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Chapter 19

Dean couldn´t resist it. His desire on making Tania taller, thicker, it was way too big to handle it.

She´s special, not like any other random lady he´ll only meet once. She´s cute, she´s nice, she´s kind. And he´s made her a sensuous amazon, she´s got it all. Now, his question is, since she´s his special lady, should he make her stand out?


As he glares at her body, how her thicker legs fill out everything, quick glimpses at her bare skin as she puts on skirts that are too short. How the yoga pants look more like a second layer of skin other than clothes. How every pair of jeans seem too small, yet, seem to cover her body in the most sensuous of ways.

Regular jeans don´t seem to work for her, Tania´s waist is way too small, and her hips and butt are so big and juicy. Her waist is several sizes smaller than the jeans that cover her butt, than the jeans that fit her incredibly juicy thighs.

He´s allured by her, her sensuality. Her cheering stature. And her beauty, she´s a muse, a tall, sexy muse.


Dean´s in a dilemma. Should he go for it? Make her so much taller? She´s already so tall, but if he wished for it, she could be even taller. Sexier, thicker. He´s unsettled by this.

He´s got a battle inside his mind right now. If Tania´s the one, then she should be his tall queen, taller than everyone else. Towering above all the other ladies. However, she´s not the tallest lady he´s met.

The tallest lady he knows, who he meets very often, is his boss. Mrs. Clark, a gigantic lady who stands at 7´10”. Tania´s not too far from that, but he wonders if it´ll be nice to go through so much.

He cannot be so selfish; he can see how much she´s struggling to get clothes. Everything´s tiny on her, too tight, too short. Buying clothes at over seven-feet-tall is not easy. What can he wish for?


“Ok, let´s get going. I´ve got a special treat for you…” she purred, bending over and kissing him tenderly in the lips.

“Treat?” he asked.

“Of course, you´ve been so helpful, and,” her eyes looked at him in a warm, sexy way, and with a different tone, deeper and sensuous, she said: “I´ve noticed how you look at me. And I can´t lie, being desired turns me on…” It cannot be described how much his legs quivered as she teased him with her voice.

Her mere words turned him on more. He had no idea that could be possible. Now, it was time to leave the mall before things go too far…


They went to her apartment. Rushed to it.

The door was closed, but if we enter, we can see all of the bags, all of the shopping bags in the floor. Several bags, with dozens of items, all over the floor.

Jeans, underwear, tops, everything tagged. But, if we go over, if we walked some more, following the path of new clothes all over the floor, we can find some not-so-new clothes.

It was easy to spot Tania´s clothes, they were larger, and, of course, female clothes. You could see panties and a bra over there. A recently used pair. Now, if you focused more, you´ll find a men´s medium shirt, and some 32-size jeans. Together with shoes and underwear.

All those clothes, tracing a path that guides to a closed door. The bedroom´s door.


They were in bed, naked. And, avoiding being crushed beneath his amazon lover, Dean was on top.

Laying over her naked body. He can´t deny it, he loves the size-contrast. Her legs, so much longer than his, right now, he can´t reach her lips, but he loves kissing her neck. Plus, her boobs are much closer. And the expansion has made the so much bigger! They are like pillows of flesh.

Soft, tender, and so sexy. He cannot lie, he´d love it if she was bigger. He´d love it, he´ll melt if she expanded right now. Her thighs growing thicker, fleshier as they have sex. But he´ll avoid it, just for now.

They struggled a lot finding clothes for her, it´ll be a shame if she had to purchase new clothes so soon. Besides, there´s a chance she´ll get too big to find clothes in regular stores. So far, she barely managed to.


Sex was amazing, and she was such a sweet lover. And now, he´s back to his place, wondering what he could do for her.

“How do they do it? I mean, how does my boss do it? She´s bigger, does she have a tailor? Custom-made? That should be it.” He wondered, late at night.

Maybe staying awake for too long. He´s unsure how he´ll manage to wake up in the morning. But six-hour-sleep´s fine, right?

Should he alter the sizes? Think on clothes being much bigger? Well, that´ll be odd. Why would they need larger sizes if there´s not larger people? He thought. And, at that moment, he had an idea.

“Oh my…” maybe he found a solution.


He had to think this through. If the average woman was about 5´3” to 5´4”, and they could use a small size, then women who were taller, about 5´9” could be a medium. Of course, this all depends on the body type and the weight of these ladies. BMI and so on…

But, if he was based on Tania´s hourglass figure, then he was certain this could be the case.

Back to the “numbers”, he figured that a lady of about six-feet-tall could be a large, and that a woman standing above 6´3” could use an extra-large. Numbers meant so that the clothes fit comfortably, just to make a standard. After all, this will depend on how he looks at it.

“Ok, so, if the XL means that the lady´s a whole foot taller than the one wearing a Small…” he was aware that there´s ladies who are taller than him and can easily wear a medium or even a small, but they were not as voluptuous as Tania…


He spent the next couple of days thinking about this. And, in the end, he came with an answer…

“Ok, I hope this works out… but, just in case, let´s start small…” he´ll make the change. Focusing only in the city and not the entire world. As he said, start small…


He remembered to be really specific, he should not change those ladies he´s already changed. This should only be for the rest. And so, he decided that all ladies should be a foot taller…

Why such a drastic change? Wouldn´t that make a short lady, let´s say 5´2”, stand at 6´2”? And, doesn´t this mean that women of six-feet-tall would become seven-footers?

Well, that´s the plan. If Tania´s not so much above the average, then she´ll find clothes that fit. And not just that, everything will be easier for her.


“Oh my, just look at me, putting someone else´s needs before mine…” Or, was he fixing something he did based on his own wishes?

In the end, he was making amends, and trying to make things easier for Tania.


By now, he figured out one thing, shouldn´t they be something more? He decided to schedule the change for a couple of weeks in the future. Weeks that soon became months.

After three months of dating, he decided to make the change, and also, make another change…


He woke up to a brand-new day, and also a new world. He took a deep breath and woke up from bed. It wouldn´t be easy to get used to a new world where the average woman stands at 6´4”, but he didn´t have to. He´ll only have to get used to living at a city where that was the case…


Dean stands at six-feet-tall, and as he walked down the streets, he couldn´t help but to feel… small. Compared only to ladies, of course.

He walked past ladies who stood at 6´2”, 6´4”, even ladies standing at 6´10”! And he was certain he spotted a lady as tall as Tania.

“Wow, I think there´s no one under six-feet-tall…” he thought.

That´s what he wanted, right? Now, life should be easier for a tall lady like Tania. And, of course, all other ladies who´s height he´s messed with.


Looking around, he kind of likes this. It was like a dream come true. A fantasy he had, but never actually found a reason to make it come true. Not until he met Tania…


“Hello?” He called on the phone. To who? Well, obviously Tania. “Are you free tonight?” he asked, with a smile, and a plan.

A date, he wanted to have a date with her. Why? He had a proposal…


He found a fancy restaurant a while ago, and made a reservation. Planning everything ahead of time. Which means, if she had said no, then his plans would be ruined. Unless he could reschedule. But there was no need, everything worked out.


As he got to the restaurant, he met the lady at the front desk, and she was tall!

Standing at 6’10”, with heels, but still, she was towering above him. Which got him thinking, does it mean women will go for taller heels now? That lady, who was gorgeous by the way, wore five-inch-heels. Which makes her a 6´5” lady.

Still, taller than him, but not as tall as Tania.


He had to focus, tonight was not about the rest of the ladies, or the new things on this new world he had created. He had to focus on his date. The rest could wait for tomorrow.


Tania walked into the restaurant. And he was right, women wear higher heels now. Tania stood at an impressive 7´8”! Wearing six-inch-heels, but still, 7´2” was impressive.

Although, not as impressive now that all ladies are six-footers. Tania may be still taller, but now that he´s made the change, he can make her even bigger…


Which would have to wait until tomorrow. Or any other day. Right now, to make this date special, he´s got a proposal.

“Tania, we´ve been dating for a while now. And, although it might not be too long, I feel there´s a connection between us. Do you think we should go to the next level? Take this relationship to a new height?” she was smiling, she was waiting for his words.

“Would you like to be my girlfriend?” She said yes.

It might not be the best proposal, he might not be on his knee. And he may not have a ring. But this was not a marriage proposal. Besides, when the feeling´s mutual, it makes it more special.


“Why don´t we celebrate, how about… the nicest bottle of wine?” he asked.

Now, things were official. Tania was no longer just a lady he was dating. Now, she was his girlfriend.

Hopefully, she won´t be one of those toxic girlfriends who seem so sweet and tender at first. And then, when you make things official, they want to won you!

But he was safe, he knows that´s not the way she is. Tania´s chill, she´s cool. He knows there will be no problem. And that their love will only grow as time goes on.

And, there´s something else that should grow…


Now that he´s created a new world, he´s thinking that Tania could use a mild expansion. As they are sitting, he wondered If she could reach the eight-foot-mark. Just as a test. She should grow four-inches, plus the heels, she´d be an amazon.

But the question is, just how tall should his girlfriend be?



Go big or go home, buddy. Great chapter!