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It's that time again! The changing of the guard!

Short version:

* Issue 3 download is going away on friday/saturday, download here  https://www.patreon.com/posts/escapades-issue-21284625
* If you ever lose your copy, just message me for a replacement
* If you've made a  $10 pledge in August, September, October or November 2019, you'll receive a copy of Issue 4 in December 2019 even if you're no longer a $10 Patron at that time

Long version:

The download for Escapades Issue 4 will soon be replacing the one for Issue 3, so if you've somehow not grabbed your copy already, now's the time!


I'll be retiring 3's download on the 30th, but of course, if you're reading this at the time of posting (Nov 2019), you're always entitled to a replacement anytime in the future should the need arise - just send me a message whenever, and I can easily go back through the Patron registers for previous months to confirm eligibility.

On that same note, again, if you're reading this in Nov 2019, you're also already entitled to a copy of Issue 4 since, while it's going to be releasing in early December, it was supposed to be out a long while back (I'd initially hoped for August!  (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ )  - so I figure you've already paid for your copy, kinda like putting down a deposit. As such, should you want/need to lower or cancel your pledge before next month for any reason, there's absolutely no risk in doing so; when Issue 4 gets released, I'll be checking the confirmed pledges for previous months (August onwards, inclusive) and sending out Dropbox copies to anyone who might no longer be able to view the post here on Patreon when the time comes.

Phew! Okay! Back to work! Chugging away at shading and backgrounds! 




I have 2 and 3, but how might I get 1? :3


1 is here: https://www.deviantart.com/wossarem/art/ESCAPADES-Issue-1-8-Instant-Download-552216631


Aha, thankee! I actually have read that issue, so I must have purchased it a while ago. I'll just have to see if I can find it....


Try searching your emails for "pulley", "oronjo" or "escapades" - if you can find a transaction ID I can find your purchase from that. Alternately, tell me the email address you would have used when purchasing (can privately message it), and I can likely find the purchase details on my end. :)