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update time! Where's Noah...? also, Martha has been Robin's support system from the start, so he feels safe enough to talk to her about... things. And yes ;; he does feel a bit bad about what happened with Noah. He's a good boy and I'm glad I can show Robin's POV, too! I hope you like it, and I also hope I can show the next pages soon!

quick access to all flashback scenes: scene 41, scene 42, scene 43, scene 44,

quick access to all scenes: early bird scenes sorted 




Martha is precious and I love her and I love how much she gets her son(s) because she’s basically Robin’s mom too. Your updates are always so worth the wait.

Cj Taylor

Aweeeee baby robinnnn


his mom is the cutest


Poor sweet baby.... He looks so happy telling Martha and yet so anxious at the thought of telling his own parents. I guess it's always easier when you know how the other person will react, or know them better than for them to react poorly at least.... It says a lot about his relationship with his parents. I say that, but then again... isn't everyone always anxious about telling their parents? X'D Martha looks so adorable, I didn't realise she was just that short <3 >v< I love how all encompassing she is- she really knows her boys well! She's just such a bundle of joy, my heart is happy just seeing her. AND SHE'S WEARING DUNGAREES! AHHH <3333 GOOD JOB WITH THE UPDATE BTW! It looks great~ and it's interesting to know that Noah is avoiding Robin.... even if it's in this slight way. Did he go to the lake again?? Or is he just slow getting home? X'D


thank you so much kitty i'm glad you like it and i agree ;; is hard to tell own parents 💕 and Martha is veryy short (she's even shorter than Noah is with 14). and Noah is... still somewhere (i think my question of where he is might be confusing i noticed). it's still the same day as in scene 44! 🙀


ahh your comment made me super happy, thank you so much! she cares so much for both of them ;; and i'm glad you enjoyed the update <3


Fanta, I’m so glad my comment made you happy. I genuinely love Martha’s relationship to Robin because I feel like he just needs it so much.


Oh I really need Noah and Robin to be together!


Ahhh I thought so, but wasn't 100% sure. Good to know <><> But that means.... Oh dear, he's had his first transformation on that day... It's curious to see how that 'awakening' affects him. I'm very intrigued, as always, to find out more~ <3


This story makes me soooo happy. I love it so much. The characters are amazing!!!


Robin and Martha's dynamic is great! I really hope him coming out to his parents went well


robin is so handsome all tall and dark. so cute!


I wonder if Martha knows how Noah feels about Robin and that he is very sad...


I love Martha like she knows and she’s so cool and she’s making cake and robin is looking like a total cinnamon roll.