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Okay before we get into the ep, let's go over those questions at the end. Lauren Faust was the person who pretty much created Friendship is Magic and was the show runner for season 1 and an executive producer for season 2 before leaving the show in season 3. While most of the lore and groundwork for the series was written by her as a show bible, she is only credited for actually writing the pilot. Her role was mostly to serve as the person guiding the rest of the crew and who had final say on stuff. She left after season 2 due to a mix of issues with being in charge of the production while living in a different country then most of the crew (The animation studio that made the show is located in Vancover, and all the main staff and Va's save Tara Strong are there, while Lauren lives in LA) and creative differences with Hasbro execs who were putting in demands she didn't want to do. After she left, Show Runner passed to Meghan McCarthy. Writing wise, nothing really changed since the writing has always been a pool where various people work on different eps, hence each ep having a writer credit, and certain writers having certain style to their eps and quirks to writing you can notice..... such as this being a Merriweather Williams ep, as you can tell by how it ignores character continuity, the tone of the show, and how everyone has their asshole levels maxed out. We'll get into that.... Daniel Ingram is the composer for the show who did the music for all the musical numbers (Lyrics tend to be split between him and whoever is doing the writing for that ep). But William Anderson is the score composer, who did all the background music. Basically, if it's got words, it's Daniel, no words, it's William.


Okay onto the ep itself and...... No sir, I don't like it. This is easily my least favorite episode of the season, and in the single digits for lowest ranked ep of the show for me, for a number of reasons. Biggest being.... it simply does not feel like the world we know. Just last episode we had the entire town coming together to sing a massive musical number about how great it is to make someone else smile..... and now everyone is a fucking asshole for no reason. This, is one of the reason Williams is the least liked writer for the show, she openly admits she likes writing characters who are kind of dicks, who cause conflict... and that is simply not how the characters in this show work. On top of that, you have issues like, Fluttershy just magically learning how to be assertive the right way off screen, the way the story keeps trying to say Iron Will is the bad guy here who screwed over Fluttershy somehow when....no... Fluttershy was the one who took things to far, and Iron Will was nothing but professional. He did his job, and then requested payment. Sure he acted tough and got in her face about it... after she refused to pay... but never actually did anything untoward or wrong and accepted her invoking the 'satisfaction guaranteed' clause. In contrast, we see Pinkie Pie scamming that tomato seller who also did nothing wrong. She didn't jack up the price just to screw Fluttershy, we clearly see the price marked on her sign. Not to mention what Fluttershy just ripping into her friends like that says about how she really feels about them..... Then you have Angle and.... yeah the bunny is a brat, but never THIS bad, and yes, much of the fandom still hates him for this but for me...... it's hard to really hold this against him.... sure he was an asshole here..... but EVERYONE was an asshole in this ep. That said, it does have some good parts. Iron Will is glorious, and i LOVE all the mythology references, having a Minotaur hold his meeting in the center of a maze, the goats! Even having goats working for him is a mythology gag, since they look like goats native to the island where the minotaur myth is from. Then, you can't not love a good Duck Season gag. And, on top of all that... using "The Lonely Man's Theme" for Fluttershy realizing she'd let her anger turn her into a monster!!!!! ( For reference, that was the sad piano music that played during scene as she walked back to her cabin to tie herself up, and it's the music that played during the end credits of the old 70's Incredible Hulk show.) So while this ep does have some good points..... the overall story is just, a mess of assholishness that simply doesn't feel like it fits in this show, and feels more like the writer wanting to make a point without thinking how these characters would actually respond, and not realizing the implications of what they were doing.