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Great start to the concept evaluation with some exciting performances to look forward to! 

Really enjoyed the side stuff that they did like the entertaining games and our cute hosts reading the letters that the trainees wrote for each other. We did lose some talented trainees though :(
I'm definitely going to miss Chiharu, Ayaka and some others...

Quite happy with the top 11 but also annoyed because I've heard some people stopped voting for Nano and her rank will drop drastically next ep... all because of some rumours that started circulating about her (having a boyfriend before the show, going on vacation with 2 guy friends...). Seriously, what is wrong with some ppl? Why aren't the trainees allowed to live a normal life especially before becoming idols? 

So mad how some ppl think it's okay to cancel trainees/idols and want them fired and lose their dreams over something so insignificant? Why aren't they also allowed to make mistakes and learn from them? Look at yourself in the mirror before judging others.

If you can vote, help Nano... can't believe we might lose a talented trainee just because of some silly rumours created by haters and jealous ppl.



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