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Movie Run Time: 2:09:34

You will need your own copy of the movie to watch along! 😁

Haven't stopped thinking about this movie since I watched it 🤯




So I haven’t watched the video yet, but I’m going to go ahead and clarify some things that I predict you may have been confused about. The movie starts off with Bruce Willis’s character Cole as a little boy who just happen to be in the airport that day with his parents. As a little boy, Cole saw a man gunned down and killed with a woman in blonde hair crying over him. This event and memory traumatized Cole and followed him the rest of his life. He would dream about it well into adulthood. Now the key here is, A dream is not a record or even a memory. A dream is a dream. And dreams can change and flow depending on the circumstances of your life at the moment. Cole is sent back in time to gather information. Nothing else. He is not sent back to altar or change anything. You can’t change the past. The past already happened. When Cole meets Brad Pitt’s character in the asylum, he then fills in Brad Pitt as the long haired man in his dream simply because of the impression Brad Pitt made on him. Remember, a dream is not a memory. Everything leads to the shootout at the airport. Cole is gunned down. And little boy Cole is there witnessing the event that haunted him for the rest of his life. Seeing his future adult self murdered in cold blood. The virologist on the plane sits next to the woman from the future who sent Cole back. She says she is in insurance. Meaning she’s there as a back up or safety plan. She went back in time herself to gather more information from the source directly to help find a cure for the future.

Eric Kelly

I signed up on patreon cause of this movie. I could answer almost all of your questions but i do recommend watching it over again... and again cause its one of the best time travel movies ever. But this is on Earth, just an earth where a virus breaks out and kills everyone and all the people alive in the future live underground