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in October i'll change small things about the remaining reward tiers and... 

discord server just for my babies (you) and me ?? would anyone be interested? I was thinking of setting up one for all my patrons where you could meet and talk to each other and to me of course if you'd like!

I was thinking of providing access to the channel to all my patrons to the general tab: screaming about the comic, screaming about memes, and i would sometimes show random wips there too. and when you pledge 5 dollars or 10 or more you can tell me and i'll give you a role / access into the creative support

okay i'm not sure if i'll really call it creative support, but it would be a channel where you could ask me any art related questions, where i would look at your work and help you through with something you're stuck on (redline anatomy for example) and i could give you feedback on your drawings or projects or help you with comic paneling or anything that comes to mind. or you could just scroll through the resources i'd add from time to time and look for inspiration (extra motivation)!

would that be something you'd like to join? I'd love to chat with you all, besides throwing "thank yous" at you randomly! and i'd be there, probably not 24/7, but i'd check in there more often just to talk to you for a bit.

basically a simple group chat just for the Ghost Lights fandom. let me know (simple by just liking this post here ⬇ or just scream at me in the comments), and if you have any questions, suggestions or ideas i'm open for anything right now

EDIT: HELL YEAH I'm so glad you're so excited about it!! we're gonna have our own Discord server, starting from October on! I'll post the link soon so you can join <3






Oh heck yes! I would totally be down with getting to know my fellow amazing fans and generally screaming about your beautiful boys with you 💖


*screams at you with full force* HECK YES!!!!!!!!


Wwwwooooooo!!!!!! Yes. That.


This sounds so amazing!! I'm so excited for it. :D


Woohoo!! Good to see this taking flight. Will be fun to meet other fans, speak to them live, and share what we like 😃




Das klingt toll x3 Ich persönlich finde schön das (wenn ich denn dann mal etwas zu Papier bringen würde) dich um Rat fragen könnte. Sowas ist immer schön und finde ich sehr lieb x3 Danke für die Möglichkeit :3


Oooh, sounds fun :D


It's really a great idea! I would participate!


Yes!!! I really have to join there as well!