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Join us on a delightful journey through the enchanting episodes 15 and 16 of 'My Little Pony' Season 1! In this Patreon-exclusive post, we'll explore the magical world of Equestria, delving into the heartwarming stories and valuable lessons these episodes offer.

🍎 Episode 15 - 'Feeling Pinkie Keen': Dive into the whimsical tale of Pinkie Pie's unique 'Pinkie Sense.' We'll explore themes of belief, skepticism, and the balance between logic and intuition, as Twilight Sparkle tries to make sense of Pinkie's unusual abilities.

🎭 Episode 16 - 'Sonic Rainboom': Join us in revisiting Rainbow Dash's thrilling journey to perform the legendary Sonic Rainboom. This episode is a wonderful blend of friendship, self-belief, and overcoming fears. We'll discuss how the episode showcases the importance of supporting and believing in your friends.

I'm excited to hear your perspectives on these episodes! After you've read the post, please share your thoughts, favorite moments, and any questions in the comments. Your insights add incredible depth to our discussion and help us all appreciate the magic of 'My Little Pony' in new ways.

Thank you for your continued support, which allows us to embark on these magical adventures. Let's celebrate the joy and lessons that 'My Little Pony' brings, together in our amazing community



Then we get to the third of the "This is the ep that made people Bronies" for season 1. Becuase let's face it... the Sonic Rainboom is freaking awesome! Plus we get our first real look at the deeper layers of Rainbow Dash. Yeah she's cocky, she's brash, she has an ego..... but here we see that much of that is in fact a deliberate mask she puts on to hide from her own insecurities. That her own sense of self worth is massively tied into how she thinks other view her, so feels the need to act like she does. We also get rarity being... not at her best. Here's the thing that a lot of people who complain about the character 'backsliding' or "they should have learned the lesson already" miss..... and also one of the things that makes the writing of the story so damn good. The Mane 6 are written extremely realistically. They aren't robots who always do the logical thing, always obey every bit of data they've acquired,always act only at their best, they are flawed, they make mistakes, they get caught up in the moment and do things that are stupid/jerkish because they just weren't thinking about it.... like people do all the time. As is the case with Rarity here, she simply got caught up in the excitement and never stopped to think how this was hurting RD, but we also saw her at her best as the only one of the other Mane 6 able to see how Dash was really feeling and insisting on finding a way to help. Sometimes... people just fuck up. (Not to say there aren't times when it feels more like the writers shoved an idiot ball down their throats, but that is a lot rarer then some people claim.) Beyond that, we have more Derpy! Also, The Doctor somehow grew a set of wings to join her in the show. It might have something to do with how Derpy manages to be both a contestant in the event, but also in the stands watching it. Other notes and trivia.... "Cloudaseum" this shows pun game is on point. This is the episode that inspired the Rainbow Factory series, that you've heard the first song of... specifically that one still frame of the outside of the Weather Factory that showed it half clear skies, half storm clouds. Ponies hoof carving snowflakes hits a lot harder after Snowdrop..... There is a common joke alternate ending to this where RD is then arrested for attempted Regicide for that cloud she threw at Celestia. As well as SOOOOO many fics about just what RD's 'plans' were when she flew off with two stallions. Though likely the most long lasting and impactful fandom meme to come from this is the glorious Flutteryay! So, a really awesome ep that showcases one of the most awesome things in the entire series in an awesome way while showing just how awesome RD can be. Awesome. While also being the writers working in a very well done classic mythology reference, between the very classical Greece inspired look to Cloudsdale, and Rarity being a very clear Icarus analog. One of the best eps of the season, hooves down!

Jeff Spencer

2 great episodes the first pinkie keen is amazing as it proves pinkie is not a real pony she is a being an essence she exist but isn't real but is and is all powerful but just giggles and gumdrops. its pinkie don't question it lol. and sonic rainboom this is actually the 2nd time it's been done, when was the first? I have no idea but AJ said it happened before so I don't know I guess we gotta keep watching I mean at this point their is still 8 more season so at some point hopefully they will explain that bit from AJ. also flutter yay, the world can now be at peace.