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As you may have seen with the many post update notifications you may have gotten, I've pulled, saved, regenerated, and replaced every image in all games baring Shifter Labs 2 and Shifter Labs 3, which I'll be doing tomorrow.

This means...

Archive of Corruption books 1 to 4
The National Pokedexxx
Wild Pines Zoo Resort
Lattice of Desire
The Final Wish
Escape from Softyarn Castle
Arceus' Garden
Arc of Teddy
And Shifter Labs 1

...have been fixed and are ready to play with updated image support.

By the way, demos of games still also need to be done...I'll probably need another day to do that too. Tomorrow I'll fix Shifter Labs 2 and 3, which have the most images to replace, totaling more than the 12 that have been fixed combined.

Sorry for all the trouble. I've been relentlessly fixing all of these issues for the last 48 hours on like, no sleep.



Thank you for all the hard work! But please you and the team take care of yourselves/get some rest!


Awesome, sorry you had to go through all this trouble. I did find a couple things in National Dex. The market just gives a black screen and saving through password doesn't show a password, it's just blank with the "here's your password" text. Started a new game just to see if maybe that fixed it and no luck and now milking doesn't work either, the lust doesn't go up at all. There are error boxes popping up "An internal error occurred while trying to run (set: $pkTotal += 1)", "An internal error occurred while trying to run (set: $temp *= 100)", An internal error occurred while trying to run (set: $temp /= 100)" are a few.


yeah, sorry man. Pokedexxx is an utterly broken game that i probably will not be returning to to fix. If i do find the time to fix it, I'll just make the whole game again, since it was duct tape together