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Voting opened at 22:41 GMT on November 25th. Timer set to end at 22:41pm GMT on November 29th.  

As always, you can vote for as many characters as you want, and more ideas are also welcome in the comments! Please take a moment to go through the currently submitted ideas too, as there are some real neat ones!

Akali (KDA) - " I'd like to suggest K/DA Akali again as a follow up/companion to the Ahri and Evelynn piece that won this time last year! Perhaps featuring Kai'sa so the gangs all there.

I'd suggest Akali knelt down with a pole used to spread her legs apart and her arms hooked around another pole, plus featuring the same nice heavy shibari Ahri got treated to. Gag wise, maybe one of the gagbust designs you did, but a nice big ballgag seems ideal for a singer.  

Here is hoping she gets 1st place, it'd make a great follow up to the other K/DA piece and I think she'd look fantastic in your style.  https://imgur.com/a/vRBtD2n  "

Aria Warden- " This month a friend asked that I submit her OC - Aria Warden ( https://www.deviantart.com/aria-warden/gallery/67479395/commissions-and-gifts ) in a tight, possibly shiny situation involving layers of tape, latex, straps and anything else they can throw at her for a nice, tightly bound package. "

Bea- " Bea from Pokemon Sword https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/511/510/2c9.jpg.

How about tied down with lots of heavy gym equipment, like two very heavy weights to her ankles and her wrists bound to a weight lifting bar and a chest harness with more weights "

Chigusa Nana - "Character - Chigusa Nana (Nana to Kaoru)
Pose - sta.sh/0kjbfn8nku3
Outfit - sta.sh/21qzvugrqaxj?edit=1
Gag/Expression - sta.sh/2l9gquysyw2?edit=1
Setup - Looks like a image sent via phone. Nana saying "Come home soon Kaoru" through her gag. "

Claudia- " Claudia from Dragon Prince. A good idea would be to have her cast a binding spell that backfired on her tying her up instead.  https://dragonprince.fandom.com/wiki/Claudia/Gallery "

Flora - " I would like to nominate Flora from "The Collector". The upcoming visual novel by Heartgear!


I'd love to see her tied up in a certain way while wearing this pop-idol outfit  


I'm not sure how to bind her up if she wins first place besides a lot of rope or tape, if something comes to me I will edit this!

if by some strange luck she ends up in *THIRD* place, I only request that she keeps her fox ears instead of rabbit ears. And she be placed in a kind of golden bird cage. I think that would look nice~. [Wossa note: I assume you're actually referring to the "bunnybust base" pics that sometimes pop up for 4th-5th place - no need to worry as it's unlikely that there will be bunnybusts this month anyway]

I nominate this character with permission from Heartgear herself, using references images that are publicly available on her deviantart page.  "

Jinx- " I'm gonna go with Jinx from League of Legends http://na.leagueoflegends.com/sites/default/files/upload/art/jinx_wallpaper.jpg Maybe something other than being tied with her own hair though, cause that's too obvious. Finally caught by the fine police officers Caitlyn and Vi maybe?  https://ddragon.leagueoflegends.com/cdn/img/champion/splash/Caitlyn_0.jpg Cait https://am-a.akamaihd.net/image?f=https%3A%2F%2Funiverse-meeps.leagueoflegends.com%2Fv1%2Fassets%2Fimages%2Fimage-gallery%2Fvi_piltover_enforcer_final_concept.jpg&resize=:1200 Vi "

Kairi- " Kairi in her Supergroupies outfit, though with her longer hair from KH2. I'll leave the scenario up to you Wossa. https://images.khinsider.com/KINGDOM%20HEARTS%20III/Artwork/Characters/Super%20Groupies%20KairiB.png https://www.khwiki.com/images/3/30/Kairi_KHII.png "

Lara Croft - " Lets try Lara Croft this week from her new reboot design. Maybe she was ran afoul of a mummy's curse while exploring a tomb in Egypt and is getting tightly wrapped up with bandages.

https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/intermediary/f/38878616-d58a-4496-ab27-9f991ac7b3ce/dch0l8h-4c088386-e50c-4602-96cf-a31ab9de0066.png/v1/fill/w_1600,h_900,q_80,strp/getting_stronger__tomb_raider_2013__by_michelemouse_dch0l8h-fullview.jpg  "

Marnie - " Gonna submit the new Pokemon rival Marnie. Open for suggestions for scenario  

http://imgur.com/gallery/jTYZC8j "

Mary Poppins - " Gonna make a strange submission. It's november....and raining in my area...and raining...and raining some more. So I am going to submit someone with an umbrella. Mary Poppins. I prefer Julie Andrews, but Emily Blunt was fine as Mary Poppins  even if the movie was meh.
So what if one of Mary's dates went wrong and he decided to tie her up practically perfectly in every way, or the children decided to give her a taste of a her own medicine, some sugar added.



https://akns-images.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/20181118/rs_1024x683-181218074643-1024.mary-poppins-returns.121818.jpg?fit=inside|900:auto&output-quality=90 "

Misato Katsuragi - " Well seeing how awesome your Totally Spies fan poll "trilogy" was (plus the RWBY DiD art "series"), I'll put my vote towards a sequel for this Evangelion pic:

Misato should be bound and gagged even tighter than Asuka was (preferably w/ the same materials), perhaps in a hogtie so the redheaded pilot can stand over her and gloat. And of course a label over the gag to further embarrass the NERV officer. I wonder what she'd write?
[Wossa note: I've included the ref with the 'at home' casual outfit due to the proposed context of the pic, but reserve the right to go with the black dress should I feel like it ;) ]

Nia- " The best fekkin Welsh catgirl in Alrest, Nia from Xenoblade Chornicles 2. https://sta.sh/0exseixqnjd Before the events of the game, she and her blade were constantly on the run, constantly being captured. She probably is captured by some nation for reasons unknown. Or maybe the gang tied her up because she can't stop dancing during battle https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G-s3ul_N0j0 https://media1.tenor.com/images/67f303d512a0b6c06843be1a91cdee44/tenor.gif?itemid=13253394 "

Princess Peach- " Princess peach from the Mario Brothers and Super Mario Bro’s, even Smash Bro’s series  (https://we-are-peach.fandom.com/wiki/Princess_Peach_Toadstool) in a samus Aran zero suit. (http://www.game-art-hq.com/wp-content/uploads/Samus-Aran-Zero-Suit-Smash-bros-4-WiiU-3DS-Game-Art.jpg) the trophy of Ridley, bowser or even princess samus by heartgear  (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/86/4d/92/864d9269796ae98aec19ebc909168797.png). "




Ohhh, tough choices. Makes me glad I can vote for multiple options! :)


Great selection! (Also feel free to hit me up on Discord about the confusion part, Wossa!)


Oops, I left that Wossa Note unfinished! Sorry, jumping about between submission descriptions and got all muddled up. Er, so, I was gonna say that my confusion was about the fact that I had previously ballgagged her https://www.deviantart.com/wossarem/art/January-2019-3rd-Place-Akali-803556934 but the submission was sounding like a ballgag was a new alternative to previous gags, I see now that you were thinking of the mask-image gags as entirely separate entities when in my head this whole gag 'sequence' is actually just 'one' gag to me since the mask simply went over the ballgag and... oof, my wires are kinda crossed at the moment. Sorry for the hassle...! ^^;


No worries! I probably could've worded it a lot better than I did, sorry for causing confusion!