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Jeff Spencer

oh too bad bro but you didn't catch derpy here she wasn't in this version that mare you thought was derpy is Muffin. this was derpy's episode she even had her name used but because of misunderstanding and pissy mothers she had her name removed and this would be the start of hasbro blocking her from the show. season 2 still has her in it because it was already finished and it be impossible to remove her so she was just silenced. season 3 had her gone *completely*. now before you go thinking that's the end of your try and find derpy not so fast see like the fans the staff loved the show too and fed off the fandom's love of the show so derpy will still be in the show but not FULLY mostly just hidden face shots. but yeah this episode was so huge when it dropped the fandom lost their minds in the first 15 seconds all all the social media was going at a viral rate of fans reacting and posting vids of the show and a few of the speedy artists doing full pics before the episode had even ended. so yeah you'll see derpy but after season 2 it will be much much harder.


Ohhhh boy, this one. Yeah this one touched off Derpnarock! (because "Derpygate is just lame and not epic enough for Best Pony!) Yes you got the edited version and as above, the unedited one had RD actually call her Derpy, and had a different voice that.... admittedly wasn't that flattering. Which in true Derpy fashion was a mistake. So the first voice work was done by Tabitha St Germane, who yes, also voices Rarity, Luna, Granny Smith, and Mrs Cake along with a TON of one off characters, but when doing the recording, Taitha for some reason thought Derpy was male, and so did a deeper voiced performance. The attempts to correct this in post led to her voice sounding really heavy and slow. Which factored into soccer moms throwing a hissy fit over the show 'making fun of mentally disabled people' leading to... an epic teir shit storm. Short version, she went on hiatus for Season 3 till things calmed down, would eventually come back, but from that point onwards never be referred to as 'Derpy' in any official way, either remaining nameless, or going by "Muffins" usually done by just using a picture of a muffin instead of the word. Beyond that, we also learned the Derpy's butt is potentially the most destructive force in all of Equestria. Aside from that we also learned you DO NOT FUCK WITH PINKIE PIE! Do not, EVER break a Pinkie Promise! I love how the other Mane 6 are able to weaponize Pinkie's Pinkieness. Oh right and ummm, Applejack did some stuff too. Yeah this ep played into a long running meme of AJ being a 'background Pony' becuase even when she got a focus ep, something else would always overshadow her in it. Derpy and Pinkie in this case. But as to her, no she did ever lie, she just, used exact wording that would make a Fae proud. It's also been pointed out that, for all she never won any event, given she won more ribbons then Cherry ever saw, odds are this was a case of AJ spreading herself too thin and trying to compete in EVERYTHING, and being damn good in all of them, but not quite good enough to beat a pony who focused only on a few events. And yes the whole cherry sorting scene was a wonderful homage to the most famous I Love Lucy bit where her and Ethel got a job wrapping Bon Bons the came down a conveyor, only to freak out as they kept coming faster and faster. So overall a decent but not amazing ep with an epic Pinkie scene.... and legacy of Derpy just not knowing what went wrong.