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Embark on a spellbinding ride through episodes 17 and 18 of 'My Little Pony' Season 1! In this exclusive Patreon post, we delve into the vibrant and magical world of Equestria, exploring the rich narratives and life lessons embedded in these episodes.

🌹 Episode 17 - 'Stare Master': Join us as we explore the adventures of Fluttershy as she takes care of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. This episode is a perfect blend of humor, suspense, and valuable lessons about responsibility, bravery, and understanding one’s own strengths.

🎠 Episode 18 - 'The Show Stoppers': Dive into the world of the Cutie Mark Crusaders as they search for their true talents. We'll discuss themes of self-discovery, the journey of finding one's passion, and the importance of embracing individuality, as the Crusaders put together their own unique show.

Your insights and reflections are what make these explorations so rewarding! After reading the post, please share your favorite moments, thoughts, or any questions in the comments. Your contributions not only enrich our discussions but also deepen our collective appreciation for the charming world of 'My Little Pony.'

Thank you for your support, which enables us to continue this journey through the enchanting episodes of 'My Little Pony.' Together, let's uncover the wonders, laughter, and lessons that these episodes hold



Then onto the first full, true CMC ep,and one that has generate a lot of controversy early on. Since it seems like this ep gave away exactly what each of the three's talent would be, making what their marks would be a foregone conclusion, and all the flailing around trying to find it just them missing what is obvious to everypony else. It made a lot of people dislike the early CMC eps about getting their Mark because it felt like they are just being.... well, kids about it and missing what the show had made obvious to us. Now, was this true? Did they actually get the 'obvious' marks? Or any marks at all? You'll just have to keep watching to find out! Then the other big thing to talk about... that spoiler in the chat because yeah, it kind of was a spoiler since the details about it as subtle and just, kind of a thing the fandom came to over time but debated on if it was true, or just fanon. But, the fact it was something so subtle, and you can look at the from the start, does help make clear how their handling of this was so good, because it makes very clear that Scootaloo is a character with a disability, not "The disabled character". Other trivia and notes, I love Applebloom's "You're not using power tools Are ya?". I can't not wince and feel bad during this ep when they bring up Sunny Days and Peachy Pie, the two fillies doing the poetry on rollerskates, because they never show up again in the show and so all I can think of regarding them is their fates in Fallout: Equestria..... which is not good... even by FoE standards... Then we have the song and, it's a testament to how damn GOOD this crew is, both Daniel ingram's sing writing, and the VA's singing that they can do such a good 'bad' song. Doing things that are meant to be bad in 'verse but aren't annoying to the IRL audience and comes across as actually bad but not fake bad, takes a lot of skill. Also apparently this song took a TON of takes to get right because the CMC VA's kept doing too good a job. Speaking of song's if you want pretty much THE CMC song for this stage of their journey, look up Black Gryphon's Crusaders (are we there yet?).

Jeff Spencer

these are my fave 2 episodes as this is when I joined the fandom Stare masters was last weeks episode and the new one was show stoppers and the CMC have been my fave ever since greated the #1 position has gone up and down and with the show being over they are still top 3 to #1 depending on exactly how we are grading best characters. as for fave crusader hands down Applebloom she goes with me every event I go to tho scoot is a close second she is in my jeep and goes every where I go (as does dashie who is always beside her). speaking on which didn't see the whole comment in the chat but scoots not flying has nothing to do with wing size it's more complicated why she can't fly right now but more on that will come as the show goes on. oh and on a totally off topic note. cats are evil, they will try and kill you and eat you when they succeed. I had 32 of them and loved them all but they are pure evil and should be feared