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Movie Run Time: 2:30:39

You will need your own copy of the movie to watch along! 😁

So much awesomeness in one movie! I swear I wouldn't be the least bit mad if I woke up with a hammerhead head 🤣



Robert Inman

Dawn, Davy Jones is part of sailor mythology, as in Davy Jones' Locker representing the mysterious depths of the sea containing things lost to the sea. The pirates of the Caribbean personified him as a character for their storyline. The 4th movie departs a bit from this established theme, but comes back to it in the fifth.

Eric Bonham

Hey Dawn. How was doing? I'm i hospital rntightvvnow.the I'm in hospital tightnow


I’m guessing you were on medication of some kind when you posted this. Wishing you the best of health and a speedy recovery! ✌️