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In case you missed it, Matt, Shelley, and I also cut up our hour long China Unscripted podcast into smaller highlights for easy digestion. This one is shocking. How can we ever hope to defeat the Chinese Communist Party's unrestricted warfare if they make all our medicine?!


PS you won't be charged for podcast content here.


How Contaminated Chinese Medicine Kills Americans

Remember when Americans were dying because Chinese made blood thinner Heparin was contaminated with ROCKET FUEL?!?! And yet today, China dominates the global medical supply chain. This is a highlight from the full China Unscripted interview with Rosemary Gibson, co- author of China Rx: Exposing the Risks of America's Dependence on China for Medicine—How China Took Control of American Medicine https://youtu.be/uddZNwbvu6U



If things get bad enough, but short of an all-out war between us, they will cut off medical supplies as a form of blackmail to get what they want. Thousands may die as a result. Not a very good prospect, is it?


Recently the FDA said that country of origin was no longer required on food and other products. "Food" for thought? Lol. Does that put the FDA in collusion with the ccp?