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Jeff Spencer

lol sorry jack but someone told ya the wrong names it's Lyra and Bon Bon. Lyra is a green unicorn with a harp cutie mark and bon bon is a cream color with three candy's as hers. the one with the grapes and strawberry is Berry Punch the fandoms functioning drunk (was suppose to be a wine maker but being kids show couldn't) and the blue unicorn with the hour glass is Minuette or colgate as the fans call her and her friend is Twinkle Shine they are canterlot friends of twily tho not sure how well as they only had very brief interactions in the first season. oh and on the guard letting her into a locked part of the castle is in part because she is a student of tia and also the fact her and pinkie are the element baerers of the elements of harmony and helped reform luna and defeat discord so they are very well known and given special status amongst the ponies. I mean think about it if you are gaurding a building and you walk by several stain glass windows of a pony and that pony needs something from you that others can't access like a locked room you are gonna be more willing as you know they are of great importance. oh and yeah this is why you don't worry about things you can not change just deal with what you can and don't go all twily bonkers. heh atleast she didn't go lesson zero lol. oh and her outfit at the end not sure if you played the game metal gear solid. this is metal gear twilight lol. oh and thanks for the shout out I do enjoy watching these they are so fun


Really need to stop getting distracted! Anyway, direct answers and comments... You were, all kind of off on those background ponies. The firs group you though were Lyra and Bon-Bon were Cherry Berry and Shoeshine (who is the one you called Lucky I think there is actually a Pony named Lucky, he's got a four leafed clover CM) Berry Punch is the one with the grape Mark, and is considered the town drunk. For where's Luna? In Canterlot. As to Pinkie Pie not being able to walk normally... here's the thing.... the bouncing way she moves? it IS an actual gait that quadrupedal creatures IRL use, though more a cervid gait then an equine one. It is called Pronking, yes really, and can you think of a more fitting way to describe how Pinkie moves? The guards letting Twilight in, as noted, she is Celestia's personal protege, she likely has full access to the entire archive, but was too anxious and sleep deprived to think of that. For why she didn't go back again, the spell said it was on shot only.... a clear handwave to avoid that question, and not a popular one. But this ep did establish that while time travel is possible in Equestria, it appears to operate on Stable Time Loop logic. Other trivia, this being a time travel ep, it's fitting they had some Doctor Who references. Prominent focus on Doctor Whooves, and the music during the Future Twilight talks to Past Twilight sounds extremely similar to a slowed down version of "I Am The Doctor" the theme of the 11th (and at the time current) Doctor. Also Future Twilight has a ton of Solid Snake memes as well. This also showed us the Tartarus is a thing.... even if Tara Strong had no idea how to pronounce it right, it's TAR-ta-rus not Tar-TAR-us. Wonder if that will matter later one.... Of course Fluttershy tamed the good boi! And we have a single joke that will never not be reused by the fandom.... Pinkie has X stashed all over Equestria, in case of X emergency! Also, per the writers, all that disaster proofing they did, DID in fact prevent and actual disaster... specifically, clipping that uneven lock of Pinkie's mane. Somehow, that prevented and Equestria wide catastrophe. Oh, and personal headcanon, Spike wrote to Celestia warning her of Twilight's freak out, and she knew enough about how the time spell worked to guess what was going on, but was nearby just in case it was something major, but when it was clear this was just Twilight freaking herself out, she simply decided to troll her a bit. This was a really fun ep overall!