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Jeff Spencer

sadly nothing was done wrong per say. AJ had the right to ask her friends to join in and flim and flam did the right thing by skipping quality for quantity the ONLY flaw was flim and flam grabbing a barrel from the top for the ponies to try. they had to make more barrels and so skipping on quality they did and had they used the lower barrels for the taste test they would of won ponies would of loved the cider and they could of gone back to quality here on out. but if the show had done that it be canceled by the fandom so quick. also this episode had a lot of folks confused it was announced derpy wasn't going to be in the show by the time this aired and then seeing her so many times but yeah already made and so hasbro couldn't edit her out of sll the shots the storyboard artists and animators had put her in knowing how well loved she was especially after giving her a voice and the fandoms name


Stupid IRL causing issues!!!!!! Anyway, yes you caught Derpy..... now let's see if you can catch the one episode she shows up in next season! Beyond that, let's start with the 'winner'. This is a case of, like we learned last season in Fall Weather Friends, always be sure to fully define the rules at the start. But yes, to a degree Flim and Flam have a point..... but at the same time, their names are Flim and Flam. Would you trust them? We don't even know if they actually built the SSCS6K or if they conned it off somepony else. It also doesn't matter how fast they can turn apples into cider, if they don't have a ready supply of apples to use. This could have worked out perfectly for everypony if the brothers weren't greedy SoB's who tried to strongarm the Apples into a raw deal. They got greedy and it bit them in the asses. Simple as that. To further cement you should not trust them, their Cider song? That is straight up a take on a fairly well known song from a classic musical called "The Music Man", in which the titular character fast talks a town into agreeing to buy a bunch of expensive junk they don't need. Granted, most people who know of the song know it from the other cover of it, the Monorail Song from The Simpsons. Next up, Cider versus Juice. In the US the FDA definition between the two is that Cider is unpasteurized while Juice is pasteurized. On top of that Cider tends to not have any, or minimal ingredients added or processing done. It's pretty much squeezed from the apple, usually run through a filter, then sold as is. It does not have to be alcoholic, but it can be. Now outside the US this episode got taken WAAAAAAAY differently, as in other nations "cider" almost universally denotes 'alcoholic'. Also the simple fact the cider was foaming is something you only see if there is a good amount of gas mixed into the liquid... which comes from the fermentation process.. meaning you are very unlikely to get that sort of foam from non-alcoholic cider. That said, there really wasn't any time for fermentation to take place but... well, Earth Pony magic. Either way, RD needs somepony to drag her to Ciderholics Anonymous. Also, the Apples really should institute a 'one mug per customer' policy. Further.. this is the most memed on, and one of the best, DPC letters ever. "I ain't learned not'in'!" While not one of my pesonal faves, it's alright but, there are better, this is a very fun ep, and one of the better AJ eps.