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First off Jack, you got an issue with the tagging, some of the vids are tagged "My Little Pony" some are tagged "MLP" so they aren't all showing up together. And we have our second Spike ep, and while not as 'meh' as the last one, still continues the tradition of Spike episodes being seen as lackluster compared to the rest. Though this is seen as one of the better ones. This one created so much discourse and so many theories about how Dragon growth worked... was this the ONLY way Dragons got bigger? Is this just a short cut? How does it all work? So many questions..... now to see if you figure out if we get any answers! This ep also starts the view of the Wonderbolts being utterly useless....... bleh..... There's not really much else to this ep, giant Spike has been dubbed Spikezilla, obviously.. despite the clear homage to King Kong. Finding a way to bring him back is a not uncommon fan fic topic. "I'm assaulting him with cake!" is just, a banger line. We get to see that Ponyville DOES have a legit Veterinarian, not just Fluttershy. There was also long standing debate over if her and vet saw each other as colleagues or competitors. And nly other thing is, of course, Zecora! Who doesn't show up as often as we might like, mostly because the writers find trying to keep the rhyming dialog going too long to be tough. So a pretty overall mid teir ep, but still solid!