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a while ago someone asked me if it would be okay if they get Noah's spirit form tattooed, and of course i'm super touched whenever someone decides to go for such a commitment with my designs and babies ; _; my heart.....

they had a certain pose in mind and they said it would mean a lot to them if i could design it directly. now i finally got around to do it, i tried out a few head perspective variants, and they were super excited when i showed them yesterday!! they decided to go for version no. 2 💕 i will line and color it soon, will also add some green leaves and tweak the proportions so it will look the best it can.

Noah does this thing where he crosses his paws in front of him often and i wanted to include this trait of him. i'm glad they want to keep it! like so:

tbh i really like both versions... i'm sure i will also line the first variant of it 💜

because it's a request i told them that it'd be nice if i could use it elsewhere, too, because as you know me, the amount of finished illustrations i can do next to comic pages is quite limited 😭 but they were happy to share 🦌🌸 so it could be that you'll see this motive as merchandise (prints with gold foil?? would look super cool i think) and in the comic one day! and i want to do a companion piece of Robin's spirit form with a similar pose, too.




These designs are so sweet. 💮 Personally, I'd totally go for a merchandise from design 2 too, after the wooden ones and the polaroid photo charms, I'm sure it would turn out nicely. 😊 The important thing is to enjoy the creating process. 🌸


A tatoo? That is so awesome, your drawings are soo good and i love your OCs! A tattoo would be soo good 😍


And now I want a tattoo of Robin's spirit form. Thanks for putting that in my head 😁


Awwww I love these!! He’s always such a cutie patootie in this form... ❤️❤️❤️


I want to see the tattoo when it’s finished! It’s going to be stunning I’m sure!! 😍❤️


Soooo beautiful!!!


Aww 😍


Pretty !