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Jason has turned into a dragon…! Time to see what kinds of things he can do…


In a near act of desperation and sheer panic of an existential crisis, Jason went back to his calculus class even if he apparently didn’t have to.

He didn’t exactly want to, since he didn’t know why he had to take a math class in order to become a journalist like he wanted, but he trusted the system, and he was okay being bored for an hour or two every day if it meant he got a chance to one day work for news companies.

And so, Jason meekly stepped back into the conference room. Going to the bathroom wasn’t usually something to be embarrassed about, neither is returning from it, but it was the fact he was now a ten-foot-tall white dragon that made it difficult to keep his wits about him.

Angela told him (and showed him) that humans for some reason didn’t have the brain capability of even comprehending dragons, even though they absolutely exist. They’re like spirits that walk the earth right in front of any human without them even noticing them. Jason had only seen one example with a single human wading through a foot-deep flooding of dragon cum, then dropping his pants at Angela’s command. It was weird and he didn’t know why or how Angela could do that, but she still reassured him;

“If you wanna return to class, no one in there will see you as a dragon. They’ll see you as a human. Nothing that you do or even say that may draw suspicion that you’re a dragon will be either changed, or silenced entirely before your voice will even reach their ears. Do you understand?”

Jason found himself stepping into the large classroom hall. With a huff, still not knowing if this would work, he stepped right in front of the class near where the teacher stood, then sat down to face the class. His heart was beating out of his chest in nervousness,

“I-I’m…I’ve become a dragon. If anyone…is freaked out or anything, please uhm…say something.”

No one said anything. No one even looked shocked. Jason’s teacher looked to him,

“Sorry Jason, is there something you need?” He said with a furrowed brow. Jason stayed silent for a good while before speaking,

“No sir. Sorry sir.”

Jason was checked out the whole rest of the class. He felt obligated to attend, but he couldn’t get his mind to focus on any of the teacher's words. What was even stranger was the fact his spot in the room had changed to fit his large, bulky body to easily move past the students and sit awkwardly at the table. To anyone, the sight of a ten foot white scaled dragon sitting down in a presentation hall with other normal students would be hilarious to look at.

But no one was laughing. No one thought it was weird, or even off at all.

As Jason continued to overthink, the bell rang. Mr. Will quickly wrapped up his lesson,

“Alright, for tomorrow, I want everyone to read chapters 12 and 13, and write me a full review on the topics we talked about,” Will clasped his hands together, “the assignment sheet will be handed out to you, and I expect it to be done by tomorrow morning. Understood?”

Will passed a sheet of paper to everyone, reaching the still frozen dragon. Slowly, Jason found the movement to take the sheet,

“You seemed pretty out of it Jason, are you doing okay?”

Jason looked over the sheet. It had question after question, all of it stuff he could scour the textbook and slog until 3 or 4 in the morning to get it all done. A pit in his stomach formed, which wasn’t the first pit he had experienced. Jason took a breath,

“…I don’t want to do this,” Jason spoke plainly. Jason and his teacher shared a second of silence, before the teacher shrugged,

“Alright,” before taking the sheet back from Jason. Jason’s heart skipped a beat as Will went back to handing the sheets out,

“Wait- i mean-”

“If you don’t want to do it, you don’t have to. I can give you the marks.”


Will turned back to Jason, “I’ll give you the marks. you do want the marks, right?”

Jason couldn’t figure out if this was his teacher’s way of pulling a joke or if he was being sarcastic. Mr. Will was infamously hard with his students, constantly giving them tough work, even the confident students had trouble keeping up with him. He never joked like this…unless…

“Pass me the class,” Jason spoke, “and while you’re at it, take off your shirt.”

“You got it,” Will said without hesitation, undoing his tie and slipping his suit off. Within twenty seconds, his teacher casually took off his shirt as if he had just arrived home. His slightly hairy chest and impressive looking abdomen was exposed as he tossed his undershirt away. Jason watched in awe,

“Get on your hands and knees,” Jason continued, to which Will went down into a dog position, then stopped as if waiting for a command. Jason’s voice raised,


“Wruff!” His teacher barked like a dog, the best he could. Jason’s heart skipped multiple beats,

“Oh my god,” Jason sputtered. It was just as Angela had done, command them word for word what they should do, and they do it without hesitation. It was…scary. It felt sick, and yet…

Jason had a stiff shaft that grew out of his crotch that even during his overthinking during class, like a constant tick that kept ticking in the back of his head, needing constant attention from him. His nose let out a huff, regardless of the ethics or his own morals, he felt powerful, and very, very horny,

“You’re gonna be my puppy for a little while, understand?” Jason spoke, his white scales glistening a brilliant multicoloured power as his command shook reality at its roots. Will began panting, his eyes wandering up to Jason. Seeing a human do this was kind of funny, but…something about it wasn’t right. He didn’t feel anything sexual out of seeing him like this. After the session he had with Angela in the bathroom, it was like his entire sexual attraction to anything human was gone, entirely replaced with…

Will grew a lizard-like tail, which was thick at the base and thinner at the tip. Scales flooded his skin, but unlike a real dragon, Will stayed slim and rather chubby. His face pulled out to a stubby muzzle, and his eyes glazed over into a brilliant amber. His tongue, which hung out of his mouth, forked into a long, wet lizard tongue, which already was flicking towards Jason’s meaty dragon shaft. His spine spiked outwards, and his hands became soft, rather cute paws, which followed his thighs thickening out like his tail. His shoes were quickly shredded by his new talons.

A horny, needy growl left Jason’s former teacher’s maw, a dripping cock hanging between his surprisingly feminine looking thighs. He stood on two legs, and had no wings. Instead of the powerful, intimidating growl and stance of a dragon, Will looked almost desperate to please, hearts filling his eyes when he saw Jason’s long shaft. Will’s legs trembled, his cock throbbing and squirting precum. He wanted nothing more than to feel Jason’s long, thick shaft fill his entire body,

“M-mmhh~ maahhster~” Will growled, “y-youhh m-must be sooo…hufff~ so full o-of cum after a looong day~~”

Will’s soft lizard hands grasped Jason’s shaft, which was nearly as big as him, “y-you can always…~ mmnhh~ e-empty it all in me..! If you’d want to…!!”

Jason didn’t understand how little time it took for all his sexual desires to be thrown out the window to be replaced by the curves of a dragon, or any monsterous creature, but he wasn’t complaining,

“I suppose you’ll make for a good condom of mine~” Jason purred, his thick cock squirting all over Will and the surrounding floor and seats. Without having to say anything, Will immediately got on all fours, lifting his thick tail to expose his fat, kobold ass for the horny dragon,

“Don’t g-go slow on me master…! I want to experience aAAHNNHH~!!” Will was interrupted by Jason’s feet long shaft skewering Will right up his thick tailhole, stretching his whole body out in all directions. His stomach bellowed out, already filled with precum that flooded the tiny dragon-loving kobold. Will’s cock jerked and writhed like a snake as he was pleasured, spraying all over the ground. Jason clutched Will’s chubby sides, pushing him deep down into his needy, sensitive dragon shaft,

“Maahhsteer~!! Master yes~! Breed mee~! I-I’m your toy! Ahhahhaah~!!” Will squealed, his balls churning, before being overwhelmed with a body wracking orgasm. Jason was also brought quickly into a roaring orgasm which shook his spine, every scale on his body glowing with a multicoloured rainbow shine. Jason’s guttural roar felt like it shook space itself. A few human students (who were patiently waiting for the worksheet to be handed out to them) were brought to a pant-wetting orgasm as well just from the sheer power erupting out of the two monsters. Jason’s wings flapped out of orgasmic muscle spasms, and an urge to fly as high as his orgasm would take him ran through every cell in his body, to the point where his heart began beating and his cock gushed more at the thought of flying.

However, Jason brought his mind back to himself, not wanting to destroy the whole presentation hall just from how hard he came. He growled, limiting his orgasm to taper off and come to a slow. His cock was still drooling cum as he pulled the kobold off him, squirting onto the floor.

Will was practically a balloon now. His belly was cartoonishly full of dragon cum, his cock still occasionally sending out squirts of white cum into the air. Jason huffed, looking down at the kobold laying on it’s back. It was a far cry from what Will used to be, and wouldn’t be recognised by any family or anyone at all…and yet, Will’s eyes were filled with satisfaction and happiness, his tongue lolled out of his mouth in a slow, deep breathing. Jason had, of course, never seen his teacher this happy ever before. Was this happiness real? Did he force this happiness on him? Or was this as real as his thick, throbbing shaft that hung between Jason’s thighs.

After a minute of silence, Will’s stomach had shrunk a bit after the cum had been draining out of his tailhole. He drunkenly stood up, his blush strong and his smile wide and wavered,

“A-anything else you need…master~?”

Jason thought for a moment,

“…keep doing your…teacher thing, but…suck everyone off before handing out that sheet. Make sure you please everyone in this room,” Jason commanded. The thought of getting to have more dominant sex got Will’s cock to throb against his own belly, nearly reaching his chest in length,

“Y-yes sir~!”

“Congratulations big guy, you made yourself your first kobold, and within like an hour of transformation? That’s a lot shorter than how long it took me,” Angela smiled, “seems like you’re getting into this dragon business pretty well, huh~?”

Angela had been waiting outside of his class once they seperated from the bathroom, apparently passively watching the scene unfold while masturbating,

“What’s a kobold?” Jason’s eyes furrowed slightly. Angela stood up onto all fours from her sitting position,

“Y’know, ancient lizard people who served dragons. I think they used to like…be the ones who would collect all the gold for a dragon’s hoard…now they’re sex toys by the dragons. I guess times change, huh?”

The two of them walked past droves of people who had finished classes, both sticking out like sore thumbs, but magically were completely invisible to the ongoing life of the humans.

“So…can I ask questions now?” Jason brought up, “I feel like you left me out of the bathroom with like…no explanation as to why this has all happened.”

“I told you everything already, man. My family is cursed to turn everyone associated with our family into reality altering, endlessly horny dragons,” Angela explained simply, “and it’s been this way for…what, three hundred years now I think.”

“Three hundred- no but like, why. Why are you guys cursed? Why this of all curses? Fuck, this feels like more of a blessing at times, right?”

Angela turned around and placed a claw on Jason’s nose, “first of all, you’ve been a dragon for a total of an hour and a half. Save your judgement of the curse and its definition until you’ve actually lived a few years as a dragon. Second of all…” Angela darted her eyes away for a second, as if seeing if anyone was listening, “It’s hard to know why we’re cursed because the family member who was apparently the one guy who got cursed was exiled from the family and got the Voldemort treatment. No talking about him or mentioning his name. Some of my older relatives get suuuper pissy if someone even says the name in a sentence.”

“Seriously…?” Jason muttered, backing away slightly from Angela’s finger, “what’s…his name? So that I know to avoid it, of course.”

Angela gave out the same infectious giggle that Jason remembered.

“Well, if you are curious…his name is Ivan. My great great grandfather~ when we do meet my family, you’d do best not to say his name, y’know?”

Jason only nodded. Angela gave a quick, affirmative nod in return, “Alright, do you wanna meet my family then?”

Angela gives a laugh, before pulling Jason back along with a tug of her tail. Jason quickly ran to catch up,

“So your whole family are dragons? Are they…all lewd like this?”

“Yup,” Angela nods, “every one of ‘em.”

“Are they okay with us being…?”

Angela turns to face Jason, “do you wanna know what my sister and I do sometimes while my dad is making breakfast?”

Jason didn’t respond, so Angela went on to finish her own question, “we have contests as to who can hold the longest with a vibrating dildo shoved so far up our draconic pussies that we can feel our wombs inside us. Dad glazes our pancakes with a sweet spray of his cum, and mom lets us fuck her if our balls are too full. Of course, if we’re good we’re allowed to drink from our dad right at the tip. When family is over, some of the guys try filling as much condom balloons they can fill in a minute. Others see how far their pussy can stretch when laying an egg…I even have an ex-boyfriend who was into diapers.”

Jason didn’t know what to say. Angela smiled, “so if you wanna do something lewd while meeting my family, you shouldn’t worry~”

The two made it outside, the wind was just right, and the sky was only slightly speckled with white fluffy clouds. Jason had never been trained how to fly, but the feeling of how to move his wings to the air felt entirely natural, like if he picked up a bike for the first time in ten years. Angela huffed, breathing in the fresh air, before spreading her wings,

“Do you wanna know how to fly~?”

Jason’s heart felt like it skipped a hundred beats at the idea of getting to fly for real, but there was one problem,

“I mean…yes absolutely…! I’m just…I guess I’m a little scared of falling,” Jason huffed, his own wings twitching to take off. Angela lets out another giggle,

“We’ll do how my mom taught me,” she said, suddenly lifting her tail to show her soft dragon pussy, always ready for a cock. Jason’s cock throbbed naturally, “ever wanted to have sex while flying~?”

Just the mere thought of it caused Jason to cum, shooting dragon milk all over the grass without even a touch from his claw. He had a lot to learn, and he was eager to know everything there was,

“Heheh~ good boy~ now hop on.”


Tim Ti

Enjoying the story, when is the next chapter?


Ah cool that you enjoyed it! I don’t have any plans to continue it, but i’ll keep it in mind you’d like a third chapter if i run out of ideas for what to write lol