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update time! 🌞 not angry, just worried. thank you for your support and i hope you'll like this update!




I freaking love this comic. Art is good, story is so well written I honesty wouldn't be surprised to see it in novel format, and you are such a freaking inspiration, I swear. Thanks for your amazing work. I only wish I could give more.


I was waiting for this to go up today!!! ❤️❤️❤️🎉


So much tension 😭 I can’t wait to see what happens though when Robin starts seeing the things Noah sees


Yeeeesssss look at these colours!!! These backgrounds!!! These beautiful boys!!!! This beautiful story!!! Your style. Is literally. The most beautiful thing I have ever experienced. You really just make everything kind of come to life it's incredible. I just wish I knew more about art to praise you better.. Thank you so much for sharing your work, this comic is my favorite comic. Ever. So really just, thank you. 💕


theyre so close to being honest but not quite there


I want to climb into your art and live there


So good as always fantaaa!


As things are beginning to unfold I get more and more impatient 😩 this is so interesting! If it was a TV series I'd binge-watch it!


What is this with Noah and dangerous places. I also want to know - so I'm glad he said something so honest about it. I love how honest they are with each other and they want to listen the other. This is where stories usually start to go downhill.. All that miscommunication. But it's not the case with Noah and Robin. They need each other and they show this. ❤️ I wonder why is Noah the one who feels stronger connection to his past/other self...


omg thank you so so much 😭💙 you're giving more than enough, not only your pledge but also your feedback is so motivating! really what i need. and i'm so happy it can inspire you a bit, too!


and i can't wait to show you!! 💜 it's getting harder to keep spoilers to myself ahh


you are so damn sweet i'm going to cry 😭😭😭 thank you so much 💘 reading you being so excited makes me so glad i started the comic and words like yours keep me going ;; it's exactly what i need today! i couldn't wish for a better way to get praised tbh and it reminds me why it's fun to create and to share it with others 🦌 i love you


omg stas 😭💘 are you prepared to be surrounded by random moths at any given time? if yes... you're invited


believe me, i'm getting really impatient too and i wish i could show you right away! it's getting hard to keep all the secrets so i need to be reeeally careful of what i say hahah. and yes i agree, miscommunication often can go on for way too long, to the point where it doesn't make sense anymore that they don't talk to each other. tbh i stopped reading some stories because of that issue ;; but i'm glad it shows they need each other (so much) 💜 thank you!!


Well, eventually, I will be joining your $10, but I wanna support your partner kandismon too, so it'll be a bit haha And I'm happy to give feedback, especially if it helps with motivation. ^-^ I'm well aware of how hard it can be to find sometimes.... -_- But, keep it up cause this is definitely a story that deserves to continue all the way to the finish line. :)


Poor boys treading the mysterious and prickly path not knowing yet what's ahead of them. *hug*