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But there's still hope!




Nice little callback to the second page of the first post with the third page of this one (no locks can keep them apart). Also great to see how the magic in display here provides a solution of sorts, but not in a way that cheapens the horrifying effect of the earlier Archmage's punishment; while the spider-lady's body may be dead, her soul lives on as a character from her book prison (if I had to guess, I'd say the one Ameline chose was her favorite character to honor her resurrected companion). Also intriguing to see that Ameline sheds a tear while her father lays dying/dead in his bed; like she's sad that he's gone but also relieved, b/c this opens up the way for her to learn how to bring her friend back (now that the ex-Archmage isn't around to stop her?) Thanks for this little bright spot of hope by the way! These characters have been through too much already...although I'm pretty sure the tearjerking moments won't end here.