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Chapter 6

Mrs. Sinclar was aware that there was something wrong. She had to find out, and she was glad that everything was working well. However, she still needs to figure a couple more things out.

But first, she´s still rising taller.


Kyle stood there, before his boss as she rises and rises. Taller, thicker, sexier! Why would she want to become taller? Well, there´s more than just height to it.

As she becomes a six-foot-tall woman, he can see more than just an increase in height. For starters, her body is also changing. Her hips, her mature hips growing fleshier, tighter. He can see how her legs become shapely, thicker thighs and smooth curves.

Her waist remains slim, trimmed, in contrast with her expanding bosom. He can see how her breasts expand as they rise. Her bra seems tight, he can see the size of her boobs, overstretching her blouse, and on the tight fabric, he can see her boob-flesh, too big for the bra, pushing away, trapped by the small material.

Aside of the curvaceous expansion, he can see a few changes on her face. She was a mature woman, but, for some reason, her face looks smoother, younger. Mature, yet, all of the imperfections, all of those aging marks were fading. Her skin, so smooth, soft-looking. Even her lips grew a little thicker.

“Mmmm, it feels soooo good…” declared the expanding woman as she grew and grew.


Kyle was concerned, but now, he can tell why she chose to grow. Not only getting taller, but sexier, even looking younger. Mature, surely looking more mature than him, but still, her face looks prettier.

Mrs. Sinclair could feel her shoes, so tight now, and the rest of her clothes as well. Stretching, uncomfortably wrapped around her body. Failing to readjust to her thicker body. Curvaceous, sensuous, she was hot!


“Well, well, looks like I was right. The question is, how do you do it?” she asked as she ran her hands over her luscious curves.

“Well… I don´t… I don´t know.” He said.

“You don´t? Come on, this is amazing!” she smiled, “How come you kept this as a secret? Hmmm? It´s so selfish, dear.” She added.

“Well, it´s not like I… you know, it hasn´t been this way… not always.” He admitted. Now, her tone seems different, happier, nicer.

“I see. Well, it´s quite obvious you don´t know, or maybe you don´t want to share, but that´s fine. Now, I need to know if this also works the other way around.” He swallowed, what does she mean? Could it be? “Shorter.” She commanded.

Kyle froze, shorter? Does she mean… him? He didn´t want to do it, he refuses to! He won´t ever say it, however, he can´t quite say it. It´s not him who´s capable of changing his own size, but it´s up to her.


He can only change the height of women, but he cannot change his.

“P-padron?”  he said.

“You heard me, make me shorter.” He felt relieved for a moment. So it wasn´t him who she wanted to make shorter, but her. It makes sense. Mrs. Sinclair was smart, maybe she didn´t want to be that tall forever, just trying to confirm her suspicion.

“Ok.” He replied.

“Let´s say… 5´9”, I want to see if this works the other way around.” She can grow, but can she shrink?

“Ok, ma´am. You´re 5´9”.” This wasn´t something he had tried before, well, he didn´t have the chance.

As soon as things got weird, and his own height was in risk, he rapidly went out of the way. Sure, he made a lady or two taller, including his boss, but he hasn´t tried to change that. Try things the other way around. Could he make people shorter? Other than him, of course.


Mrs. Sinclair stood there in silence. Kyle can´t deny her new height makes her look so imposing. And her curves, her new curves, they made her so alluring. He won´t say it, and he´s not trying to think about it, but it´s hard. She looks so hot! Even if she´s much taller than him, she looks so sensuous!

As he glared at her, trying to see if she was shrinking, and also attracted by her body, she didn´t feel a thing. The tingle, it wasn´t there. Mrs. Sinclair felt the same, she wasn´t changing.

“This is odd…” she said.

“Huh?” the situation? The whole situation?

“Well, I don´t feel any shorter. It seems this… ability of yours, it doesn´t work both ways.” She declared. “I´m, for what I can tell, and you can see, still a six-feet-tall woman.”

“Oh, yeah, I guess… I guess it doesn´t work. Uhm… is that a problem?” he asked.

“Oh, no, not at all. I feel wonderful! But I was just wondering…” she was concerned, what if, what he can give, he can take? It´ll be a shame if he had the ability to mess with her size, but it seems he can´t.

Kyle can only make her taller, not even undo what he´s done. It seems he can only expand a woman´s body. Which gets her thinking.


“Kyle,” she started.

“Yes, ma´am?” he wanted to leave, it doesn´t matter if she´s sexy, he wants to get away from her. She figured it out, now, what will she do? He´s got the feeling he doesn´t want to find out.

“Tell me, have you… shrank yourself?” she asked.

He could tell by the look in her eyes that she was trying to find out about something else. Trying to understand his powers entirely.

“Well, I…” he hasn´t. Not himself, of course, but others have. Still, if he´s a bit loose with the answer… “I´ve lost size, yes.” He admitted.

“Interesting.” She said, looking at him from head to toes, “And, tell me, was that on purpose?” she asked.

“It… uhm, what… what do you mean, ma´am?” it wasn´t his intention, no. But if he admits it, wouldn´t that make a fool out of him?

“I mean, did you wanted to be shorter? Maybe… do you have any secret desire for taller women? Hmmm? It´ll make sense, you shrink, and women grow. Isn´t that some sort of… kink?” she asked, now walking around him.

“No! I… I didn´t. I don´t have that… taller women are not… it´s…” he blushed, this wasn´t a conversation he´d like to have with his boss. Besides, he´s not into taller women, he´s just under the spell of a witch, but he won´t admit that.

“Oh, don´t worry, I won´t judge you. I was just wondering, why aren´t you taller?” she started, about to fully describe what she understands.


“You see, you´ve made me taller. And I´m sure you´ve got the ability to make any other woman taller, am I right?” Mrs. Sinclair asked. “Or is it just me?” maybe he likes her, and he´s kept it as a secret.

“You´re right. I can… make women taller.” He admitted.

“Ok, but you can´t make yourself taller, can you?” she asked, still walking around him, as if she was looking at a test subject.

“No, I can´t.” he admitted. She was clearly going somewhere with this, and he was worried as to where.

“Ok. Now, clearly, you used to be taller. Kyle, I´d like you to make yourself smaller.” She declared.

Kyle froze. Now it was his turn? No way! He thought he had already dodged that bullet! But it seems his boss wants to know more.

“What? Why?!” he took a step back.

“I just want to understand this ability of yours, that´s it. Now, Kyle, please, make yourself shorter.” She commanded.

This was exactly what he was afraid of. But he knows he cannot change his own size. And she ignores she´s the one who can. But he won´t say that, he´s unsure.

“I don´t… you know… I wouldn´t want to… you see…” how can he get away from this?

“Come on, it doesn´t have to be much. Just… an inch, how about an inch?” she asked. She won´t be satisfied until she sees everything he can do.

“I…” he was worried, but there´s nothing to worry about, he cannot make himself taller, he´s tried, therefore, he cannot make himself shorter. Right? “Ok.” He gave up to her will.

“Nice.” She smiled.

Kyle hated what he was going to do, but he was, at least, 50-percent sure, nothing will happen.

“I am… 5´7”.” Mrs. Sinclair stood right in front of him. Eager to find out what he could do.

Kyle stood straight, looking up at his boss. Looking up at the imposing lady, she was an amazon! Curvaceous, sexy, strong! She looks stronger, that´s for sure.

He´s never tried this before, why would he want to be any shorter? He clearly doesn´t! But she wants to test him, he knows she does.

The good thing is, nothing happened. He´s still 5´8”. He felt no tingle, and everything seems just as tall as it did when he came into the room.


“Well, it seems nothing happened.” Mrs. Sinclar said.

“I… yeah. Nothing happened.” He said, relieved. And now, he wants to leave.

But she´s not satisfied. How did he shrink? Why? Who made him? It was, clearly, not him. Mrs. Sinclair needs as much answers as possible before she allows him to leave.

“So, given the fact that you wanted to make yourself 5´7”, I assume, you´re 5´8”, right?” she asked, and he nodded.

“Yes, ma´am.” He only wanted her to let him go already. This wasn´t even work-related, can he leave?

“How funny, 5´7” was my actual height. Well, WAS. Now, I´m a six-feet-tall woman. Now, tell me, how do I look? Hmmm? How does my taller body look? I´m 4-inches taller than you, and that´s in out bare feet. How do you think I´d look in heels? Hot?” her words were such a tease.

Kyle wasn´t into taller women, he´s never been. However, he can´t deny that, her words, and her body, it´s arousing him a bit. Was it because she was the boss? Was it because she became a gorgeous woman? Taller? Sexier?

“Well…” he started, if he looked straight at her, he´ll be looking at her nose. And her curves only made her look impressively bigger! But he cannot say that, he cannot tell the boss she´s hot, can he?

“Come on, speak up, it´s ok. You can say it, I know you find me… attractive.” She stated.

“I…” was he supposed to agree? He feels like he should.

“It´s fine, I won´t punish you for telling the truth. It´s clear that I´m sexier. I mean, look at these legs! So long, thicker, sexier… And my top, oh, these boobs, they surely fill it up, right?” she was gorgeous, voluptuous and gorgeous.

“S-sure…” well, he cannot say otherwise, right? If she wants the truth, then the answer´s yes. She´s much hotter.


Mrs. Sinclair feels happy. She looks at her body, she´s never had a body like this! So sexy, so much hotter! She hasn´t seen her face, yet, but she can tell that there´s been a few changes, she can feel it.

She´s thankful Kyle can do something like this. Now, her question is, how can she keep him doing it? Just by asking? What does she have to give? Would it be expensive? She cannot let this chance go, she cannot let him go!

“It´s funny, I´m 6-feet-tall, probably as tall as you were. And you´re 5´8”. You know, it would make it even funnier if you were my old height. Well, from my point of view, you do seem like you´re 5´7”, if I´m honest.” No way…


Kyle thought he was safe, she was saying this, just to make small talk. And he was still a little teased by her last words. Honestly, he was peeping at her boobs when she turned. But, even as distracted as he was, he could still listen to her words.

Kyle swallowed, afraid of what´s going to happen…


The tingle, he felt the tingle all over his body. She said it, and now, it´s going to happen. She stated he was shorter, 5´7”, and now, he´s going down to that.

Mrs. Sinclair was thinking, looking at him while wondering what she could do, what she could give. However, she saw some concern on his face as his smile faded. And she was confused, why would that be? And then, she found out.

He was standing straight, and for someone with such a focused sight, someone who pays attention to all small details, she could tell he had shrunk. She was certain.

“Well, well… would you look at that.” Her smile was back, “Did I do that?” she asked, placing both hands on her hips, taking a step forward.

“W-what?” he asked, afraid of what she´ll say.

“Oh, don´t pretend, dear. Why didn´t you tell me, that it was ME who could shrink you. Now, let´s confirm that, before we go any further.” She declared.


Kyle had no way of denying. He had to do as she said. She was the boss, and also, he was afraid of what else she could do.

Mrs. Sinclair took a couple steps to her desk, opened the drawer on the left, and pulled out a measuring tape.

“Oh, I was prepared for this.” She declared.

Kyle knows what comes next. Time to measure…


After confirming she was six-feet-tall, she went on and measured him. And the tape didn´t lie, he was 5´7”. What she stated was her old height, however, he had said he was 5´8”.

She wasn’t sure if that was a lie when he said it. He might as well could´ve been 5´7” when he walked it. Which could explain why he didn´t shrank when he said he was 5´7”. However, when she was the one who said it, he did go down to that height. She saw it with her very eyes.

Now, Mrs. Sinclair´s got an idea, before she was thankful, but now, she feels like she´s got a certain power. A power over him.


“So, you were 5´8” when you got here, right?” she asked.

“Yes, ma´am.” He admitted, just hoping she´ll let him go already.

“And, when you said you were 5´7”, you didn´t shrink. However, when I said it, you went down…” he nodded, “Ok, let´s try this… I´m 5´9”.” She declared, one last attempt.

Mrs. Sinclair waited, but nothing happened. “Nope, still 6-feet-tall. Ok, it seems I cannot make myself shorter, and so can´t you. And I´m sure I cannot make myself taller either. Believe me, I tried last night. BUT, you can make me taller, and I… well, it seems I can make you shorter. Tell me, am I the only one or… can any other woman make you shrink?” she asked.

“It´s… any woman.” Why would he lie? He knows that he shouldn´t tell the truth, it´s not convenient to share that information, but if he doesn´t, then she´ll think it´s her who´s got the power. But it´s him who´s under a spell.

“Interesting.” Her smile, it looks so wicked now. This doesn´t seem good.


“I don´t fully understand how this works. But it doesn´t really matter,” Mrs. Sinclair said, “the only thing that matters is, YOU can make ME taller, and sexier. And I can make YOU shorter…” she declared.

“It… it seems, ma´am.” Fuck, he´s screwed, he can feel it.

“You know what that means?” she asked.

“I don´t…” he doesn´t even want to know.

“It means, you will help me get taller, and sexier, and gorgeous! And, in exchange, I´ll let you keep your size. Isn´t that wonderful?” she said.

“Wait, what? I have to… to do as you say or… or you´ll shrink me?” he complaint.

“Basically. But don´t worry, as long as you do what I say, you shouldn´t be worried. Besides, don´t you think it´ll be so hot to watch your boss grow hotter and taller? Hmm? I bet you´ll love it!” she found a way to take, and not give anything in return. What´s worse, she found a way to punish him if he didn´t do what she said.


Kyle can already tell this is not going to be good. It doesn´t sound good, and it certainly won´t be.

“Now, Kyle, please be a dear and get me some new clothes.” Mrs. Sinclair said as she handed him her credit card.

“Excuse me?” he asked.

“What? You thought I´ll walk out of my office in these clothes? No, they are way too small now. I think we should go one, no, two sizes up. You know, leaving room for further growth.” She explained.

She certainly looks a little too big for those clothes, especially in an office.

“Let me write down what you´ll bring. And the size.” She said, writing it down on paper. “Oh, and the shoes, I´m sure I´ll need bigger shoes. However… don´t worry about the underwear, I´ll get that myself. Later…” underwear? That sounded hot, the underwear for the sexy lady, he wonders what cup size she is.

“So, I´ll… just get out of the office and… get you clothes?” he asked.

“Yes, but try and pick some nice ones, ok? I don´t know if you´ve got any sense of fashion, but I hope you can recall what I´ve worn before. Try something like that, ok?”

“But… and the time?” he asked.

“Well… let´s take this as your lunch time, ok? In fact, I think you should make it quick!” she declared, looking at the time, and knowing he´s been inside her office by almost half an hour.

“But… but… this isn´t fair! You… you can´t do this!” he complaint. What? Now he was her assistant or something? She´s the boss, but he´s not supposed to do as she says, this isn´t something she can ask him to do. This is abusive!

“Oh, trust me,” she took a step forward, standing right in front of him, her large figure, looming imposingly above, “I can. You´ll do as I say, unless… unless you´d like to be, I don´t know… shorter? Maybe I was generous by saying you were 5´7”, perhaps… you´re shorter?” Oh no, she´s going to use this against him?

“You… you wouldn´t…” he said, afraid, and she could see it.

“Oh, I will. You think I became the boss just by being nice? There´s a lot you have to do to get here, and I´ll do what it takes. The question is, will you? Do you want to take the risk or, would you rather do as I say?” It´s a dilemma, but the answer´s easy.

“I´ll… I´ll go get your clothes, ma´am.” He was defeated. She figured it out, and now, she´ll use it against him, all in order to get more. She was evil!

“Very well. You can grab a bite while you´re there. It´s on me,” she winked. “Just so you see that, I can also be nice. But don´t try me,” she waved her finger, “if you behave, you´ll find out I can be quite… generous.”

He sighed, “Ok, ma´am. I´ll be back soon.” He´s screwed!



Oooo fun to watch her figure this out. Hopefully she makes him tiny.

Daniele Mereu

Ler her and other milfs become so tall and sexy!