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Queen Samus takes her rightful throne!

A few changes were made from Bows(ette)'s throne, since she's apparently absconded it.

Also attached is an alt for a hood/mittens design based on this Bowser-hood Peach got but as the pic went on I wasn't really digging it, and settled on the throne itself getting the suit-inspired tweaks rather than Samus herself.




Yeeeeeeesssssss!!! Queen Samus is the best Bondage Queen!


Good call not using the hood design for the final drawing, it's so much cuter to see Samus's exasperated expression (plus this way it's as if her identity as Samus has been "stripped away" for the sake of showcasing her new identity as a, no THE queen). I bet Heartgear would be quite impressed with how you've managed to incorporate Princess Samus into this mini-story. Clearly being crowned the ruler of Koopa Kingdom is a rather restrictive experience (I wonder if her new subjects had to add all those chains, based on what they know about Samus's fighting ability?) The fact that the throne is glittering old and elaborately carved just focuses the point that this is a gilded cage for Samus; she's not going anywhere when settled and restrained under lock and key.

Trevor Bond

All I can think of is her going 'We are NOT amused!', lol!


Oops, I totally broke this one while trying to edit it, and now I can't even get back into the edit page. Big oof. This image of a consenting role play scenario can be found in the July 2019 Dropboxes: Standard: https://www.patreon.com/posts/dropbox-link-res-28480583 High: https://www.patreon.com/posts/dropbox-link-res-28480581