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Jeff Spencer

LMAO oh I love the beginning of the episode with flutters knocking dashie on her flank and stomping her flat before running off and gently opening the window. remember dash no means no. this episode is very heart warming and teaches a really good lesson on friendship. we get to see twi in her motherly role wanting spike to meet his parents which honestly is as solid as what happen to AJ' and the other apple siblings parents. from this episode according to fandom it goes from tia slaughtering dragons and stealing their eggs for her class test to her finding them abandoned and collecting them to help raise them and revive the species (yeah seen both none confirmed canon in the least)as for the dragons a thing I will say as it's not a spoiler but a trait of theirs is they are amazing warriors and very strong but not much for helping so yeah spike didn't get any help because you are a dragon either sink or swim as for the friendship lesson this I personally can relate to from growing up is it's nice to have friends but don't be friends with those that don't share a common interest and have your well being in mind. these dragons wanted him to kill innocent babies for a laugh and spike knew this was wrong (and yes I eat eggs I am a hypocrite sue me). the lesson is don't give into peer pressure follow your heart and ALWAYS BE YOU. but that" your my family" moment at the end hits my heart because they are which is why I will always support the spike rarity ship for those that love it he'd still be banging his sister so eww. as for why I can relate to the lesson long and short of it I grew up in an area with many gangs (7 different ones in a half mile radius) and thanks to my brother selling drugs and guns I got to know them all pretty well but I didn't choose to go that route it was tempting but it never felt right. now I am 45 living in my own home I own and working a steady job 47 hours a week... and broke, maybe I should of started banging? but seriously mad props to spike for doing what was right and now he has a pet