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drawing the backgrounds was really fun! it's one of my favorite parts of the whole process, it gives everything depth and detail and life. i had to do a lot of different ones for this scene and i could include more of Noah's journal, too. 

i will post scene 38 as well as the public update tomorrow / day after tomorrow 💜

and after this i will go on hiatus. you probably saw this coming and i did, too, to be honest. 

while i'm away YOU WON'T GET CHARGED FOR AUGUST, i stopped the billing cycle! you don't have to do anything or delete your pledge (except if you want to ofc), but everything will resume as usual in September. which also means i won't be active here in August but i will come back! i will probably still be on IG or on twitter, and sometimes peek into Discord.

i hope we'll see each other in September again  🥺 💙 thank you for your wonderful support until now!!

only read if you want to it's just venting -> //

as for the reason. i decided to completely pause it because it's better for myself. i have the feeling that the majority of you wouldn't mind to still support me even with not much content or no update, but i think that a complete break where i don't even have to think about posting content for once will be good for my mind

my artblock is still around, but i want to draw...? i'm super inspired, because i have read a ton of awesome manga the past week, and i want to do so much stuff!! i want to learn and i want to improve, i want to use some new colors and i want to draw backgrounds and foliage, and so on! i want to take a break from drawing updates and instead focus on writing again and have fun with drawing random things (like my new OCs) and even for Robin and Noah i have a ton of ideas for illustrations and other things

so more than an artblock at this point it is comicblock. i feel like a useless piece of cheese.... after weeks of not being able to draw properly my confidence in drawing comic pages is gone. i do like the result... i think? but i struggled so much with the easiest panels. i can't help feeling embarrassed about it. i can't draw for many hours... at the end of the day i almost had nothing to show. working longer to make up for it is not even an option for me and i feel deflated. and i keep spiraling into tons of thoughts whenever i think about the future of the comic, like "can i even do that, it's still so much to draw"... and yeah, i'm pretty sure i can. but not with thoughts like this 😭

so, this has nothing to do with direct pressure from my readerbase or anything in that direction ;; no one was mean to me except myself sjdfhs

my setbacks sometimes creep up on me after having a bit of a good time, and i have a hard time to accept them and myself whenever it happens. the best thing i can do now is to rest a lot

hmm yep, i think that sums it up! i'll make sure to collect cool stuff for you (if i do something) and show you after the hiatus.  i really love you, and i hope you enjoy the updates i'll post soon 🦌💜




Relax, rest, and recuperate. It’s been a hard series of retrogrades this year.


You know, there are 28 days of vacation per law for employees... So why not for you sweety <3 hf


Love you Fanta 💜 Please take care and enjoy your time off. You deserve it 😊


fanta 💕 I am so happy that you are doing what is best for your own wellbeing! I hope you can do so without worrying about how taking a well-deserved break might be seen by others. Those who truly support you will be here when you’re ready and the future work you do can only benefit from your self care. I put my money behind you here because I love what you create, not because of any patron rewards. I think others feel the same way! I’ll be cheering for you and looking forward to where your vision takes you in the days to come. Wishing you all good things! 💕


I’m excited for the update! And I’m happy you’ve decided to take a break for yourself 😚 It’s summertime! Enjoy yourself by doing what YOU want! (and stay cool over there, OMG!! 🔥) I do hope you’ll pop in on IG so we know how you are! But for now, take some time away and do thing that bring you joy, whether that’s drawing/sketching things you want to with no pressure OR not drawing at all! You haaave the poweeerrrr 💪🏻 Much love to you! We’ll see you when we see you! 😘❤️


Take all the time you need! Regardless of when, we will be here for you as you are a delight and treasure. Your beautiful art is worth waiting for.

Sky Strong

Good luck and enjoy you're time off! Your work is fantastic and you deserve a break. 💖


Heh finally you're thinkink of yourself!! 💕 I'm really proud of you, you managed to push to your art block and still finish what you had to do ❤ can't imagine how hard that must be, and the pressure that you must feel because you need to post something...sometimes we are to hard on ourself, and artists in general tend to be very harsh with the critique regarding themselves and it's affecting you more then what other people might say sometimes. So i hope you give yourself a little break on this holiday, you're doing such a great job with your art and your comic, and you worked really hard so hopefully you can be as proud of you as us, your readers are ❤ Hope you have a great time and do things that make you happy, without worrying about this. I'm sure you'll come back stronger and with a lot of great ideas, so everyone will only benefit from your little break. Sending you looots of love 🥰🥰😘😘


Good, take a break. I'm happy you're finally looking out for your own well being and it'll probably do you a lot of good ^-^ I personally don't care if you charge though. I have specific funds set aside for the artists I like supporting and I don't necessarily NEED something in exchange for it. I just wanna be able to help. <3 Enjoy your time off, love.


I know I'm mostly silently following your stuff (sadly! I want to comment more >_<) But anyway, take all the time you need to recover. Don't think of anything near Patreon or stuff like that and find back to you motivation <3 Noone will be mad and so you shouldn't be. :3 <3 <3 <3 <3 [Also I'm sorry I'm so bad with words D:]


Have a wonderful time off! You definitely deserve it. We'll be here for you when you're ready to come back! ♥️


As a Wisconsinite, I can definitely say that cheese is never useless and I feel hurt that you feel that way 🤕