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Okay so, overall good list,I have no idea how TF I didn't have Spike on that... my bad. So few notes, most of the Hurricane Fluttershy pegasi I added were because they were ones that really stuck out in the fandom. Flitter and Cloudchaser, agreed they look great, some of my favorite background ponies just on a design standpoint. Blossomforth.... mostly it just became a meme about how "Flexible" she is. The kind of chunky foal you put in Who Dis is Truffle Shuffle, just a reoccurring background foal in the school. I mostly added him because you noticed him during one of the CMC eps and called out "hey who's this?" Also! I saw you try and put Bug Momm.... Queen Domaly..... Bug Waif.... Best Queen! in Meh.... only for her to trick you into slipping her up into Best Ponies where she belongs! Chryssi is rivaled only by Discord for best villains in the show! Angel, while I did put up a defense of Angel overall, for season 2, yeah he deserves that spot. Granny Smith though? meh? After that epic story about the founding of Ponyville!? And then we have your Celestia slander..... yes, she is not allowed to be as powerful as she really should be in the show, for a number of reasons. But, at the same time.... how does her power in a fight mean anything for being the leader of Equestria? Running a nation.. it isn't your job to personally go deal with every disaster or threat, it's your job to make sure that the right people are put in the right postions to deal with it. Wondeful list, and no on to season 3!

Jeff Spencer

I was gonna have to have a strong longly worded debate with ya bro when ya put our queen in meh. MEH?! Bro she is the leader of mighty warriors who can take over a kingdom with ease... they just can't deal with getting a lot of love that they feed on at once. but thankfully you did put her in the right spot so it's all good and I have to agree with Seraphem on granny. yeah over all granny isn't a huge character but she does have some huge moments I mean how do you become meh when you and your family CREATED the most iconic city in the show (talking more then just this generation). now the glue factory tier I 1000% agree with that they should all be snt to make glue so we can make them useful. oh and I absolutely must defend filthy. how can you say he "raised" a bad daughter? my bro he wasn't there thats what the butler is for but on the real for a rich pony he is a good guy not as good as fancy pants but I do respect the dude for doing his best to keep his family in such high standings. ok now it is time for me to disagree with seraphem (sorry bro your an awesome dude but jack was right she is meh) Tia is a great pony but power wise lets just cut to the chase and compare her and her sister. ok Tia has so much power she can raise the sun and yes this will be addressed at some point. but that is only 1 star in the galaxy. Luna raises the moon and ALL the stars each night which if you know astronomy means many planets and far off stars (planets, suns, and galaxies) so yes Luna is better then Tia. as for the special preview of season 3 RD's new friend is Spoilers. Spoilers and dash will have some entertaining times together but Spoilers will have to wait till you see the episode

Jeff Spencer

ya know with how bad the show wrote spike a lot of the time (despite being an amazing asset to the show) I would of said no big deal, but yeah that episode "it's about time" highlighted how great spike is. also I laughed when that happen with chrysalis the queen is best and she snuck her way right up there. the power of the changelings ya don't realize what has happen till it's too late


I mean, Luna is Best Princess, this is facts. My point was "What does personal combat power have to do with the ability to be a good leader?" The best trait a leader can have is the ability to be able to put the right people in the right roles to deal with things properly, and inspire confidence in their citizens, both things Celestia has proven amazing at.