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Part 2 comments (time stamps are from the video file, since the edited version isn't up yet) (32:50): We learned in Episode 7 that Betty power fades the further away she is from the forbidden library. So I don't imagine that she wants to leave the library much. (39:00): It's moments like this that I think are much better after Arc 3 then before it. Before you see Arc 3 you wouldn't think much of Subaru being decapitated here, but after Arc 3, it strongly invokes memories of Episode 15. (44:15): It was noted earlier in the OVA that the legal drinking age is 15. (48:10): We can talk about characters ages later, lets just say it's generally complicated to talk about the age of any of the characters. (49:50): I don't remember if I already told you about Subaru's name, I might of or it might of been a different reactor. Basically a ton of characters in Re:Zero are named after astronomical objects, which the lore of which tends to be at least a little related to their characters (I think). Subaru is named after https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pleiades, which in Japanese is named Subaru (which is also what the car company is named after). Petalguese is named after https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Betelgeuse. Al (Aldebaran) is named after https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aldebaran, this is more prominent in Season 2, but there are some other attributes that you can draw parallels to (though I don't know my astronomy well enough to really follow it). (51:55): It's unclear to me how experienced the people of Lugunica are with snow. If birthdays are canon and line up with our world (which they might not, they're an open theory about if time runs the same in the world of Re:Zero), then Subaru would of gotten transported near sometime in January. Since Rem's birth is February 2nd, and she has a birthday in-between Arc 2 and 3, so Subaru would of arrived about a few weeks before then. Now if this is true, then that means it's winter in Memory Snow, and we haven't seen snow at all in Lugunica thus far, so that seems to imply that it doesn't snow in Lugunica (or at least Roswaal's domain). But then Subaru's comments about it being an out of season snow festival read kinda weird, since to me "out of season" implies that at some point it is "in season", but if it doesn't snow in January, then I have a hard time believing that some other time of the year is in season for snow. I recall when I was watching Re:Zero that it seemed to be Summertime, but it seems that the timeline doesn't quite match up. Of course there are other explanations, seasons could be reversed, like how the north star points south in the world of Re:Zero. It could also be a mistranslation where it's just "out of place". I would of thought that if the villagers hadn't experienced snow before, they would of had a different reaction then they did, but who knows. (53:15): We can talk about how the Emilia camp came to be in depth later.


I mentioned the whole seasons thing with a friend and he actually found a side story in the same time period (between Arc 2 and 3) where Rem makes a reference to it being Summer ("Season of Fire"), which leads credence to a theory that the world of Re:Zero uses southern hemisphere seasons. So January being Summer and July being Winter.