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This will be a very eventful year for General Hostility.



Xi Jinping’s MASTER PLAN for Domination

Chinese leader Xi Jinping is hoping to make himself presitator for life—equal parts dictator and president. Xi is locked in a battle for control of the country, especially its internal security apparatus called the PLAC, with former Chinese leader and toadman Jiang Zemin. Watch this episode of China Uncensored for more on Xi Jinping's master plan for domination, coup attempts against him, and why China's police force gets more funding than its military. YouTube demonetizes our channels, we need your support! https://www.patreon.com/ChinaUncensored https://chinauncensored.locals.com We also accept bitcoin! https://chinauncensored.tv/bitcoin Buy our merchandise! https://chinauncensored.tv/merchandise Make sure to share this video with your friends! ______________________________ Subscribe for updates: youtube.com/ChinaUncensored?sub_confirmation=1 ______________________________ Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChinaUncensored Facebook: https://facebook.com/ChinaUncensored Instagram: https://instagram.com/ChinaUncensored And check out the China Unscripted podcast! https://youtube.com/chinaunscripted ______________________________ © All Rights Reserved.


Tony Chopkoski

We need movies/shows making fun of the CCP...here's one...a PLA soldier running, running...in the distance...he hasno guy and is sweating profusely...the camera comes in on his face...and he is muttering to himself..."The Taiwanese weren't supposed to fight...." and so forth...We need our own "soft" war materials...

Tony Chopkoski

It would be great to have Superheros against China but the cowardice shown will not let that happen.


With a jawline that strong, i dont see any possible way Xi fails.

Joe King

Eyes too close together means oversight changes meaning for xi