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All the full games are fixed, including SL2 and 3 (*purposefully doesn't look at The National Pokedexxx and pretends like that's been "fixed"*)

But old releases and old updates to games, like old updates to the Shifter Labs games, are not touched, so they can't be played properly.

Also the demos aren't fixed. I still gotta do that...

...but yeah. All the "important" games are done. Next time I'll do the demos, but i really think I should sleep. I've been working non-stop for the past three nights. (I literally somehow slept for 12 uninterrupted hours last night.)

So yeah. Thanks again everyone for your support and your patience.

Oh also, please let me know if these updates are annoying anyone. I realised that 12 notifications all at once was a lot last night and I got super worried that I was annoying people with the updates, so I purposefully turned them off for the SL2 and SL3 fixes.


Tevin Jordan-Blair

Hello There Chaos I hope that you and your team were reading my comments about the a few of the issues in your Games like Wild Pines And Arceus ' Garden but I currently have found a few in your Full Release Of Shifter Labs 3: Fools Gold. 1. In Both The Demo And The Full Release Raccoon is misspelled and I believe the same goes the with either The Otter TF or the Alternate Waterworks Tfs. 2. One Of The Alternative TFs is mistakenly labeled as a Different Transformation instead of the One It actually supposed to be. 3. The Furnace Boss Battle in terms of being able to get to all the levers was a bit tedious sometimes frustratingly so after failing several times especially when it keeps changing the location of where the Boss appears and Even to the point that it blocks the way you have no choice to go to like the shutdown levers.