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Aeria hasn't forgotten Dr Wossy's treatment plan for getting the best night's sleep.  ( ´ ▽ ` )b 




It's a very secure (i.e. restrictive) treatment. But hey, Doctor's orders! I love how the spider-lady gets distracted by Wossy and Aer's tearful reactions to her life story; the line ""I'm sorry I proved you right!" could suggest that she's still not quite used to being treated as an equal by other people, ever since Ameline's death. The facial reactions just get better and better, too. From Wossy and Aer crying over their former foe's past, to Aer's "Embarrassing Meee!" face, your style for each is wonderful. Not to mention their faces in Wossy's own flashback pic (and the spider-lady's blushing reaction to learning about Aer's "bedtime procedure"). Snug doesn't even begin to cover that beautiful bedsheet bundle. Once again, your blending of comedy and drama is excellent, bondage and all! I keep thinking "This comic is so awesome" only to realize that we still have to look forward to seeing it in color. All the more reason to cherish this masterpiece-in-progress right now! Based on the last panel, the ending to this issue of Escapades is sure to be one to remember...


Ah, regarding your last line about the ending, don't get your hopes up too high! All the 'fun stuff' is pretty much done now. ;) The guest pic, on the other hand... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


Everything about your comic is fun, DiD-centered or not! Definitely curious about the guest pic now, though...


Well, not eeeeevery night. Actually might add a tiny little mumble-bubble to Aer's outburst, like "WOSSY, YOU'RE EMBARASSING MEEEE! (...and it's not EVERY night!)" :p


People have their nightly routines, it just happens that Aer's is rather lengthy.