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hey everyone 💜 hope you've been well? here's just a quick sketch i did the other day! tbh drawing Noah's spirit form is basically my default doodle, it's the first thing that comes out of my pen without thinking about it. i have so many of them. It's kind of relaxing and comforting for me to draw his spirit form, and animal(like creature)s in general. Robin's spirit form is a little bit more difficult to draw, but I still draw him very often, too. Most of my doodle files have one or two spirits in the corner somewhere, just sitting there, and i like how this one turned out!

apart from that, i'm making progress with the pages, even though it's a bit slower than planned, but currently it's just really nice to spend more time on the BGs, it's like a reward for myself to add all the details 🌻

also, something I really need to get off my chest: I want to say sorry for being even worse than usual with replying to messages, catching up with Discord, and everything in that direction. ;;

I've been noticing how my mental health has become worse recently, my family is stressing meowt 🐱, and all my open tasks seem like they're the most important task and I'm just like.... nooo. And neglect almost everything. Basically. But I think noticing that stuff gets worse is the first step of getting better again. So, yesterday I have started to actually list every tiny thing on my mind, and it honestly took so long. I was not really surprised that many "invisible tasks" piled up. They kept swirling around in my thoughts and just reminding me constantly that I still have to do this and that. Honestly the smallest things, but all of it feels like constant open tabs in my mind. I'm sure some of you can relate to that feeling?

I have a very simple to do list that worked really great for me, and I only listed the most important tasks and got them done this way. But I guess once in a while it's important to write down everything just to get it out of your system properly. And today I switched to a new app (todoist) for all those "small tasks" that "i surely will remember" and "will totally do super quickly" but I didn't. So hello, here I am, writing this post, because it was actually on my mind for the past week aaa

In short, I'm currently attempting to bring my life in order, even though I thought I was doing well with keeping up with tasks - looks like I fooled myself a bit. That's honestly the spookiest about spooky season. Noticing that the year is almost over and all the tasks still on the list 👻 Some of them aren't even important, they just make themselves bigger than they are. I like to remind myself that there will be things to do always and most of it can wait; but if it just loops around in my head, something needs to be done about it.

I know you're very patient with me and I'm so so grateful for that ;; But I hope I can get back on track, because I don't feel good letting you wait so long for replies, and I'm so sorry to those who still wait for a reply from me currently! And I miss peeking into Discord and talking to you all. I definitely have not forgotten about you, and I read everything and I will catch up with replies as soon as I have sorted a bit more through my task list

thank you for being here for me and for your wonderful support 💐🐌
PS. i took a photo of our balcony begonias, they remind me so much of Noah's flowers!




Tbh I stress because sometime I don’t get to comment 🙈🙈 I tend to overthink and feel like I need to comment something new everytime, but sometimes my brain gets stuck at “ahhhh I love this and them and you!!” So I don’t comment but then I worry you think I don’t care which I totally do!!! Hahahaha so basically just know that you’re not the only one with these similar feelings!! ❤️❤️❤️

Nyx Covault

Brb downloading todoist... This post really struck a chord with me and maybe getting it all out of my head like you did will help me de-stress. I swear all the muscles in my back have not relaxed for months if not years ahaha. Thank you and I'm glad to hear things are looking up for you 💙


Thank you for the update, the doodle, the flower and the honesty! Please take your time ticking things off your new list. And have a happy October! 🍁🍁🍁


Thanks for sharing! I loved your sketch and the begonias are beautiful!! They remind me of Noah too!