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Jeff Spencer

ok before i get onto my comment I gotta say something. PATREON those of you who like the video thank you BUT say something anything come on guys even a simple "great video jack" or "I liked this" is enough come on guys like and comment you are already subscribed finish it up. ok now onto my word buffet ^^ . I know I mentioned this last episode but kind of a bit more info and no not spoiling but I wanted to add that as the show goes on they both get better SOOOOoooooo the view on who is better on magfic may change or may not I will let you know who is best after season 9 but you'll know by then with each ones development. ok onto the other GREAT call on the picture, tho despite your final guess being wrong that was an amzing detail to catching those random things. I suppose it's not a shock tho given how well you are at pointing out derpy and catching other characters in the background but yeah that picture wasa huge detail in the story. also something i was wondering since I have amazon prime and thus should have twitch (not downloaded have to do that and make an account) when do you stream? be a good idea to mention that in the stream and add it to patreon and youtube for more to watch live and hug zizzy (if he could ban me right now I bet he would *hugs zizzy*)


And the final 'regular' ep of season 2, not an EPIC way to close out, bot a good one. So this ep has quite the backstory of BTS stuff going on, and senseless executive meddling making it, not actually make sense when you think about it. So, the core idea here is that they are all heading to a baking contest in Canterlot. But.... why then does the trip take over a day when we've seen before that the trip to Canterlot is only a few hours at most. And why is Donut Joe..... who is FROM Canterlot, bringing his entire entry all the way down to Ponyville, and then back to Canterlot, when all he said he was there for was picking up some sprinkles? Also, the trip from Ponyville to Canterlot involves mostly going up the mountain.... yet every view of the train was along wide open, flat plains. The answer to these issues, is as noted, executive meddling. The original script had the contest taking place in a different city (can't recall if it was Fillydelphia of Manehatten) but for some reason that makes no sense, some suit up the chain said no, make it Canterlot! Despite how much that makes things make no sense. So, the writers rolled with it, said Canterlot... and then went along with things as is. Then we get to the mystery, and this gets a lot of flak for not being a 'fair play who done it', meaning it's not a mystery the audience can solve on their own, since the story goes out of it's way to hide most of the evidence Twilight collects from the audience. However the "everyone did it" was actually something many people could call from the start, just from the title of the episode "Mmmmmmmystery on the Friendship Express." a clear homage to the classic mystery story "Murder on the Orient Express" in which the final reveal, spoilers for a nearly cnetury old story, was that all of the suspects played a part in committing the crime. And yes ALL of them, even Applejack! See, there was a scene cut for time where after the reveal of the three taking bites of the cake, Twilight goes on this long, elaborate speech praising Applejack for her restraint.... only for AJ to crack and admit that she also snuck in and took a bite, she was just smart enough not to leave any evidence behind. Other trivia, yes Gustav is our second Griffon, and solidified the fandom idea that all griffon names start with 'G'. Mulia Mild is a reference to the big name celebrity chef Julia Child, who also had a similar way of talking. And that ending very much just further solidified the fandom meme of Cakelestia! That Celestia's favorite food is cake! To a nearly Derpy and muffins degree.