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Movie Run Time: 2:16:43

You will need your own copy of the movie to watch along! 😁

Devil baby or not I really needed to know that the baby was well looked after 😅



Louis Marzullo

Now THAT'S a maternal instinct! He may start World War 3 someday but make damn sure his nappy is clean now!! 🤣

Em McG

Oh that opening music is trippy... I will watch in a few minutes 😁

Robert Inman

Sorry to say Dawn, New York is only 50% witches.

JL Green

The one word that comes to mind in describing this movie is "Eerie!"


A couple fun facts about the movie. In the hallucinatory scene with the actual devil, that’s Anton Levay, founder of the Church of Satan, playing the role of the devil. And this film was directed by Roman Polanski. One year after this film was made and released, in 1969. Polanski’s celebrity wife, actress Sharon Tate, and unborn child in the womb, would be brutally slaughtered in their own house by The Manson Family. The cult followers of possibly the most notorious killer of all time, Charles Manson. I’ll leave it to you to decide how fun these facts are. How’s that for some movie trivia?!

Hunter DeRensis

My absolute favorite horror film! And this is by far the most empathetic Dawn has ever been to a female lead lol.

Louis Marzullo

With Jodie Foster a close second 😁 When she saw the Gwyneth Paltrow resemblance, I was like "Oh shit, this reaction is over before it starts". Lucky for us, Mia Farrow much more likeable🐰

Michael Hartsell

Let me throw one more movie out there, not that it will do any good but... "Kill Bill" Volumes 1&2 a Tarantino film. Rosmary's Baby is best movie ever, REALLY???

Louis Marzullo

I guess this is as close as Dawn gets to her zombie baby for now 🧟😄 GHOST!! 1:27:45

Louis Marzullo

Guy's acting career took off. That's what they got in return. Castevet's first name was Roman. And I needed you to jump into the movie, too: to strangle Laura Louise! 😄 Oh and there was a sequel: "Look What's Happened to Rosemary's Baby". Never saw it because reviews were universally terrible. So glad you enjoyed this one!


Glad you enjoy that one!

Em McG

oh I'm glad you liked it. The husband Guy sucked yea... 😄 Yes I think the baby in your mind is slightly better than any special effect they could have done. I really enjoyed your reaction, yay!

Em McG

Dawn, don't go visiting Vidal Sassoon now...

Eric Janssen

It was a TV-movie/pilot, where Adrian grows up with his groomers while Rosemary tries to teach him good, until he escapes as a teen and goes fugitive like Bill Bixby in "Incredible Hulk"...Meh. Ira Levin also wrote an even more ridiculous Millennium-fear tie-in book sequel, where Rosemary discovers Adrian grew up, became a rich tycoon, and tried to foist a 9/11 poison-candle scheme on the world's New Year celebration...but it was all a dream! Don't feel bad if you've never heard of that one.

Em McG

Yes I agree there will be some people while watching they think to themselves they're "waiting" for something but they're missing the movie!, the movie is happening right then and there! I found this movie mesmerizing the first time I saw it which was just a few months ago.

Em McG

The movie is about Rosemary. (Interesting nickname I noticed "Ro" although the guy saying it was dislikeable, bleh.)

Louis Marzullo

Dawn, there is a "monster baby" pic where you actually get to see the baby. "It's Alive!" is a nasty little 90-minute bugger from 1974 that manages to be hokey/silly AND creepy/scary. Probably not for the channel, more for your personal viewing enjoyment. No spoilers except to say that neither a zombie virus nor satanic cult is involved in creating the wee creature. Hope this is enough to have you thinking "Hmm, interesting" 😏


Dawn, you want to see a zombie baby, clear and bright as day in all its glory, then watch the 1992 movie “Dead Alive” or “Braindead” in certain parts of the world. The film is directed by Peter Jackson. The director of the Lord of the Rings trilogy.


This entire movie is uploaded onto and free to watch on YouTube


And sorry to spoil the zombie baby in this movie, but it’s also a movie not a lot of people have seen. So it’s not a movie that’s going to get requested in big numbers. I feel like the only way to get you to watch this movie that doesn’t necessarily get requested in big numbers is just to straight out tell you, Zombie baby here!!!

Louis Marzullo

Now this one is worthy of Dawn's list. I had it on mine back when practically all I watched was horror/gore/violence (long time ago) but never got to it. Hope she can


Well you’ve watched it by now I hope! I like Shaun of the Dead fine and all, but when people talk about horror comedy or zombie comedy, and all they can point to is Shaun of the Dead, I just think, Oh sweet summer child…

Dean J

If you want to see a cute baby. There was a famous baby actor called Baby LeRoy. You can see him in It's a Gift (1934). At 16 months old, he was the youngest person to have a major studio contract.

Wayne Kryka

The apartment building is actually the Dakota in NYC. It’s where John Lennon was killed in 1980…

Ko Khant

I think you are a sexy girl. I want to see your body please.

Harry S

When they first moved in and were going to have sex; there were no curtains on the windows. That is why they turned off the lights and took their cloths off on the floor, without standing up. When they first had dinner the older woman gave the husband another piece of cake. She used the fork she just took out of her mouth instead of the serving spoon that was lying on the cake plate. A fire place has a flue. It is a metal cover that you can close, to keep could cold air from coming down and hot air from your furnace from going up. When you light a fire you need to open the flue so the smoke and heat can go up the chimney. He forgot to open the flue so she was afraid the heat and smoke coming out of the fire place would ruin the fresh paint. He reached in the fire place and opened the flue. The Flue handle has a hole in it so if you have the fire place tools, the shovel, brush and poker, then you can put the poker though the hole in the handle and open or close the flue without having to put your arm in over an open fire. They did not have the tools. The fire place poker is the murder tool you see all the time in murder stories. If the wife was not such a mouse, I would think she might kill he husband someday for what he did to her. Everything that happened to her was so an actor could go blind and her husband could take his job and make more money. He was her husband, I blame him more than anyone else. This is a good movie.