blouse…” she complaint.

Little does she know, that dress no longer fits the same…


“No. Way.” She said as she looked at her reflection in the mirror.

Was she seeing this right? The dress fits perfectly!


Her ample hips have a tighter fit, her bigger bosom is sensuously accentuated by the once lose fit on the chest.

Her butt doesn´t look utterly tight as it did with the other one, in fact, it´s quite a comfortable fit.

She didn´t reject that dress because it was ugly, but because of the way it fit on her. However, that´s not the case anymore.

Lucy was happy. And now, time for her date!


“Wow, you look gorgeous.” Mr. Hazy said.

“Thank you, Mr. Hazy.” Lucy replied.

“Oh, please, we´re not at the office anymore. Call me Tom.” He said.

“Alright, Tom.” She giggled.

“After you, Lucy.” He said as he held the door open for her.

“Thank you.” She said.


He wasn´t lying, she does look gorgeous. But, mostly than noticing how pretty she looks on the dress, he´s thinking of how much cleavage that dress shows.

He´s unaware of her expansion, but he certainly realizes that her boobs look bigger than they did!

And as she walks in front of him, he stares at her butt, not too much, a mere glance. Enough to confirm she´s both, stacked and with a nice ass.

How much does he truly care for Lucy? What´s a lie and what´s real?


His ultimate intention seems to be sex. His main goal, to see her naked. He thinks he´s such a big shot, that even when he won´t ever call again, that this should be enough. A date with him, many had said it was the best date they ever had.

He thinks she´s so shy, that she´ll be easy to seduce. But what´s the actual truth? Will she? Or does she have some other things in mind?

Will she fall on this very first date? What´s on her mind? Right now, she´s just looking around, noting how fancy the whole place is. Maybe too fancy…


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