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hey, i hope you're doing fine!! here are some sketches i did the other day while brainstorming for a future scene. it's probably not going to look exactly like this and i do like to add or cut stuff out once i arrive at a scene but i'm so looking forward to it that i automatically move to those scenes whenever i do warm ups 😭! i try to capture the mood or the emotions and sketch them out, then when i get to draw the scene it's easier when i already have some sort of visual going on.

i need to be mushy for a bit, but ;; i just want them to talk again and be together. i'm looking forward to everything so much. currently the flashback scenes i'm working on are very important and once i'm done with those scenes the build up will be pretty much complete. the first few scenes of Ghost Lights, when Noah runs to Robin after almost drowning... they will hit a bit different then, and i just !!! i really hope i can share those things with you in the next few months

the second image is a comic panel wip from the pages i'm currently working on! i have good-ish days where i can progress the comic and i do see a bit of improvement in my style and how i do things so all those breaks between also have something positive.

in case you missed it, i posted scene 45 a few days ago! the feedback to that was very encouraging and i'm so glad you like it 🦌💕 thank you so much!!

- - - (health stuff, you can skip!) - - -

also, i had a doc appointment on Thursday and now I'm currently waiting for the new results. on Tuesday I'll know more, and i hope then i also know how to go from there. after the visit i started to feel a bit better, mental health wise. i think it's because just the feeling of getting help or getting answers gives some sort of stability... maybe the meds i have to take don't help, or they do help and i just take a lot longer than expected to get better. either way i just hope they can tell me ;; 

thank you again for being so understanding and patient with me while i try to figure this out!

i hope you stay safe!! i love you ❤




Glad your feeling better! Praying for good results! Take care of yourself 😘


Glad you’re feeling better, Fanta! I’m honestly so happy and excited for the upcoming pages. I cannot wait for them to be together!!! My heart is ready! This is legit the most beautiful story.


Robin looks so sad in that second picture 😢 Also, I’m glad you’re doing better and hopefully getting answers... it sucks when you know something’s wrong but doctors can’t figure out what... unfortunately we’re still living in a period where the human body and mind is still mostly a mystery even for doctors and scientists... (although I’m glad the days of blood letting are behind us lol!) when I was diagnosed with depression many years ago I was baffled by how my doctor was pretty much just going by trial and error with meds... and my partner is going through something similar with digestive issues... argh! Health is so complicated! Sorry for the long message... all this to say *hugs* and don’t give up hope and stay safe 💕💕


I hope you feel better soon! Keep up the amazing work and being awesome yourself.


I don’t know how I missed this update, but these sketches are giving me liiiiiiiiiife. Snuggle away, Robin.... 😍😍 I’m glad you were able to see someone - hopefully whatever they find out will help a lot!! Stay safe! ❤️


I think we are all looking forward to these two finally being happy but it’s really exciting to know that things are going to come together and make more sense with the next updates. Really excited to see that ❤️And I’m so glad you are feeling a bit better. Just doing something anything can be so positive and I really hope you can get some answers. Take care of yourself in the meantime and stay safe 🤗