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I've been a bit uneasy lately as last post I said about seeing about doing commission/art/animation work more than my job. I've been just worrying so much about how to talk to my boss about this, getting research to if this is possible, and just trying to drum up the courage to go through with this. I sincerely apologize for not producing as much the last two weeks. I've been just off and on busy with work and trying to see if this would be a possibility.

Well I have a good workaround that will give me more time, while still having a less restrictive day-job. I'm voluntarily lowering my hours at work temporarily to do commission work, animations, and such to further myself here. Not quitting until I'm fully secure.

I was ... actually very VERY impressed by the way my boss was handling this. He's usually nuts or angry at me over the littlest things. But he really wants me to be safe with what I do.

So starting next week I am going to accelerating my work and trying a few new things.

Important! I am going to be updating my tiers around mid May. But everyone here that will be current when the update goes through, will be grandfathered in. (Meaning you can keep going as is, no problems or big changes!)

I am not kicking anyone out of discord nor am I deleting the tiers (unless the tier hits 0 members). Active people can stay in discord and the current $5 tier will still be in the credits.

The month of May will remain the same. Mid-may/June I think will be the start of the bigger changes.

I am planning on adding a new tier or two along with an updated lower tier. One of the new tiers I'm going to offer, will have more in depth stuff for the work in progress. I'm working out the details but I have ideas like "private streams on discord", access to scripts (non-commissions) and such. Ability to give feedback as I work more often. Stuff like that. It won't be too high I'm trying to figure out a good price for it.

One of the possibilities I am thinking about doing is streaming some/most my work on those days I have off while I work. This will keep me focused on the task and I can provide full on "hey this is how i work" to you all. Like a big behind the scenes thing. I don't know which tiers will get this but I need to see about interest first and go from there.

I'm also thinking about offering a discount for commissions... but I have to work things out to be fully fair.

If you have any feedback as things go on, please let me know I want to hear back from all of you about how I can help make this comfortable.



uwub great for ya mang, look forward to seeing what ya put out in the future