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Jason's 18th birthday causes him to turn into a dragon with an impossibly large sex drive, and it may have to do with his girlfriend...


Jason assumed that it was luck that this would happen on his eighteenth birthday. Sexual maturity, his parents would press on him, how important and life-changing it was. He had seen all the videos in sex ed, all those TMI-inducing educational videos with how babies are formed, so when his parents had sat him down and told him that a lot would change once he turned eighteen, Jason blacked a lot of it out.

Yes, he knew his penis would grow stupid hair, and his voice would go all deep, and he’d wanna start having sex with girls (or boys). He already knew what sex was, so there was no need to constantly be shoving it in his face.

But what he didn’t think would happen was something literally life-changing.

It happened two classes into his school day. Getting into college a year early on a scholarship was a stroke of luck on his part, which meant he didn’t have to spend another horrible year in high school. Here, he met Angela, a girl with pretty curly hair and a thing for history science. They had hit off very quickly, with a few dates going just as well as he had hoped. Soon enough, he felt like every day he was thinking of Angela’s pretty smile and infectious laughter,

“Hey Jason,” Angela mentioned suddenly one day, “would we still be together if you found out I was, like, some kind of monster or something?”

“Hah, yeah of course,” Jason chuckled at the question, “as long as you’re still you, I’d love you regardless~”

Angela smiled as if relieved, before giving his cheek a kiss and separating from him to go to their different classes. Jason, of course, thought nothing of it. Unfortunately, that question was the one that would change his life forever.

As he was sitting at his seat, trying to listen to everything the professor at the front of the class was saying, his mind wandered to Angela again. Without much trouble, this caused him to pop a quick erection, bulging out his pants. With an uncomfortable huff, he quickly adjusted himself so it wasn’t painful.

As the class went on, the erection didn’t go away, in fact, it kept feeling like it was growing. Larger and larger, stiffer and thicker. His whole face went red with a mix of heat and exhaustive lust. He wanted to masturbate really, really badly.

Twenty minutes pass and it was getting really hard to hold in his heavy panting. He considered raising his hand to go to the bathroom, but he never liked to interrupt class…

It’ll only just be a minute…

His hand clutched his zipper as he felt his bulge nudging the rim of his underwear. It felt so good to rub it like this that a hot breath escaped his body. His hands were already inside his pants under his desk, rubbing and squeezing his underwear bulge as his cock writhed and throbbed, leaking all over his thighs and soaking his pants. It would be embarrassing if it didn’t feel euphoric.

His toes curled, his underwear bulge tented more and more, before he was wrought with a powerful and very messy orgasm. His breath wavered, and he clutched the desk as his cock shot rope after rope of milky seed through his musky bulge and across the underside of the table. He gritted his teeth so no one would hear him moan.

Miraculously, no one seemed to have even looked his way as he was writhing in the sudden intense orgasm. That being said, his whole crotch area was covered in cum, and the bottom side of the table dripped with copious amounts of cum. His breathing was heavy in a mix of intense satisfaction and confusion. All those puberty videos never prepared him for this much of a sexual drive.

Still trying not to draw attention to himself, he very gently wiped up the bottom of the desk and pulled up his pants, covering himself. He decided that he could just run to the bathroom and clean himself up, then return to class like normal, trying to ignore the intense musky smell of cum that began flowing into his nose.

With an awkward gathering of his belongings, he quickly made his way past his classmates through the lecture hall and out the door, quickly running down the school hall towards the bathroom. As he was just about to round the corner towards the men’s room, he ran into a familiar face,

“Jason?” Angela stopped in her tracks, “are you okay?”

Jason suddenly felt his whole body freeze up, as if he was just caught with his pants down (which is exactly how it felt). He sputtered out an answer,

“I-ih…uh I just…need to uhm…go to the bathroom,” he huffed. He could feel that burning heat fester in him again as he struggled to keep his soaked, engorged boner in check as it grew through his underwear and down his pant leg,

“Hey, it’s okay, just calm down. If you need to take a minute from class you can-”

“One second!” Jason blurted out, immediately rushing into the bathroom. He hadn’t even touched his cock, but feeling it rub against his jeans was enough to send orgasmic shivers up his whole body. His cock was leaking all over the floor as he stumbled into the bathroom stall, quickly locking it and fumbling the belt off his pants. He was making a huge mess all over the ground, squirting precum from his now foot and a half long throbbing shaft, twitching in the exposed air of the bathroom. He panted, completely baffled at the monster cock he had just grew. He could probably dwarf any man, maybe even the biggest in the world. How could he possibly live with this??

But before he could worry about it, he could feel another blast of an uncontrolled orgasm festering at the base of his shaft. Without thinking, Jason plunged his huge cock into the toilet water. The sudden force of water around his tip forced the orgasm out of him, buckling his knees as the toilet was quickly flooded with gallons upon gallons of pouring seed. Jason’s panic would be quickly washed by overwhelming, mind-warping lust and feral urge to keep cumming.

His teeth gritted as they began sharpening in his mouth, growling as his body shifted all over. His slim body was quickly bulked up with muscle, which strengthened his grip on his flooding shaft. His abdomen grew rock hard while snow white scales started to spread down his body. His bones shifted in a way like they were moving out of the way, strengthening, and yet hollowing out to feel lighter than ever. His feet stretched out, becoming hardened and padded, with his nails growing out into obsidian black claws shredding through his shoes like tissue paper. His feet gripped the toilet seat as Jason thrusted into the overflowing cum toilet, spreading out into the bathroom. So much cum caused a small flood, reaching up to his scaled ankles.

The scales reached up to his neck, which grew longer and longer. A brilliant purple spine grew out the back of his neck as his face grew forwards. It was all so alien, yet it felt so amazing to grow like this.

His tongue lengthened out into a forked lizard tongue that hung out of his mouth. His body continued to bulk up, the sides of his new draconic body pushing up against the creaking sides of the bathroom stall. Even while he was gushing gallons of draconic seed, he felt another orgasm on top of this one building, like a blast to his sturdy system that made his talons weigh heavily on the toilet. A growl escaped his sharp muzzle as the new pleasure grew and grew until…!

Boom. A pair of massive, silken wings erupted out of Jason's scaly back. The burst sent a shock to his entire system. A few dots of dark red blood splattered against the walls, which sharply contrasted against the white sea of seed. Seconds later, it was washed away by another layer of cum that blasted like a firehose from his now ridged, knotted, painfully erect cock. Any pain that his body received was translated directly into intense pleasure. The toilet crashed into pieces, flooding the bathroom even further as Jason let out the loudest scream he had ever forced out of his body, which transformed into a guttural, feral roar that shook the whole building. His scales shone multicolored, speckling through the rainbow all across his body. Jason’s mind was overwhelmed with pleasure, energy, and sheer power.

It felt as if his cock tip had been stretched slightly to allow for more cum to gush out of his now two-and-a-half-foot dragon shaft. His eyes were glowing reptilian slits, but were the same deep blue that they used to be as a human. His chest heaved as he panted, breath passing through clenched teeth coming out as a feral growl. After what felt like years, his cock finally began to slow down its production, squirting out a few more buckets of seed, before drooling to a halt.

Jason was quiet, still panting, trying to find the will or motivation to move after such an intense experience. Seconds passed, then around three minutes of catching his breath. Finally, when his mind started to turn again, he blinked.

It took a few seconds to figure out how his neck worked, as it was suddenly twenty times longer. His eyes darted to his surroundings. The bathroom stall had somehow gotten larger, as if to fit him better. He was up to his knees in milky cum, which sloshed around and clung to his scales.

His breathing started to quicken as he started to piece together what happened. Had he gone completely insane? Did he fall asleep in class, and this was some kind of intense fever dream? He couldn’t actually be some kind of monster, right??

“Wh-nnyh??!” Jason sputtered, his heart beating faster in a growing panic. He spun around, trying to get out of the murky cum lake as soon as he could while fear and confusion plagued his mind more and more until-

A claw grasped at Jason’s muzzle, stopping him in his tracks. In front of him was a pink and purple dragon, a little smaller than him. It was a feminine dragon, with brilliant green eyes. In a split second, for some reason, Jason immediately recognized her. It was Angela,

“It’s okay,” she said, “it’s okay Jason, you’re okay. I’m here,”

“H-whh…huh…?” Jason huffed. Hundreds of questions swirled around in his mind, which was also trying to understand every new muscle and sense that he felt in his body. It was overwhelming, but for some reason, seeing Angela staring into his eyes untied the knot in his stomach and relaxed him. Jason let out a long, low sigh out of his nose,

“There we go~ relaxed. No need to freak out. I’m right here,” Angela continued to say, a friendly smile across her draconic face, “y’know, I didn’t get someone to relax me like this when I turned, you should feel lucky you have me~”

“Wh…what? What are you- Angela what’s going on…?!” Jason let out another worried huff, his eyes filled with confusion as Angela slowly lifted her paw off his snout, “why did…why are you…?”

“I wish I got to warn you more than just vague gestures, but you’re a dragon now, like me and the rest of my family,” Angela began explaining, “It’s really complicated, but my family has this curse that turns anyone that gets involved with my family into monsters, and not only monsters but like…really sex-driven ones too. It’s crazy, believe me.”

Jason didn’t know what to say, entirely speechless as he tried to wrap his head around what was going on. After around ten seconds of silence between the two, a laugh escaped Jason’s throat. Not one of joy, but just complete and utter bewilderment.


“Dragons. Real ones. This same exact thing happened to be around two years ago, and now that you’re eighteen, it happened to you”

“Wait but- hold on. Two years ago? I’ve known you for the last year, you’ve been-”

“As I said…” Angela interrupted Jason’s confused sputtering, “it’s really confusing. We’re some kind of, like…super powerful species of dragon that humans can’t see for some reason. In fact, most things we do, humans don’t even notice, like we’re on some kind of…other plane of existence. It’s bizarre, and…well…”

A smile breaks out onto her face, “...really, really cool~”

Seeing Angela smile did the same thing it would always do to Jason, make him smile back. Everything was strange and alien, but Angela was here, and everything was going to be fine,

“You…um…need to answer all my questions before I step outside this bathroom,” Jason said, letting out another huff from his nose. Angela smirked,


“Why did I cum this much, and is this normal?”

Angela broke out into a laugh. Jason’s very serious question was left unanswered for a brief moment as Angela giggled, her claws still wading through the cum-flooded bathroom,

“Yes, Hun~ this is normal. Us dragons have millions of times more sexual drive than humans, and it rarely cools down. Fortunately…”

A glimmer faded across Angela’s eyes, and within a blink of an eye, all the cum in the bathroom was gone and clean, like it was never there, “...we have ways of working around it~”

“Really…?” Jason huffed, “I mean, wow I uh…I never…”

Jason didn’t want to say that he was a virgin out loud, but Angela smirked as if already knowing what he was going to say. Without a word, she suddenly rolled over on the tiled floor onto her back. Her wings spread out on the floor as her neck craned to keep her eyes on Jason. Jason was presented with the exotic sight of not one, but two slits on the underside of her back legs. One that looked puffed and soft, capable of taking anything that was to drive into it, and right above it, a slit that held a draconic shaft just as big as his own,

“Hope you’re ready to explore your gay side~” Angela giggled, “because all dragons have both a cock and a pussy, so any of us can grow our bloodline.”

Angela teased a claw at her pussy, spreading it lightly, “so, you wanna get rid of that ‘virgin’ title you have~?”

A feral urge blasted through Jason. As if he wasn’t in control, he immediately bee-lined towards her soft entrance, nuzzling it and licking into the inner, warm walls of her pussy. Any smug quip that Angela had ready was immediately replaced by a sensitive gasp,

“JaYHSON~!” Angela gasped, her talons curling. Jason was following his intense sexual urges as they came, and came they did. His cock squirted out a bucket load of precum all over her scaly tail, and Angela’s shaft also began drooling excitedly while Jason’s surprisingly soft tongue dug into her.

With only lustful growls leading the way, Jason slid up onto her body, mounting the female dragon right there, his engorged shaft sliding teasingly close to her pussy,

“F-fhhuckk Jason~ breed me~ p-please god,~” Angela grabbed her lover's hand and squeezed hard, “fill me so fucking full of eggs that I’ll lay ‘em for days~ yes~!”

Not needing any more convincing, Jason ploughed into Angela’s soft, pillowy pussy, which practically pulled his whole cock in all the way up to the fat, sensitive knot. Every square centimeter sent orgasmic shivers up his body. He wanted to be deeper inside. His whole body burned in eager need to be close to Angela and to never let go for the rest of time.

Both dragons had rainbow colours glimmering on their scales as the dominant one thrusted deep into his lover. Jason could feel a new, exotic pleasure blossom between his tail hole and his cock, which craved a deep, thick cock inside him. The feeling of being feminine was not entirely alien to Jason, as he had a slightly girlish phase during middle school, but the fact he had a working pussy that craved manly attention was a feeling he never knew he had or wanted this badly.

With one more thrust, his knot popped inside, and he roared as cum shot out even faster than before. Angela’s feet claws dug into the tile, cracking into the floor and digging up the ground as she screamed in bliss. Dragon cum began gushing out of her pussy, barely being held in even by Jason’s massive knot. The two shared an intense, loving orgasm together, hugging close to one another. Minutes trailed by as the two nuzzled. Jason was still confused and filled with questions, but this felt way, way too good to interrupt.

What did interrupt them however was a human at the entrance of the bathroom. Jason noticed him first, then Angela soon after. Jason’s entire body froze up, a hot, burning blush filling his face as he saw the student watch with a look of mild confusion at both of the mating dragons. Jason’s cock was still deep inside Angela, drooling out the last few shots of cum.

The human’s eyes darted to the dragon on the bottom, “are girls allowed in the men's washrooms now?” he said with a furrowed brow.

Angela was silent for a few seconds as if coming up with an answer,

“I’m non-binary.”

“Oh…okay,” the human shrugged, before stepping past the dragons to use the stall, leaving the two dragons. The embarrassment of getting caught quelled Jason’s heat, softening his knot to be able to pop it out.

“Hahh~ god that was amazing~” Angela purred, “I’m definitely going to feel this in the morning if I’m not already pregnant.”

“D-don’t moan too loud…!” Jason said in a forced whisper, “what the hell just happened…?! Why didn’t that guy…??”

“Don’t you remember~? Humans can’t see us, understand us, or comprehend what we’re doing. He probably just sees us as two humans hanging out in the bathroom. Like teenagers playing hooky,” Angela smirks, rolling back onto her feet, “trust me, you’d be freaking out every time I did something blatantly sexual to you while you were human, you just didn’t notice~”

Jason watched the bathroom stall as the toilet flushed behind it, and out came a human, ignoring his staring,

“Hey, dude!” Angela called with a smile, “show us your cock! Tell us how big it is~!”

Jason scoffed at Angela’s quip, but miraculously, the human turned around as if instructed and pulled his pants down, showing a normal-sized human cock, which stood erect,

“Six and a half inches, but I once measured at seven inches,” the human said without pause, “can I go back to class now?”

“Heheh~ nice~ yeah go ahead,” Angela giggled as the human nodded, pulling his pants up and turning out of the bathroom. Angela, still smiling, turned to Jason,

“So, any questions?”

And with that, Jason was brought into a life he knew little about and hadn’t asked for, but the back of his mind was bursting with excitement for what was to come…because a lot was coming~


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