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 The next project is a POV inflation from a long time commissioner. 

It will feature the POV getting pumped up as if they were a living doll! Maybe his lovely scientist will fill up a bit too for fun? (More than likely ^^!)

This one is rigged to go, and I'm going to get started on animating it shortly. It has a few new tricks but it isn't anything ridiculously complex.

After that we have the next two commissions (in no particular order)...

The return of Tamamo Fox and Cat, this time with giantesses+balloons. (Script is about ready, just have to finish up the ending)

And the other one is a simple one with Puffster/Puffy's Anna inflating alongside a good friend. (OCs)

After that I need to organize "what's next"

**If you're wanting to read about my thoughts about doing art and animation full time, read on**

A lot of people have been contacting me about "when do commissions open" and there's a big problem that goes into the next thing I'm going to discuss:
I got a list of people for commissions... so many that people have been waiting for me to get to them for a very very long time... (I don't accept payments until I'm ready to start)... and I would love to do them cause a bunch are really neat ideas.
It's just that I can only do so much at once, and I do want to do things for myself too while learning new things. (I think I've been okay with balancing everything)
I'm  bit nervous of charging way higher prices... even though the whole thing of supply and demand is weighing on my shoulders. Animation is hard to judge in value... since you have so many factors involved in it, and it's longer to create than a picture.

So... the thing I have been saying to everyone is that... how do I do this with the time I have? 

I was doing a lot of research a bit ahead of time as I spied an opportunity to possibly do commission/animation work as my day job... this would mean much more output and I'd be willing to pick up drawing commissions again and doing animation commissions on a faster basis.

The downsides, besides paperwork and such, is that I would be slightly worried about being burned out on it. There's more of course but let's not go into all the details.

The main things are:
1. I would still do things for myself and keep learning.
2. This wouldn't make it so I would need to fully quit animation if I had to go back to a regular job.
3. I want to make sure anything commissioned is still fairly priced based on time to create.

So the cards are on the table where I can give it a try. I just want to make sure when, and if, I can do it, then it's my best chance at success.

The thing with this is that "I won't know until I try if this is possible". And well... I have a decent chance coming up soon.

Anyway! I'm actually a bit excited to try this out. And I highly appreciate everyone's support in every way, always. Sharing, commenting, talking to me, etc. etc. Everything you all do helps keep me going forward and I always appreciate it. Thank you and I'll be back next time with the progress on the next video.


Swell Reads

Can't speak for others, but I would almost certainly be willing to pay rates similar to Imbapovi's if it means more ambitious animations and a shorter waitlist.


I would pay for lady dimitrescu and her daughters to have 3D animations of them blowing balloons 🎈 and gum ;D