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Finally Young Frankenstein!! It's been a loooooong time coming. 

Very proud of myself for (almost) managing to guess the killer in Scream 😅

And then! There was no waiting for Back to the Future Part 2. I needed to see it ASAP 😁 



Elliot Nesterman

Very excited to watch you watch "Young Frankenstein." Now, you need a few more Hitchcock films to set you up for "High Anxiety." I suggest at least "Psycho" and "North by Northwest." "Psycho" is good for October, if you've got a slot left.

Stewart Hooton

Back To the Future 2 takes place in 2015 (30 years from 1985), so you'll be wrapping your brain around THAT (the fact that it was eight years ago!)! Part 3 is 1885...$h!t, is that a spoiler? Sorry! All three are GREAT!