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So I managed to film Beneath the Planet of the Apes and Modern Times. I'm hoping to have them uploaded on Friday and Sunday but apologies if they are slightly late. What a nightmare 😅

Little bit of a setback but I'm on it! I'll get a chance to catch up with comments and messages tomorrow morning but for now its edit edit edit.

Thank you guys for being so patient and also being the best Patrons ever 😊




So Dawn I’ve just watched your reaction to Beneath the planet of the apes and yeah it’s the worst of the original movie’s, the original took Hollywood by surprise it was a huge hit (as big as StarWars in it day) and they wanted to capitalise on it’s success and rushed a sequel out and it was crap. BUT the people still wanted more apes movie’s, the next movie takes a very different approach, and is a better movie but we’re now into early 70s movies and these movies do reflect what’s happening in the real world at this time and they do get very dark. But keep going Dawn please.


I always disliked alien 3 also until I watched it again just recently, if you take it as a stand alone movie it really not that bad, I think everyone should make their own opinion on this one. I’d now give it 7/10