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hey 💙

i just want to check in and say that i'm on my way to recovery. i'm still far from coming back and need a lot of rest and quiet, but i'm doing a bit better!

this sketch is from early June! i haven't drawn anything for almost 3 months tbh but I'm really excited to slowly start again in the next weeks 🌻 i also didn't work on the characters or the story at all, i wasn't able to and i only focused on my health and on getting better. i really really missed them a lot during that time. but i do see this as something very positive - the whole thing helps me to see what's truly important to me and how much some things mean to me ; o; like, i already knew, but this is like a confirmation and a reminder to treasure those things even more.

so basically, i'm still on hiatus but i'm at home and slowly recovering!

my patreon account stays paused for the time being, but i will tell you on time before i return so you can choose if you want to keep your pledge! i will say hi once a while in a public post or on social media and i will catch up with your messages, DMs, etc. when I can

thank you for worrying about me and for being so patient and kind and sending encouraging words my way the past weeks ;; i love you so much!! 💜




Great to hear that you're recovering and seeing the positives. Take it easy ❤🌺❤


Glad you're focused on getting better. Hope you're doing well, please take it easy. Much love <3