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.... aaand they continue to go through it 🐾

my plan is to post this scene either before the Holidays or right after! i'm also going through it (positively) ; o; i actually can't believe i finally reached those parts of the plot and at the same time i've been in a constant state of "oh damn wait, now i have to draw it all" like we'll cross the bridge when we get there - and now the bridge is here?? how and why so suddenly sjdhfhs i never feel ready even after i've been working so long on this story, but i'm so glad i can take my time with this part especially because i don't want to mess it up 

also, looking back i noticed that i wasn't able to keep up with regular updates this year (especially public updates) as much as i wanted to, but i'm glad i managed to reach my goal of drawing the amount of pages i wanted to draw in the end!

i'm a little behind with scripting and storyboarding right now since i took the time to doodle a lot recently. but honestly so worth it, because i feel like it helped SO MUCH already~ i reallyreally needed the practice and it makes me a bit more confident to tackle the upcoming comic pages 🦌

for next year my wish is to go back to a 4-week schedule as often as possible, and i do hope that after my treatment (which is tomorrow) things will get a little easier. it'll take around 2 weeks to see results and i'm nervous but hopeful as well, and i'll keep you updated on how it went 🐌💕 thank you for being here for me




Good luck! 🍀 Pls take care of urself and take all the time u need 💖


At first I was hesitant to pick up this series because of the monthly updates, but I decided to give it a try, and it became one of my favorite series of all time. The wait time between episodes is time I spend theorizing and hyping myself up, and because of that time whenever Ghost Lights updates it’s special rather than just a thing that happens every week. Take your time, we’ll be here when you’re ready.