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I've always loved coming of age comedies. The Breakfast Club, American Pie, Mean Girls, Porky's, just to name a few. That time of everyone's life through high school and possibly college/university is just unlike any other part of a person's life. 

It's a time when we think we are invincible and many of us let our genitals do the decision making. The number of life choices we are expected to make when most of us have none of the life experiences to even remotely qualify us to make those decisions.  Though most of us think we have all the answers already at that point in our lives.

But we grow up, and we learn, and we often laugh about all the dumb shit we did, sometimes wondering how we got out of our mid-twenties alive. Some of us now have kids of our own, approaching that age faster than many of us are comfortable with. But I'm getting off-topic...

I've always loved movies and stories from that time of a person's life because it really is a defining point on who they are going to be going forward in life. As much as many people I know, are not the people I knew in high school, that time, at least I think has greatly influenced who they are now.

Now I hear you all asking, "WTF does this have to do with your damn game?" Just hold your horses, angry anonymous voice from the internet. I have not gone full Grampa Simpson yet.

After officially abandoning my plans for T.A.R.T.S., (see my last post,) I very much wanted to stick to a story about that age group. Not just because it seems to be a popular age to base a story around, but because I think that the point of a person's life with so many possible choices still to be made, sets its self up nicely for a CYOA style game.

I went about brainstorming ideas, some I mentioned in my last post. One of my more thought out ideas was a game I was going to call Victory Lap. But I realized that might be a term some people might not be familiar with. But the simple answer is that where I'm from there used to be a Grade 13 in high school that students would need to attend advanced classes in if they wanted to go on to college or university. Almost 20 years ago though, they got rid of that, but some students still come back for another year to grab a few more advanced credits before going onto college. They call this 13th year a Victory Lap.

Having realized it's been a long time since I've been in high school, and my sneaky plot to makes sure that every high school student in my adult game was 19 years or older was becoming a bit convoluted. So the high school setting was dropped in favor of a community college. This also worked, because I did not want my story to be set in any particular place, other than someplace in North America.

Eventually, this idea evolved to the point that I eventually had the plot revolve around a young male teacher as the player character. Originally I had planned the story to involve him trying to fend off the advances of his female students. But I soon realized that in an adult game, most people are going to follow the obvious path of corruption, and I really did not want to make a game that was simply about a creepy teacher trying to sleep with his students. So this idea got stuck on the back burner for a bit.

Long ago, back when I was still working on T.A.R.T.S. after I had made the Red Succubus image I currently use at the top of my Patreon page, I had a small idea to make a corruption game about the 7 deadly sins. While cleaning up some old files on my hard drive I came across some of my notes, and things clicked for me.

What if the Teacher was not just some creep? What if he was being corrupted just as much, if not more than the students? Could I have an MC who could still be a decent person, but not have the player miss out on the adult content if they chose the path of least corruption?

Hopefully, the answer to those questions is yes.



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