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started to work on scene 35 and the storyboard is progressing well so far! my plan for this week is to finish the storyboard for this scene, but then don't stop, and instead completely progress it until the end. until the end of what you ask? volume 2!!! 🔥 if everything works out like i planned, it'll be done with scene 35 and 36.

when the volume ends we'll be even deeper in the mess! and there's a certain thing i want to show, a movement between Robin and Noah of some sort, and i really hope i can draw it close to how i imagine it. good or bad? you'll see soon~

and then a new part will start, we'll completely change scenery, new characters will appear and such. i'm really excited, but also this will be a huge challenge for me! i'm going to try to improve my skills a bit more until then.

and just a heads up: even though volume 2 will be done i won't spend spring and summer with merchandise this year. for now i just want to steadily progress the story instead. 🦌 

i'll let you know when it's time to preorder volume 2 and other items again. <3 merchandise is a very time consuming task and currently i'm not able to do it. i need to find a solution on how to do it in the future, because last year i was already pretty much at my limit ;; and because i want to deliver best quality and check every book, add little sketches, and pack everything with love, i need to maybe find assistants etc first.

so for now, plans are:

🐌 finish and post scene 35 in March

🐌 begin to work on scene 36 in March (i'll show you wips of it, too 💕)

🐌 post scene 33 for public (tapas/wt) in March

🐌 requests (working on them one by one whenever i have time)

🐌 review/fix some character designs


🐌 NSFW (i'm craving so i hope i get to it)

🐌 fix past scenes and then open volume 2 preorder probably end of summer (you can sign up in my mailing list in case you haven't yet!)




im so excited to see what youve been working so hard on!!!! let the boys suffer


Fanta!! OMG! OMG! OMG! Yaaaayyyyy! Just assume I'm doing the human version of tippy taps in excitement for all the coming goodness ☺️ I'm anxious, but so excited to see the story progress and meet new characters. Does this mean we finally get to meet Marija?! As always I will encourage your NSFW efforts because I am such a thirsty fan.

Toxxic Ginger

I’m so excited to see where you’re taking this story! Will you also post progress on your merchandise here? I’ll be honest I never check my email. 😅


yep i will post everything here, from draft to how i work on them and then the finished things and you'll get to order first &lt;3 🦌 and like last year my patrons will get a discount, too!


many exciting things are waiting for you in the dark, stas...! 😈💕 and yes, it means Marija and the others will appear soon! and same, i'm so thirsty myself. it's really about time for NSFW again ; ; wish me luck!


skdfh they WILL suffer so hard, i won't let you down 😈💕😽💙


Love your style, love your (their) story. 💕 To be honest, I was hooked the first time I glanced at your artwork. The detail and depth of interaction you achieve between the characters, even the non-human ones, and the story line have me fascinated. Kudos to you, you're worth waiting for! 🌸🌼


thank you so much 💕😭💜 your words are so uplifting, i'm so thankful i have supporters like you who don't mind to wait a bit and see the worth of it, too! it gives me the time to really flesh the characters out and put in small details and interactions that would otherwise had to be sacrificed for speed. the characters carry the story and i'm just glad i get to do it like this thanks to you ;; &lt;3